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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I'm getting puppy withdrawal... I needs some itty bitty puppy cuddles! T.
  2. There have been some horrendous fires in Victoria and Tasmania... T.
  3. Don't have to breed or show to know that the only "Staffordshire's" are the SBT and the AST T. ETA: even Google knows that... *grin*
  4. Cesar Milan has a lot to answer for... and not all in a positive way... If you tried to apply some of his methods to a couple of my dogs, you'd be bitten, and deservedly so. He is a trained professional, and has years of experience up his sleeve. Applying his (nicely TV edited and sanitised) methods to the average dog will see you in deep water faster than you can say "be calm and assertive"... *grin* T.
  5. I've got a dead tree stump up in the back corner - zoomies has worn berms around that one... *grin* Also have a track leading from the end of the path towards the dead tree stump. T.
  6. ^^^ Another Cesar convert perhaps? *grin* T.
  7. Passing new laws will need someone to police them too... T.
  8. Odds are that he did slink off to avoid prosecution - but there is also the slight possibility that he was also extremely shocked at the actions of his dog and just didn't know how to cope with the situation. We are always so quick to judge people and their dogs based on only one side of the story - and this one is a media story to boot. We have only the small dog's owners account of the story. We don't know if the small dog was or wasn't actually acting excitedly at the time. We don't know why the big dog only targetted that particular small dog. We don't know if the big dog had any history of dog aggression or heightened prey drive. All we know is what the owners of the small dog have reported to the media. I'm not excusing anything about what happened - any dog killing another is simply NOT acceptable for any reason - but I'm not jumping on the assumption bandwagon either. T.
  9. How would any of us react if we saw our own dog do what the big dog did in that story? How much would it help to hang around with the offending dog and offer apologies? I'm not excusing what the dog or the owner did as told in the story - but am offering a possible different theory as to what they may have done next. T.
  10. Cuteness overload! Tiger looks like he's going to be a handfull when he comes fully out of his shell... *grin* T.
  11. I think Levi fell in love with Karen... is she sure she can't fit him into her pack? *grin* Marcus is one lucky boy... awesome new "parents" AND a superb groomer to keep him looking handsome! T.
  12. An unprovoked attack is simply not acceptable no matter which way anyone wants to spin it - by ANY dog, large or small. If the attacking dog had been mine, I would have been heading for the nearest vet clinic to have it euthed... and to be fair, we don't know with any certainty that is not what the owner of the large dog in the story did after leaving the scene. T.
  13. I had a "trainer" jangle a large bunch of keys over the head of my 5 month old Rotti pup who was on a drop stay - when she didn't react, he dropped the bunch of keys on her head... she still didn't react... but I did! I don't think that trainer will use that "method" ever again... *grin* T.
  14. I can see where muttrus is coming from by having the dog in the front yard while she's there alone... the previous incident with the neighbour who bashed her in the face gives good reason. However, maybe a large sign on the gate alerting folks to the fact that the dog may be loose in the front yard might be a trade off... T.
  15. I will attest to the fact that Katdogs does indeed have a cool bruise on her forehead... *grin* T.
  16. Marcus definitely picked his new family... wouldn't have a bar of anyone else once in their arms... *grin* Methinks he's going to be a very spoiled little man... T.
  17. Strays that end up in shelters/pounds don't come with any history, and often their time allotment there is very short. How on earth can a temperament test or behavioural test possibly indicate what that dog will/could do under any particular circumstance in the future? The test would have to be so magnificently thorough that it would be virtually unworkable in a shelter/pound environment. I have 4 dogs, and have no illusions as to which ones would surely "fail" any temperament/behaviour test in a pound/shelter environment - and the one who isn't fazed in that sort of environment would most likely be deemed unrehomable due to her mobility disability anyways. All 4 are very well behaved and friendly with other animals and people when out in a public setting however.... and I think they are perfect pets for me... *grin* T.
  18. Yes she posted a photo on her FB page carrying him with his adoption details. In her words "this lovely little man stole my heart" Can you ask Karen if you can steal her FB photo of Levi to show off here too please stans mum? He looked so gorgeous and happy in her arms... T.
  19. Check out Elliot standing so calmly for Yumiko, then lapping up the limelight when Yumiko won... what a bombproof little man he is! T.
  20. As others have said, if what the breeder was feeding the pup is working it's magic, then that's what you'd want to keep feeding the pup. I foster pups for rescue, and I have found that the majority of them do well on either Bonnie Puppy or Royal Canin Junior - depends what we can afford at the time... My own dogs do just fine on Bonnie Adult or Working, but I've recently switched them onto Nutro Lamb & Rice - feed em less for the same result, and lots less poo to clean up. T.
  21. Karen did a stunning job with Levi - even though he played the cranky pants for a few minutes when she wanted to clip his nails and trim his feet... he absolutely adored her cuddles and being carried around like the ultimate accessory by her after the fact though... *grin* T.
  22. Puppies are EASY! You just don't put your head where they can run into it or chew on it... lol! T.
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