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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. But they do look good in them... as well as the safety aspects if they fall overboard... My cousin and his wife are big on sailing, and their dog has her own life jacket... especially as she has a habit of trying to jump over to any boat her mum happens to be on... lol! T.
  2. It's a kind of common sense game really - if you don't know the foster carer well on a personal basis, then you'd maybe want to vet both them and the dog appropriately when deciding on placing a dog with them. Some long term foster carers will actually choose the dogs from the pound themselves - they will have facilities for quarantine, etc... but a first time carer may not have thought all of the possible ramifications through before sticking up their hands for a dog to care for. I recommend Shmoo's Foster Carer Manual... http://www.fostermanual.com/ - worth every cent... and more! T.
  3. Most reputable ones will definitely make sure that the foster carer is not lumped with a dog they can't handle... That said, some foster carers are experienced enough to make their own judgement calls. T.
  4. Never underestimate the resourcefulness of a dog... lol! T.
  5. They seem to be endorsed fully by the AWL for the photos taken at Kellyville pets... the AWL are advertising the dates... http://www.awlnsw.com.au/santaphotos.html T.
  6. Trouble loves water... does it show? T.
  7. It was stinking hot here today, so I got out the hose and the clam shell... Zed's job is to try to tell the water to go back into the hose... Harper isn't so fussed on this getting wet lark... ... and was rather concerned by Trouble's enthusiasm for the pool... Photos of Trouble thoroughly enjoying herself coming up...
  8. This one is gold! Look mum - I can walk on water... wheee! T.
  9. Oh I do - Tua my big black girl had a litter of 12 ... all black. ... and here's me thinking that I had my hands full when Trouble had 9... lol! All black then too... (Trouble is yellow - and looked to have been a right trollope with 9 black munchkins... *grin*) T.
  10. Best get well vibes are coming at Puppy Sniffer from me and the 4-legged fans here... Oh... and little Harper sends her very best puppy breath kisses for making things feel better... T.
  11. If I have a single foster pup, I'll also put a largish teddy bear in their bed for them to snuggle up to - mainly for the comfort of a bed-mate similar to having a sibling to cuddle up to. This works pretty well to help settle them. T.
  12. This happens a lot... and I reckon it's lovely that they think of the rescue dogs so kindly in their own time of grief. Yep - this one happens a lot too - but you have to admit, we do see a lot of things in rescue that the average pet owner doesn't. T.
  13. Note to self... have camera, have hose, have Labrador... need to buy sprinkler... lol! T.
  14. I even encourage strange dogs to give me a kiss... I really don't mind it at all... Good thing too, because Katdogs' Stevie is forever giving me kisses when I visit there - and she can do one whole side of your face with one slurp! T.
  15. I understand that fully Sheridan... I've owned intact dogs before, and been quite capable of preventing unwanted pregnancies. If I can manage it, then I'm pretty sure quite a few others can too... *grin* I will admit though, when I see other people out with their dogs, I will instinctively notice if a male is neutered or not... but it's not exactly a conversation starter... lol! I prefer my own dogs desexed nowadays - but that's my choice... T.
  16. He wouldn't even follow the Frenchies under it? T.
  17. 21. You completely understand the first 20 things on this list... errr! 22. Your vet actually calls YOU for advice on certain diseases/conditions I think I'm "guilty" of pretty much all of the things on the list... but I wouldn't have it any other way... *grin* T.
  18. My Lab makes the scariest noises when playing - but it's normal for her... and she's taught the camp dog and latest pup how to play "loud" tooo... nothing more annoying when I'm trying to watch TV and they are playing bitey face on the couch next to me... *sigh* T.
  19. That scary water thing on the grass... he's looking at it as if to say "what the heck is that?"... lol! T.
  20. The screaming... well... it comes down to who can last the longest... I foster pups, so occacionally I'll get a screamer... I just don't pay them any attention until they stop screaming. Unless they are really getting worked up to the point of hurting themselves while trying to escape their confines. Most pups work out pretty quickly that screaming for attention won't get them anywhere, but being quiet will get you coming to check on them MUCH more often... lol! I also have the luxury of having a granny flat out the back where I can set up their playpens. I stock the playpens with bedding, food, water, and a pile of toys - and they soon forget about asking for attention. I also have a quarter of my yard penned off as a dog yard - they have toys, bedding in a big shed, food, water, and usually I put more than one pup in there for playtimes. T.
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