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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Do you know anyone at all with decent fencing, no kids, and no other dogs... and who can apply to adopt them? Once they are out of there, the new "owner" can immediately sign them over to you... T.
  2. You could get complete Maltese overload at my friend's house... 15 lovey little dogs all wanting to sit on your lap or just get cuddles in any way they can... T.
  3. It depends on what exactly you are looking for in a canine companion whether you will find it in a pound, shelter, rescue, or a breeder... From your list, I'd say either look in rescue where the dog has been in a foster home for more than 2 weeks and has been exposed to the things you need confirmation on (ie. good with kids)... or look very hard at the industry approved Greyhound rescues (GAP, GSN, etc) - a Greyhound may suit nicely methinks... ... or stick with what you have become comfortable with in regards to breed, and check out some breeders who may have some older (but still youngish) dogs available for pet homes. T.
  4. If you come to Sydney, I can take you to visit my friend... she has 15 pedigreed and beautiful Maltese... and she doesn't need a doorbell... lol! T.
  5. I and thousands like me are quite happy to share our lives with crossbreeds... just as there are thousands of people who prefer the predictability of a pedigreed dog. I'm not against either being bred, and it's nice to be able to have the amazingly broad choice of breeds or breed mixes available, yes? At the moment the loudest voices out there are from the animal rights activists... and really not enough countering voices from the purebred groups. The notion that it's too hard to acquire a pedigreed dog of great breeding, or that if one does get one, that they need to be shown or whatever, is still a very popular notion amongst the general public. So what are the purebreed people doing to quash the claims being made by the activists? T.
  6. I think there may be plenty of people willing to vouch for Yellowgirl as being an awesome home for any older small dog... she is an angel for the oldies... T.
  7. The look on Deedee's face as Bobby is doing his thing is priceless... lol! Awesome save crickets!! Happy Christmas Bobby (and DeeDee) T.
  8. Being roused on for trying to help mummy with the christmas present wrapping... T.
  9. Rotti saliva also has amazing healing properties I found... I swear that it's different to other dog saliva. Whenever I had a cut or graze, if my Rotti licked it, it would heal almost overnight. My current old girl here is part Rotti, and her saliva has the same healing properties. None of the other dogs can heal wounds like she does... I also have a friend who is allergic to Rotti saliva, but not with any other breed's.... so I'm convinced there's something different about it. I remember once when I was attending one of Steve Austin's seminars on handling dangerous dogs, when he brought out his beautiful Rotti boy King, I kinda embarrassed myself by exclaiming "I want a cuddle!"... but I got my cuddle and more... *grin* I think I'm actually a Rotti "tragic"... I really do have a "thing" for them... T.
  10. There were one or two dogs in the lot that looked to be closer to a "pure" breed than most... I still labelled them as crosses, because without papers, one can't really say any dog is of pure descent, right? As for the angles on the pictures - most pound/shelter staff have the luxury of being able to view the animal in question from all angles - so I think we may get some skewed results due to that. T.
  11. Keep an eye on his drinking and peeing... as long as he is doing both with normal regularity, then the occasional fasting won't do him in, OK? If he stops drinking and weeing - straight back to the vet... T.
  12. Awesome news... I bet he's happy to be home with you too! T.
  13. I've had a few Rotti's share my life over the years... and I'd definitely have another one in a flash... best dogs ever! T.
  14. Hopefully it's nothing overly serious, and that he makes a full recovery. T.
  15. Might be worth getting him onto a drip and then seeing if the vet can get a urine sample - just in case... T.
  16. Is there any possibility your boy may have kidney/bladder stones? T.
  17. Photobucket accounts are free too - and I reckon they also make it dead easy to link the photos to forum posts... T.
  18. Nahhh... what's 2 more small dogs in the grand scheme of things? lol! You could explain to him that Sammy isn't going to be a lap sized dog for long, and that hubby really needs a lap dog to watch TV with, yes? T.
  19. My first heart dog was a Rotti girl who was just as tolerant as the girl in that video... no way would I have let a child do that to her though! I miss Woosie terribly since she went to the Bridge in 2004. She was everything a dog should be and more. ... and Allerzeit - I would love to have smooshie Rotti cuddles with any/all of your stunning furkids - the more slobbery the kisses the better... *grin* T.
  20. Yep - Harper has different coloured eyes - one is grey and one is blue. I'll try to get some pics of each of the other dogs next to her to show how big she's getting. I've asked a lovely DOLer who knows their Danes what they think about Harper's "breed" mix, and the concensus is that there is definitely some Dane in there... *grin* I don't mind if she shows to the size of a small horse - she's my new heart dog, and I love her to death... and I'm a "big dog person" anyways... I weighed her on Saturday and she was 15.1kgs, and I measured her to the withers yesterday and she was 46cm - now officially taller than Pickles... lol! General concensus is a final weight between 45 and 55 kgs, and final size possibly a bit on the smaller side for a Dane, but more solid in build. I've been given a link to some awesome information on growing a healthy Dane, and will be following that advice to make sure she grows strong and healthy. Minor adjustments may need to be made due to her more solid build type than the average Dane though. T.
  21. I'll agree that most of the images were hard to judge based on the weird angle they were taken at. T.
  22. I gots cuddles!! ... and photos! He is absolutely stunning in every way, shape, and form... Isn't he beautiful? T.
  23. Merry Christmas Maree! While you watch the boats come in, keep an eye out and let out an extra loud cheer for Zen... my cousin's wife is crew on her this year... T.
  24. I does go to show that with great coordination and leadership (Jane - that's you), people from different rescues can easily work together for a good outcome for a dog in need. I am honoured to have been able to do my small part in Ellie's rehoming cause - and I happily did so because I respect the other people who were much more involved in Ellie's care and rehoming. T.
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