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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Is Ina sick? Poor dear... what's wrong with her? T.
  2. Did you get any transfer of owner paperwork for their microchips? NSW CAR form is a C3B for transfer, and P1A for first implantation of the chip. You should have got at least the pink copy of one of those for each dog. The worry is that until you know that the dogs are actually in your name you can't legally rehome them. T.
  3. And searching for a size will? There are breed specific rescues and enough purebreds to warrant that AND enough breeds used in descriptions too Preaching to the converted here HW... I'd love their search to be better too. Just trying to proffer some form of reasoning as to why they won't do it... T.
  4. Greylvr, just a heads up, but neither chip number you have listed for your 2 dogs comes up on any register - do you have paperwork to go with them, or can you get a vet to scan the dogs to make sure they DO have chips and the numbers are correct? T.
  5. Until such time as Pet Rescue allows you to search by breed, I'd say it's a very frustrating place to start. I simply don't get that policy at all. Because most rescues are crosses presumably... so searching for a particular "breed" isn't necessarily going to find you what you are looking for. T.
  6. I'd still have to vacuum first... I have 2 dogs here who are shedding like there's no tomorrow - and I just don't think a microfibre rag would be up to the job... lol! T.
  7. Any day you want to put on a meet and greet, I'm in!!! I'd love to meet some more local fellow DOLers... T.
  8. The trick to getting a dog to use a kennel is to place it so that the dog can see all of the comings and goings from the entrance... if the kennel is in the back yard, face it so that it can see the back door... T.
  9. I'm hoping that I'll be at the head of the line to physically meet Sammy (after Stevie and Jodie of course) when he arrives safely at Katdogs' house... and you'll probably all hear the squeals of "OMG, he's just sooooo cute" when I do meet him... *grin* Boxing Day BBQ at Katdogs' house sounds good to me... her OH does cook a mean Barbie... T.
  10. Every good carer needs at least one foster failure... *grin* T.
  11. Got any Neocort? It has an anaesthetic element to it... Calamine? T.
  12. Victoria has so many new and crazy dog laws now... might be worth making sure you have them all covered, OK? T.
  13. Ummm, Greylvr - may I make a suggestion about the advertising of your charges? Victoria law states that you must include a microchip number when advertising a dog for sale/rehoming. You don't want the authorities coming down on you at this stage of the game, right? T.
  14. Euthanasia its far more humane than having a unsound dog live a life of misery. OK - you've given me another thing to like about you... *grin* None of my questioning in this thread has been done in malice. I am just genuinely trying to offer advice to help you get the most out of your venture. Rescue isn't a competition - even though sometimes it feels like it is - we are all trying to do the same thing, rehoming dogs well. Not everyone is going to agree with the methods we use to achieve the goal of rehoming our charges to great forever homes, but the goal of all good and honest rescues is the same, yes? Those of us who've been in this game a while can get a little jaded and appear to be suspicious of new ventures - but you just have to look at groups farming out dogs willy nilly like PR does, and you can probably start to understand why we act the way we do. I'm willing to bet that PR didn't check out anything about you or your new venture before happily sending you a dog (or 2) - surely that should ring some alarm bells? Would you send a dog to anyone you hadn't checked out quite thoroughly, and most probably in person? The 2 dogs they shipped to you don't sound like they had spent any time together - what if they decide that they DON'T like each other and you are stuck contending with that scenario around your young children and your cat? I truly hope you don't get stuck with an untenable situation if you deal with PR. T.
  15. Actually Plan B - there IS quite a bit of first hand reporting about the Pound Round issues... from people who have been stung by them after having a completely unsuitable dog shipped to them, to people who have been harassed and threatened by them for voicing their concerns about PR's practices... But it's all about "saving" the dogs from the evil pound system, isn't it? I think the most valuable lesson many in rescue tend to have to learn the hard way is that not every animal should be "saved"... May I ask Greylvr, what are your plans for dogs that turn out to be unrehomable? T.
  16. I'd be asking the vet why they are so worried about their own quarantine procedures that they are afraid of healthy dogs coming into the clinic for an X-ray... I'd take my own dog for the X-ray anyway - just ask them to follow proper protocol before handling your dog if they've been in with the Parvo dog. If the problem is one that requires fast intervention, then you'd be kicking yourself for waiting. T.
  17. I wouldn't discount some of the "older" Labs either... my 7 year old still plays like she's 12 months old... crazy dog... *grin* T.
  18. If you want to see the cutest Frenchie pups Cougar - go find the thread titled "It started with a kiss..." in this forum... they are to die for! T.
  19. TWO whole weeks without a Luka photo update... I'm getting withdrawals here!! Got any cute Christmas ones of him FM?? T.
  20. I'd still be double checking all paperwork regarding ownership of any dog sent to you by Pound Rounds... better safe than sorry. Much as it may sound like it, we aren't trying to bag you here - we are genuinely trying to make sure you aren't stung by a group that has a pretty poor track record when it comes to placement of dogs. Which dog came to you from Pound Rounds? Ina or Lucky? T.
  21. Has she been desexed yet, and do you have any of her paperwork (chip registration, desex certificate, vaccination certificate, etc)??? If you haven't got, or haven't been offered those things, then you ARE actually fostering for Pound Rounds... Who is the dog chipped to? You, or someone else? Have they started/done the transfer of ownership on said chip yet? If she came from NSW she will be chipped on the NSW CAR register - and you need to get her transferred to your own name before you can rehome her. T.
  22. That's a regular occurrence around here - so much so that I don't even bother with finding gloves any more... I just make sure to wash my hands well afterwards! T.
  23. Even if you choose to disregard any of the other advice in this thread... the one thing you REALLY don't want to do is get involved with Pound Rounds. They look and sound great on the surface, but that's where it stops... the horror stories aren't fiction. Crossing fingers you don't get too badly burned by them. T.
  24. Hmmm Katdogs... and you encourage me to let Stevie "kiss kiss" me... you're only making sure my immune system gets a regular boosting, aren't you? Zeddy used to love my old girl Woosie's poos so much that she'd follow Woosie around and eat it as it was coming out... that one really grossed my Mum out once when she came to stay... errr! T.
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