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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Whether one uses any form of restraint or not, there is still no excuse for anyone leaving a dog on a table (or a bench) while they go to lunch... as happened in Buddy's case... T.
  2. I always tell my dogs "Be good and eat all intruders, I'll be home later" when I leave... and I talk to them lots... but then I don't live with other humans, so they just get me chatting away all the time... *grin* T.
  3. Snooky and Harper play like complete fiends teekay... those shots were once they'd slowed down enough to get some shots in focus! As for the toilet rolls, they are the only thing that Harper will actually get possessive about... you can take anything else off her, but she doesn't want to share those at all! Poor Pickles had one earlier today, and Harper went up, grabbed it from Pickles' mouth, and growled when Pickles asked for it back... I had to find another one for poor Pickles... T.
  4. Too funny PS... *giggle* T.
  5. Run free sweet Magnum... may you live forever in your mummy's heart... Hugs to you piperspal... T.
  6. Vaccinating a pup at 6 weeks that has been born in in rescue to a bitch with no vacc history is our standard protocol... chances are there is little immunity coming from mum for the 3 big nasties... For pups born from well cared for and healthy breeding dogs, I'd be a little less "cautious" about the 3 vacc protocol. T.
  7. If it helps any, my absolutely gorgeous (not so) little girl Harper is STILL teething, and every day she can reach more things that I though were out of reach... *sigh* Her fave "trick" this week is getting my pillow from the bed and taking it out into the back yard and chewing on it... I had some clean clothes sitting on the kitchen bench, and she surfed that and took them all out into the back yard too... and she brings grass runners and tree branches inside and chews them up, leaving a trail of carnage all over the house... ... and when I catch her doing the naughty things, she just gives me THIS kind of look... T.
  8. Harper wasn't overly fussed at getting completely wet... *grin* The lovely lillypilly took these photos... Check out the look I was getting... ... and then she stole my sock and proceeded to give it a work over... That'll teach you for getting me wet Mum! T.
  9. Okies... here's Harper and her bestie Snooky. Snooky weighs in at around 3 kgs, and Harper weighed in at 19 kgs yesterday... do you think Snooky noticed the difference? ... and after Snooky went home, Harper got one of her fave toys... Next post... pool photos...
  10. Her blue eye has definitely got some yellow/green flecks happening, and the grey one alternates between lighter and darker shades - but they are still beautiful... *grin* I'm trying to discourage her from grabbing Pickles' legs when they play, as she has broken the skin with her sharp puppy teeth - but do you think Pickles cares? I have to be careful with any wounds on Pickles' legs, as she has little feeling in them and won't let me know if there's anything wrong... *sigh* I got some photos of Harper playing with her bestie Snooky at the rescue yesterday, and some of her first introduction to the pool out there also... she didn't mind the fact that it was good for cooling off, but I don't think we have a water baby in the making... hehe! Just gotta sort through the photos and pick the best ones, then will post them, OK? T.
  11. Master Sammy certainly is a piglet in a puppy suit... and he was very happy about having his "snack bag" taken away... NOT! The funny thing about puppies is that they can eat a fair bit, and a few hours later you don't know where it's gone... they seem to absorb it really quickly. I bet he slept quite well last night with his full tummy though... lol! If he seems fine this morning, you might want to give him a small breakfast, if only to stop him going nuts when the girls have theirs. The poo patrol this morning should also see a big one from the little guy... hopefully not too sloppy... *grin* T.
  12. Yep - Pickles is a great one for tearing out the back door making a crazy screaming bark like she's being throttled, and the others tear out after her wondering what the hell is going on... which is usually absolutely nothing... She's a bitch with stealing everyone else's toys too... T.
  13. Hahaha! I agree about the other dogs shrinking FM... but the "blue dog" still doesn't know that she's getting that big... errr! She IS purty... and photogenic... *grin* The only issue we are having right now is that she is taking FOREVER to get her big girl teefies... so anything chewable that is in reach is fair game... and her reach is getting higher every day! Her latest "trick" is stealing my pillow from the bed and taking it outside... grrr! I really need to get pics of Harper playing with her fave playmate Snooky - a 3kg little terrier mix - Snooky goes completely insane with joy when we arrive at the rescue and Harper gets out of the car... lol! Snooky is not a rescue - she belongs to one of the other volunteers, and has played with Harper since Harper was about 4 weeks old... they are bestest buddies. T.
  14. Toilet rolls are the best!!! Fully digestible fun. My dogs all know the sound made when the toilet roll is nearly finished, and they will sit in front of me while I'm on the loo and look from me to the roll as if to say "is it ready yet?"... My friends all keep their empty rolls for me to give to my dogs and fosters... so there's an almost endless supply of them around here... lol! T.
  15. Our rescue pups get C3 at 6, 10, and 14 weeks, then new owners are advised to booster at 15 months... after that the choice is theirs as to whether they titre test or vacc at regular intervals. My own dogs followed the same schedule, and I vacc roughly once every 5-7 years after the first adult booster - and I only vacc with C3. My dogs have already been exposed to so many strains of Kennel Cough via the fosters that it seems a little silly to add that component. T.
  16. Mine regularly take themselves out to the yard for a "snack"... it's a race to see if I can pick them up before someone has a nibble... grrr! T.
  17. Okies... taken 2 days ago... She's now officially taller than Pickles... *grin* T.
  18. I have a couple from a couple of years back - DD has gorgeous little munchkins... T.
  19. Their regular kibble... and whatever Harper could chew on... loving the teething phase... NOT! T.
  20. Funnily enough, I want to save the Scottie, and add the Cat... *grin* Sorry Iron - never really liked you much... T.
  21. Ummm... you gots a giraffe! Is it just me or is Luka one of the most stunning pups ever? Absolutely loving watching him grow up FM... don't pay any attention to his pleas for you to stop snapping away... T.
  22. The only underlined words I see in the post is for the link to Poppy's PetRescue page... T.
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