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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Sometimes old threads with good info could do with resurrecting now and then... never too late to learn from them, right? T.
  2. The only thing that can get Katdogs up that early on a Sunday morning is her new Lab puppy... hahahaha! I so hope they get home and have him sorta settled before I have to go out to dinner tonight... or I'm gonna have to wait yet another sleep before I can get my Sammy cuddles... ... but I finish work early tomorrow, so could get cuddles tonight AND tomorrow if the timing is good for it... *grin* Ummm... I just looked out the window... Sammy's HOME!!!! *waiting patiently now* T.
  3. None of my dogs are precious about bindii's - it's more interesting to keep playing. If I notice them limping I'll check and remove the offending prickle, but otherwise, they really don't stop playing at all. T.
  4. I had a sweet one this morning... feeding my lovely neighbour's dogs and one of them is totally tennis ball obsessed - but this morning decided that in between each throw of the ball, she needed cuddles... proper pick me up and smooch me cuddles at that! She's only about 15kgs, so I was happy to oblige... *grin* My latest puppy loves taking all of her toys out into the back yard and then wonders why her bed in the lounge room isn't magically repopulated with them... T.
  5. Run free and healthy Grumpy with the angels Grumpy... Big hugs to you Sheridan... T.
  6. Well - Miss Harper Long Legs is now just over 15kgs - at 16 weeks old! She almost fits into Pickles' travel harness now too. I think the only dog I've owned before that was a similar weight at the same age was my very tall and long Rotti boy - and he ended up being around 47kgs at a nice lean weight... errr! Pickles is around 14kgs, Trouble is 28kgs, and Zeddy is 30kgs - so as you can see, I'm not averse to having larger dogs. The largest foster pup I've had was a Dane/Ridgey boy who was 30kgs at 7 months old, so if Harper grows to be a very large girl, that's not an issue... but I may need to get me an even larger bed to fit them all on - I don't see a queen sized bed fitting them all if Harper gets anywhere near Dane sized... lol! T.
  7. Greylvr - you said you had run a rescue elsewhere for 11 years... surely you knew most of the problems that could arise from that experience, no? So what exactly went so horribly wrong in this case? Surely it couldn't have only been the narky neighbours and their yappy swf that caused the whole thing to unravel the way it has? T.
  8. Oh my! Aren't they all just the most divine things you've seen in ages? I hear that Master Samuel Lard Arse Esq is 8kgs... does he fit into the PP30 crate, or is he going to have to wear the harness for his car trip home? Harper is now 15kgs and somewhat taller than we thought she'd be - but she is a gentle girl when playing. She is being desexed on the 27th, so Sammy may need to wait a little bit before he can play with her - maybe next weekend... I have a couple of packets of the Bunnings compost system panels unopened and spare here Katdogs - if you need to make a playpen area for Sammy over Christmas, just come grab them, OK? T.
  9. Run free and healthy with the angels sweet Bella... T.
  10. Loving that smile! I only met her for a few hours of 1 day, but she managed to make a little warm spot in my heart that will stay with me forever. She is a truly nice dog in every way. T.
  11. I'd like to add that Katdogs and her husband are also some of the finest dog/pet owners I've had the privilege to meet. This pup is going to the best of homes... they also "get it" when it comes to raising great canine citizens - Stevie and Jodie are awesome and amazing dogs mainly due to the fact that they live with Katdogs and her husband. Sammy is in great hands... NO MORE SLEEPS!!!! Katdogs will be meeting her boy in the flesh today... I have one more sleep to wait before I get to meet him... but I get to play with Stevie and Jodie until then... so I can wait... *grin* T.
  12. Greylvr, may I suggest you take a small step back and look at this whole saga from a different perspective. Pretend you are not at the centre of the storm and read the whole thread (and the other one) from the perspective of one who now has some experience with the issues that can arise... pretend this isn't happening to you, but to someone else... what would your advice have been to them at the beginning - and what would your reaction have been to that person when it all went sour? You now have the luxury of 20-20 hindsight to draw upon... I would suggest that if you can't see the issues that were possibly going to happen from the start, that maybe you haven't learned some very valuable lessons about dog rescue in Australia, and maybe need to completely rethink all of your strategies from scratch. Simply moving to somewhere different won't resolve some of the fundamental mistakes that have been made during your foray into Greyhound rescue. Trying to deflect attention away from your own "failures" by bringing up other people's mistakes is not indicative of someone who has learned a valuable lesson about their own practices. I can pretty much bet that every single person who has give you advice in this thread has made their own mistakes at some point in their careers in rescue... the difference being that they HAVE learned some very valuable lessons from those mistakes, and have put procedures and processes into place to make sure those mistakes NEVER happen again. Your posts after the fact suggest that maybe you HAVEN'T learned all that much from yours. T.
  13. I'm going to be very restrained and will wait patiently until Katdogs calls me to tell me it's time for my Sammy cuddles... T.
  14. Vets are like our dogs - we get out what we put in... you just have to train them is all... T.
  15. Hmmm... I began in rescue by fostering a dog for a large rescue group, then I did a couple of private rescue/rehomes myself, and have since found a rescue that I "click" with and have fostered literally hundreds pups for them over the past 5 years. Along the way, I have met many great people from many other rescues, made wonderful friends and contacts in various pounds, etc... and while we don't always see eye to eye on various topics, we seem to manage to work with and help out each other along the way. I have also had the privilege of learning exactly what it takes to run an ethical rescue in this day and age - and I know that it's a challenge that I really don't think I'm ready for at this stage of my life. It's not that I couldn't manage to run my own rescue ethically and well, but more of a case of I know what sort of commitment it is to get it right day after day... and that scares the bejeesus out of me. I know you've had a rough time of your foray into rescue in Australia, and it may seem that many people are being very harsh in their summations of your efforts to date - but honestly, everyone here REALLY wants everyone involved to get it RIGHT for this particular breed. As noted, Greyhounds still have many stigmas attached in the minds of the public, and any cock-ups reflect badly on ALL Greyhound rescue, not just the one making the mistake. T.
  16. I have a second 3-seater couch especially for the dogs - one problem solved... *grin* And my pup has chewed a hole in the cover sheet on my bed, and she keeps getting caught up in it when she goes back for more chewing... the joys of teething puppies! As for the licking of the yoghurt tub - my problem is remembering which dog had it the night before... they take turns each evening to lick the tub dregs... T.
  17. I have a dog with mobility issues, I use a harness when walking her so that if she stumbles I can help her stay upright. If you need extra "steering", then you could put a collar and a second lead on your girl. T.
  18. Pretty much any IP anonymiser will do... just google "IP anonymiser" and you'll have plenty of easy to install options... then you can troll us all to your heart's content (if you so wish)... *grin* T.
  19. Ummmm... well... he IS Katdogs' new puppy... ... but I is just getting so excited about meeting a REALLY well bred puppy... ... and I get to play with Stevie and Jodie while Katdogs goes to pick up Sammy. T.
  20. You'd think that seeing dead cats on the side of the roads regularly would convince some people that their cat would be safer if it were contained... but no... T.
  21. The problem with some cat owners is that they actually believe that their cat should be allowed to wander wherever it wants without consequence. God help the owner of a dog that kills a cat that has been allowed to wander - the cat owner can get quite nasty about it. T.
  22. I'm sorry that your first foray into rescue here in Australia has been a rocky one... it is definitely a very steep learning curve, isn't it? T.
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