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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Now I would have said Lab cross... but then I have an almost lookalike dog myself... ... and I KNOW that her mum was pure Rotti... *grin* T. Mine's just a mini i.e. 15/16 kilos. Hahaha! Mine's around 28-30 kgs... and her "dad" was a supposed pittie that had jumped the fence... looked like your average nondescript tan staffy X from what was pointed out to me wandering the street outside my dog's seller's place... In all honesty, I don't really care what breed mix my own dogs are - it would be useful to know how big they may get when you adopt them as pups though... As for our rescues that are up for adoption, we always tell new owners (or prospective new owners) that our breed mix guesses are just that... guesses. We can't guarantee that a particular pup of 8 weeks is going to big, small, or otherwise... my Harper looked to be tracking to grow about staffy x size until she hit 10 weeks old - only then did it become somewhat apparent that there was Dane in her mix. I love her to death anyways, and love big dogs, so it was never going to be an issue for me... but it may have been an issue for someone wanting a smaller dog... errr! T.
  2. I love the pics where Lavender and Dorothy are looking at their groomers with complete trust... and considering Lavender has probably never been professionally groomed in her life, she stood like a pro and handled everything in her stride. Toto was a bit of a turd for his groomer, as was Levi - but despite that, they both came up beautifully and were handled with respect and patience by their groomers. All of our dogs did really well on the day, handling the strange and crowded conditions with aplomb... they were a real testament to how lovely rescue dogs are. T.
  3. I still have my crutches from "the zoomie incident"... just yell when you need them Katdogs... *grin* T.
  4. OK - here are some of my pics taken during the first round... Little Miss Millie getting into character Lavender Levi Toto Marcus Dorothy Jodi I put the camera away after taking those because it was too awkward wrangling the camera and the dogs... *grin* T.
  5. I think it's a bit poor form to rely on someone to do such a large part of the administration of the group's adoptions, and then not even mention them in passing when being interviewed about what their rescue does. I'd just like to state for the record that I reckon muttrus does an amazing job - and often goes above and beyond for all of the animals in her care. If her "partner/so-ordinator" can't see or acknowledge that, then I think they may need to have a bit of a rethink about how things would be if muttrus decided to leave their group. T.
  6. Seriously - most councils have absolutely NO idea how many dogs are living in their areas. Case in point - the numbers of unchipped dogs that turn up in pounds. No chip, no record, no rego... and that's only a very small slice of the actual numbers "out there"... Until the powers that be can be arsed to get off their backsides and police the CURRENT laws and regs that are being ignored by certain members of the public, no amount of new laws or directives are going to work either. Stupid politicians need to be edumacated on the REALITY, rather than looking to "act" on something that could be thwarted right now without new laws... their only reasons are to be seen to be "doing something" that might just get them re-elected come polling time. My thoughts on the issue at hand - maybe it's the AR types and the stupid politicians that may need serious testing before being allowed to breed... *grin* T.
  7. Yay!!! You finally got the pic we tried to get the other day Katdogs! T.
  8. I'm thinking that this will be the best answer... *grin* He's terribly cute though, isn't he? T.
  9. Actually, do you think a DNA test on my blonde above would tell me if she does have Dingo in her mix? She can turn her wrist just like a Dingo, and apparently no other dog breed can do that... She was born in Moree (BYB), so I don't think it's too far fetched to think there may be some Dingo down the line somewhere... But she looks predominately Lab, and that's all that counts, right? T.
  10. Now I would have said Lab cross... but then I have an almost lookalike dog myself... ... and I KNOW that her mum was pure Rotti... *grin* T.
  11. Well - yesterday was the day... and it was a blast!!! We had 19 of our dogs in the competition, and they all came up beautiful! Some of the transformations were simply stunning... and considering each groomer only had 30 minutes to do their jobs, the results were incredible. Much kudos needs to go to Les and Christine Speerin (and their team of awesome helpers) for all of their brilliant work to get this shootout off and running... and to Purina for sponsoring it. It drew a good sized crowd who stayed for most of the day to watch - and it was a pretty long day too, finishing at just after 6pm. Each and every groomer there was lovely and well into the fun of the day, and for showing off their skills in the best way possible. All of the dogs on the day behaved awesomely well and lapped up the attention from both the groomers and the crowds. Every single groomer handled their dogs with respect and patience even though they were on a strict time limit to get a result. The lovely lady who won the competition did so with one of our boys named Elliot - and it was a very much deserved win as Elliot is black, and doesn't have the easiest coat to work with. The lovely lady who came second also had one of our girls Daisy, and it was a very closely contested second I think... I really wouldn't have wanted to be doing the judging between those two myself. I got some photos earlier in the day, but they aren't great - I'll sort them out later and post a couple. There was a professsional photographer who took before and after photos of each dog, and hopefully they will be posted online soon too... will keep you updated on when and where to see those, OK? T.
  12. A DNA test on a pure AST will come up 100% the same as for a pure APBT... For a breed that has supposedly been completely restricted in Australia for a good many years I find it hard to believe there are as many true APBTs and their crosses as some would claim. The media hype has resulted in pretty much any bull breed cross with tan/red colouring and/or having a red nose being branded a "pit bull"... T.
  13. He's still a puppy puppy DD... just more of him to cuddle now... lol! Wait until you see him next to Harper... he's only little, really! T.
  14. It says that the animals are coming from SDCH - so I'd think they'd be screened the same way they are there... T.
  15. Are you thinking of mating her this season? If yes, I'd be a little more cautious and talk to a trusted vet about the implications... Otherwise, I'd just vaccinate... T.
  16. My dogs are my "children"... they come too or I'm staying with them. I couldn't live with myself if I scarpered to save my own skin and they were left to drown, burn, or starve to death. If you have enough warning, get out early and take them with you. That's the only option I could live with. T.
  17. Snooky is a little terrier cross owned by one of our volunteers - she's a gorgeous little character who loves nothing more than playing with any dog who is up for it, regardless of size or breed. T.
  18. Every great foster carer needs at least one "failure"... and I think you've been very lucky that yours was your very first... T.
  19. I second Aphra's sentiments about this group... the introductions, et, should have happened way BEFORE they decided to announce that they were a mouthpiece for ALL rescue. Quite smply, they AREN'T and most likely will NEVER be, if the attitudes displayed on Facebook by some of their members is anything to go by. T.
  20. I spoke to the AWL media person about them doing a Media release and after contacting the inspector she told me they wouldnt be but she was happy to make comment for any media things I organise. Something is in the works and hopefully finalised today if it comes off ;) You go girl! T.
  21. They are deadly cute! My Harper's best buddy is only 3kgs... and Harper knows how to play nice with her... not all larger dogs play rough with little dogs... *grin* See... Snooky is the one that always has the upper hand... lol! T.
  22. Damn muttrus... I coulda brought you a whole selection of little dogs to adopt... If there's a next time, drop me a line, OK? T.
  23. I don't think Sammy's going to get as big as Harper's going to get somehow... and he can wrestle her just fine already... *grin* I think Harper is in love with Sammy, Stevie, and Jodie... and her Aunty Katdogs... every time I put her collar and lead on, she tries to drag me over the road to go visit her besties. There are only 4 people that Harper will go to willingly (she's a bit of a mummy's girl)... me, Katdogs, Aunty lillypilly, and another human Aunty at the rescue... everyone else she sits and waits for me to introduce her to. T.
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