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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I've met this lady, and am of the firm belief that she is the real deal. T.
  2. If I flaps my ears, maybe I can fly... lol! T.
  3. DD - go to www.adobe.com - scroll down and look to the right for the free Flash Player Download link. Click on it, and follow the instructions to install it. Then you can enjoy the video too. T.
  4. Sounds like you are definitely on the right track there Bec... and thank you for being so open and frank in response to the queries posted here... T.
  5. Awww... that is one of the cutest vids ever! T.
  6. Ummm... Tapua... does Pete have a brother? *grin* T.
  7. I'll second what Steve said Tapua... definitely a worthy nomination... *grin* T.
  8. Could there be any Foxhound in the mix? He's deadly cute though... whatever he is... T.
  9. Jesus Caz! Poor Buddy... I know that what I'd recommend for the groomer would be illegal... Biggest hugs for you and Leah. Run free Buddy. T.
  10. Maybe all Aussie breed assessors should study the following... seeing as there actually are very few pure Pitties around... http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/findpit.html I managed it first go, but how many council rangers do you think could? Let alone Joe Public or anyone in the media... T.
  11. That last one pesh, was a chance shot as I was walking back home to my friend's place... I actually have 3 of him in sequence as he decided to leave the branch he was on... You lucky sod Clyde... glad I could give you some memories... T.
  12. It was really funny - they didn't make much noise at all - just the mad dashes for anything people were throwing to them (mostly bread). Catching the action was not altogether easy - they were all over the place, and changing tack quickly... not to mention when one would start to do something interesting (like the duck in the 3rd last pic), by the time I'd swung around to shoot it, the bugger thing would stop... grrr! I stalked that guy for 15 mins before he gave me that one! I was way chuufed with the pelican fight one, and the open mouthed pelican one though... I got them in focus!! Harper was an angel while I was snapping away, she just lay down and went to sleep - not bothered by all the goings on at all - she's my bestest girl! T.
  13. I have an old workmate who lives in Paddington, and she invited me to lunch last week - which was yummo! Then she invited me to come over again today and we could walk Harper at Centennial Park, which is a short walk from her place. We got as far as the big lake with all the ducks and swans, and the camera decided that we'd stay there for a while... and I didn't even take any pics of Harper!!! Anyways, here are a few of my faves from today... I actually took 579 photos, and culled them to 215 of decent quality... but the above 7 are the standouts for me... *grin* T.
  14. I'm thinking she's yet another of the extremely rare "Cuddle" hounds... you know the ones... no conformation to any formal standard, but darned cute regardless... *grin* T.
  15. Don't worry about MarieEvans - she flits into threads, dumps a single post of dubious knowledge/nature, then never returns to the thread... simply not worth the effort to respond IMHO. T.
  16. I like Baycox because it's a single dose... and it doesn't taste completely revolting to the pups like some of the tablet dog versions of a cure. But will look into stocking Panacur as well... Thanks Steve! T.
  17. Shmoo wrote the foster carer manual... and I recommend it thoroughly! http://www.fostermanual.com/ Worth every penny and more! T.
  18. Aren't Pitbull and AmStaff crosses allowed to be legally rehomed in NSW... I seem to remember something about only supposedly pure Pitbulls are restricted... and how many pure Pitties would we really see then? T.
  19. http://www.ema.europa.eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/medicines/veterinary/medicines/002006/vet_med_000238.jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058008d7a8 Thanks... looks like we miss out on that here in Aus... but think how handy it would be for rescue pups... We use Baycox (off label for dogs), and regular worming only stuff for intestinal worms. T.
  20. Breed assessment guidelines and criteria... read section 2 for how to become one... http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au/dlg/dlghome/documents/Forms/Guidelines_For_Breed_Assessors.pdf T.
  21. Interesting about the worming treatment that supposedly covers Coccidia... do you have a name for the pills/shot he was given for it? T.
  22. Hehe... you know that my Zeddy is Rottie/Pittie cross... *giggle* Small dogs can cause serious injury as well though - I've seen up close what a Malt type dog can do to a person's face with one bite - they will have that large scar for life. Add that to the fact that small children are more likely to approach a small (read cute and fluffy) dog than a large one, and you might see where I'm coming from with regards to my statements about proper temperament assessment (for ALL dogs looking to be rehomed, be they from a pound OR rescue). Most "good" rescues that have some clue about what they are doing will have a very good idea about the temperament of the dogs they are looking to rehome - and will do the right thing by the community if a dog turns out to be not suitable for rehoming. Then again, most rescues that have a clue will also be well versed in how to select a dog from a pound to ensure they are going to take in a dog that CAN be rehomed in good conscience. Those that look at everything with a pulse as needing a second (or third or fourth) chance really need to step back and assess what sort of damage they can do to the name of ALL rescue with a careless placement of an untested dog of any size, shape, or breed mix. T.
  23. Nice shot of the tiger... not easy to get good pics through glass while it paces, is it? Absolutely love the zebra shot... awesome!! T.
  24. Harper had her weekly weigh in yesterday... 18.2 kgs! 18 weeks old today... T.
  25. HAHAHA!! Too cute! Love the pics of Ruby using her "shield"... lol! T.
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