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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. http://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10440?page=2 <-- check out Samuel and Sage on that page... and Leroy on page 3 http://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10440?page=3 - they look like short coated BC's T.
  2. My Lab's pups some years ago weighed in at 500g each at birth - and she had 9 of them! They grew at a rate of knots too, probably because my girl had mega boobies to rival Dolly Parton's... The largest pup in that litter weighed 9.3 kgs at 10 weeks old. My vet adopted one of the smaller males, and he ended up at around 36kgs lean... so I don't think Katdogs' Buddha Boy is doing too badly there... lol! It will be funny to see him and my pup playing together when he's had all his shots - she's 8 weeks older than him, so she might be reasonably even with him when they can play. T.
  3. I'm pretty certain that she's going to have her current eye colour forever... just one a darker shade than the other. I don't mind though - she has very pretty eyes I reckon... especially when she sits so nicely and looks up at me wanting a cuddle... *grin* T.
  4. PR don't have insurance... and they claim to be "facilitators", not an actual "rescue" group. Their site says they will facilitate a foster carer getting a dog from the pound, then put said carer "in touch" with a local rescue group. Basically, they absolve themselves of any and all liability for their actions by doing it that way. Once the animal is out of "their" pound(s), it is someone else's problem... T.
  5. These pups are in NSW, but may suit your requirements... http://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10440 There are actually 3 pages there... check out the BC cross pups in particular. T.
  6. You are going to have to rename him to Buddha methinks.... hehehehe! T.
  7. Until your friend has had to hold a dog while it is given it's wings due to it being totally unsuitable for rehoming, even after months of rehabilitation efforts, she will never know how reputable rescue REALLY works. There are sound reasons why reputable and ethical rescues opeate the way they do. In rescue there are 2 main truths... 1. Not every pound animal should be "saved". 2. The measure of a reputable and ethical rescue is NOT how many animals they save, but how well they do it. It is never easy for a reputable rescuer to go into a pound and see all the animals there, then leave without taking any of them - but the reality is that is what we must do sometimes. We DO know exactly what happens to those we can't take (for the record), and really don't need armchair "rescue" upstarts preaching at us when they really don't care to understand the consequences of getting it "wrong" (both for the animals AND the public). T.
  8. 20kg already?!?!?! Him's is gonna be HUGE when he's finished! Huge... but VERY handsome! *grin* T.
  9. Awwww... cuteness personified... T.
  10. Both of her ears are sitting nicely now - it just happened overnight last night. ... and I've been looking at her eyes more carefully, and yes, they are slightly different shades of blue. The right one is more grey/blue, and the left one is lighter blue. I think they are both pretty though... *grin* She is such a good girl in the mornings when I have to go to work... she puts herself into her day crate (big enough for a great dane) and waits for me to give her a chicken wing before I leave. When I get home, she waits for me to let her out of the crate and feed the other 3 dogs, then we have cuddle time... She is also learning not to jump up for cuddles. She has to sit and look up at me before she gets picked up... any jumping gets the response "sit", and when she does, then we have cuddles. She's a boot bandit - so I've taken to putting my ugg boots and work boots out of her reach until she can show a little more restraint... lol! She's very tactile - loves pawing at things before putting her mouth on them. When she decides to mouth my fingers when I'm playing with her, she is very gentle - never actually puts much pressure down. T.
  11. ... and there's the rub... *sigh* Funny how so many of the PR groupies aren't quite up to actually taking in all of these dogs themselves... but are quite happy to put upon others to do so. Armchair rescuers really give me the irrits... grrr! T.
  12. And the same rules will apply if Milo decides to use Tonka as a chew toy... *grin* T.
  13. Nothing can slow down their "saving" process... don't you understand?? To waste time you could be using to "save" more and more animals from the evil pound system... never!! (tongue firmly in cheek here) Any transport company that is shipping animals straight from a pound is also negligent. I wonder what their other customers would think if they knew what potential diseases their animals were coming into contact with? T.
  14. You have no idea how excited Katdogs is... she can't keep the grin off her face... lol! I'm giving her and Stevie plenty of puppy cuddling and playing experience with my latest addition too - just so they'll be well ready for Sammy when he comes home... *grin* Lara and bubs are looking great Tapua, but can I ask one question? How the heck do you get Lab hair off the vetbed? T.
  15. That is one HEALTHY looking "little" man Katdogs! Stevie's going to have competition for first finished dinner methinks... lol! T.
  16. I just met the little man in question... and he's evry bit as sweet at Katdogs says. A little timid at first, but warms up to you quickly - especially if you stroke his chest or tummy. He's off to the pound now so that his owners have the best chance of finding him if they are looking... T.
  17. Looks like you'll be going for another walk later... if those eyes are anyting to go by... lol! T.
  18. My mum has a great method fro disposing of wasp nests... She gets out the barrel vacuum cleaner, sprays bug killer into it, then sucks all the wasps into it - then she just plucks the nest down and chucks it in the bin. Dad tried to vacuum them once without putting the bug spray in first... let's just say he won't try it again... the wasps all came back out the hose and they weren't happy... T.
  19. Woohoo!! I get to come over to YOUR place for puppy cuddles for a change... lol! T.
  20. Her eyes are both the same shade of blue... must just be the lighting... it was overcast this morning when I took the last lot of photos. She is foster failure number 2 - Pickles was foster failure number 1, and was foster pup number 45 (2 years ago!). I think I'm into the triple digits on the numbers of fosters I've had now... *grin* The other 3 permanent residents think she's just fine and dandy. Zeddy allows her to snuggle up to her if my lap isn't available, Pickles loves bossing her around and stealing her toys but also lets her chew on her tail, and Trouble is trying to teach her how to do zoomies - but poor little Harper can't quite keep up yet... lol! When I had to send my heart dog Woosie to the Bridge back in 2004, I thought I'd never feel the same way about another dog... that I was supremely blessed to have had a dog that completely entwined herself into my soul and tore my heart to shreds when she had to leave this life before me... ... but I think that Harper may just be another heart dog for me... She has picked me as her one and only, and the feeling is pretty darned mutual. I don't know what good deed I've done to be worthy of this kind of bond to happen TWICE in my lifetime, but I am truly grateful to be given another heart dog to love and share my life with. Not that I love any of my other dogs any less, but that "special" bond is just different, you know? T.
  21. Worst case scenario is that if you call the local police, they will send around a paddy wagon to take him to the night pens at the RSPCA... they did for me when the lovely Husky turned up on my doorstep at 5am one morning and I couldn't keep him here until the pound opened. T.
  22. Luka is only getting more handsome by the day... T.
  23. she spent her first night here on her own (without any of her littermates) last night and coped beautifully. We had couch cuddles and fell asleep together, then when I decided to crawl off to bed and popped her into her night crate, she only grizzled for about 2 minutes before settling down to sleep. No messes overnight, and she trotted off out to the back yard to do her wees and poos once I let her out of the crate. We've had one wee accident inside so far, and that was right near the back door - she almost made it all on her own... lol! She has taken herself outside again for a wee and poo since then though. What a smart baby she is... and only 8 weeks old today! T.
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