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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. OK - here are some of my Lab girl Trouble... ... and a couple of Pickles the disabled Camp Dog... ... and some of my fosters/rescues along the way... T.
  2. I keep my dogs inside when I'm not home. Maybe the owner could try that? If they are worried about damage to the house while the dogs are in there, they could invest in a couple of large cage crates... T.
  3. Finding a vet that will give you an account is way better than insurance... *grin* T.
  4. Thank your lucky stars there aren't 10 of them Tapua... *grin* T.
  5. Getting closer to pickup time... how many more sleeps Katdogs? T.
  6. Izzy has a nicer butt than Psy... lol! T.
  7. The only dog I've ever owned that got hot spots, also got pretty severe flea allergy dermatitis - one flea bite was all it would take to have all his back end hair fall out... he was a Rotti. T.
  8. That's OK Chicken - when things are working out for you, give us a yell, alright? T.
  9. Do the Frenchies realise how big Luka is? His paw is nearly as big as Izzy's head... lol! T.
  10. I have heard similar stories from folk who've had a dog maim or kill another one of theirs. Under those circumstances it would be hard to feel the same about a dog I think. I have no doubt that my Labrador would maim or kill my Rotti/Pittie cross if they were ever to be allowed to get into a scrap again. They both stll bear the scars from their last fight a few years ago, which is a constant reminder to me of why they are separated. On the other hand, I couldn't rehome either of them either - as I know exactly what they are capable of if triggered off. Good thing I love them both to death and can manage to keep them here and keep them separate... but don't think all those evil thoughts about one or both of them didn't cross my mind after the last fight they had... T.
  11. Raspberries has a p in it ;) Not if you are a dog doing the spelling... *grin* T.
  12. Woohoo!!! Way to go Penni and Jake... you can have play dates! Only Leroy is left from the 2 litters... and he has interest... T.
  13. Even though 2 of my girls will fight to the death over the silliest little thing they both may want, I love them both just as much as before. I just set a routine in place so that they aren't together ever, and we all get along just fine... T.
  14. Having a choice for an "unknown" and "unknown" as the breed mix would be a great start. The chip forms only allow for a pure (single breed) or an F1 cross to be entered... and there lies the reason for rescue to ask these "what breeds do you see in xxx?" threads... It sucks on so many levels that the chip forms are so restricted. Personally, I'd love to be able to enter our boy as "scruffy" cross "mutt" on his chip... lol! T.
  15. Actually Pav Lova, the microchip registry only allows for a breed and possibly one cross option - therefore we can't just ID a dog as a "mutt" or "crossbreed" when doing the chip paperwork. The pound has chipped him as a Scotty cross. It's just a bit of fun at this stage to play the guessing game with what may be in his mix though, wouldn't you agree? Considering that we've had a Staffy/Malt cross from this particular pound before (chipped before it entered the pound no less) - this boy could be anything... *grin* What really matters is that this young fellow is a really sweet little tank of a man who will probably be a really nice addition to someone's family... he's just such a nice lad. T.
  16. Thank you glemhaith... he's a cutie anyways though, don't you think? T.
  17. If I didn't know that Jodie would freak out in one, I'd suggest a muzzle... *grin* The other alternative could be to separate the girls when you can't supervise them... just when Stevie has a healing hot spot - to give it a chance to start to heal... T.
  18. Both nature AND nurture play their own roles in how a dog will "turn out"... no 2 pups from any litter will end up exactly the same in temperament/behaviour - whether they be from pure stock or mixed. A little off topic... there was a book/movie some time ago called "The Boys From Brazil" where the basis of the story was that some scientists had cloned Hitler genetically, but they realised thet to get the complete "replica" of the man, they had to also ensure that the clone children had to have the exact same experiences during their lives. Scary movie, but somewhat educational in its theme... T.
  19. My dogs would rather a drive around the block than a walk... lazy buggers! As for the suggestions of a good first time dog... how about a retired Greyhound? T.
  20. Somehow I don't think they will publicise where the new kennel facility is... *grin* T.
  21. Dog only knows what a stranger would think of my disabled girl Pickles... she's a one of a kind type of dog... lol! Zeddy is terrified of thunderstorms, but has never been shut outside in her life - I'm sure a stranger with good intentions might want to believe that she'd been locked outside in a storm... Zeddy and Trouble do not like being in a kennel environment, and will try any trick in the book to get out of one. Pickles and Harper couldn't care less, so may give the impression that they'd been kenneled extensively... again, not true - they are couch potatoes of the highest order... Trouble is a clown, and will try to prove to people that she has had no obedience training - until you put a collar on her... then she knows it's time to behave. Zeddy is older and more sedate these days, but she also knows that collar = behave appropriately... Pickles' disability dictates that she wears a harness to go out - super sensitive spots on her neck preclude the use of any collars. You put a collar on her and she will continue spasmic back leg scratching until she falls over... and even then will often continue to scratch while prone. Even if you touch that spot, her leg goes off on it's merry dance... *sigh* Harper is only 11 weeks old, but she is mummy's girl - quite aloof with strangers... even people she knows well. She's my new heart dog... *grin* T.
  22. He was chipped by the regional pound he ended up in... so the guesses here are just as valid as theirs, no? T.
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