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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. PS, a rubbish bottle is just a small trigger bottle filled with water. When one of the dogs is doing something naughty, you say "rubbish", and squirt a small amount of water at them. It's more to just get their attention off whatever they are doing that you don't want them to do, and eventually they just learn that the word "rubbish" means "stop what you are doing, it's naughty"... T.
  2. You is so lucky! You have the most gorgeous puppy AND a gorgeous kitten too! Great video! T.
  3. On another note - has anyone checked the dates these website addresses were registered? Around the exact same time as Greylvr's ones were... coincidence? T.
  4. and asks for donations Ummm... the ABN listed for the NARGA site is "Not entitled to receive tax deductible gifts", and is listed as being in Queensland (postcode 4660 - isn't that up near Red Collar Rescue?) - yet the person who is the registrant on the websites is from Tasmania?? I'd be pretty positive that they don't have the authorisation to solicit donations... T.
  5. As for the other site http://arrr.id.au/ - did they consult any of the rescues they have "advertised" there? When you lookup the registrant, she has an email address of "rat1bag @ gmail.com" - not to mention that a little bit of googling brings up scenes of the armchair activist - many online petition sites have her all over them... Methinks there's not enough happening in Gagebrook... T.
  6. LOL @ SchnauzerMax... OK - I've selected 10 nice ones to share with all of you Sammy fans... Isn't he just getting more handsome each time you see him? T.
  7. Just had a photo session... will be posting photos soonish... T.
  8. Ummm... there is nothing wrong with your photography skills sheenat... that second photo is to die for. (I wish I'd taken it actually) He's a completely stunning little man... you lucky sod you! T.
  9. Uh oh... he's worked out how to avoid getting "rubbished"... lol! T.
  10. Now there's a really smart post to put up on a dog forum... *slaps forehead* ... especially as you are running all over the place dispensing your "experienced opinion"... T.
  11. He has a gorgeous bum... and it wiggles lots too! T.
  12. Ummm... anyone notice who has already signed up? Look towards the bottom of the page... http://nargainc.com.au/heartratings.html T.
  13. Or from DWI... http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/astore/Tamron-SP-AF90mm-F28-Di-Macro-11-Lenses.aspx a little bit cheaper even... T.
  14. I thought you'd notice that FM... they certainly have the "head down, roll over top" action down pat, don't they? ... and if they could play together, we'd get totally awesome pics too! T.
  15. Thanks Crisovar... we have injectible calcium on hand for use during whelp (only given under vet instruction), and have been known to give ice cream for those that only need a smaller dosage... T.
  16. Does it have to be the syrup? We tend to use the calcium powder with bitches post whelp, and it works fine. T.
  17. I would suggest that, but he hasn't had all of his shots yet... or I would have nicked off with him long before now... lol! T.
  18. Actually, cameras nowadays are pretty smart - you just point them in the right direction when you have decent light, and they do it all for you... seriously, I just point mine and keep clicking - eventually I get some good ones... lol! T.
  19. No probs Katdogs... when you are feeling better is fine by me... or I could lend you my camera while I'm at work... T.
  20. Is it just me, or is he just getting more handsome by the day? T.
  21. She does pose so nicely sometimes, doesn't she? T.
  22. A friend of mine who is following this thread asked me why there haven't been any photos of Harper Playing with Trouble... so I thought I'd better change that... *grin* ... and there are more coming...
  23. I'll be home in just over an hour Katdogs... I'll call you once the starving beasts at home have been fed, and see if we can get some more pics for Sammy's growing fan club... T.
  24. She changes "funky" ears on a daily - if not hourly - basis kja... and it's not uncommon for both to get the "windswept and interesting" look either... lol! T.
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