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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Who you calling OLD? I plays good! ... and I also knows how to cool off... New friends... Sorry Jaz... couldn't resist... I haz kisses for Aunty Caz... yep - she tastes GOOD! My turn! Yummy treats!! Cool cupcakes! How everyone felt at the end of the day... *yawn* A great time had by all methinks... T.
  2. Hey - where you went? Pool time! Is wets in there - me helps you out, OK? Pug zoomies!! Zoomies is even better when it involves water! Bitey face pug/lab style... Splashies! More pug zoomies... Hey! She's BIGGER than ME! One more lot to come...
  3. Okies, I've pruned down to 27 photos - so it's going to take 3 posts to get them all up... First up, single shots of each of the dogs that attended the BBQ... Stevie Max Boston Harper Sammy Fleming Jasmine Tess Jodie *note* the photos of Tess and Jodie were taken by the lovely Leah... I'm thinking she has a pretty good eye - hint hint Caz... *grin* More coming...
  4. DD says she watched the car for at least 15 minutes, but it could have been there for up to about 30 mins before the owner came back to the car. T.
  5. There are HEAPS of your "ferals" minimax... they might need to be put on a disk or nerd stick instead of emailing... *grin* T.
  6. Awww... that pic says "Mummy I gots an owwie... you fix?", doesn't it? T.
  7. brutus has indicated that all pups will be desexed before they go to their new homes WreckitWhippet... all is looking good now, OK? T.
  8. Not too bad a hike juice - we are really close to the Belmore Rd exit from the M5... less than 2 minutes once you exit. The funniest thing I noticed was that ALL of the black dogs thoroughly enjoyed getting wet in the puppy pool, but the 2 non-black dogs refused to climb in... lol! Although Harper eventually managed to get her two front feet in before deciding to try to "save" Sammy by grabbing his collar and trying to pull him out of the wet stuff... *giggle* I'm just going to go through my photos now, then will post a nice selection... there will be quite a few methinks, as all of the dogs had such a great time and looked to be thoroughly enjoying each other's company immensely. T.
  9. The rangers can call the police to get an address for a number plate. T.
  10. Love and patience... easy to give, and well appreciated by the oldies. My Rotti/Pittie cross girl is now 13, and only recently started to look her age. She is slowing down more nowadays and expects help to get into the car or sometimes to get onto the couch - but otherwise she appears to be in great health. I'm sure her eyesight isn't as good as it used to be because I can see a slight clouding there in the right light. For the last 5 years she has helped me with the foster pups that have come through our home, and she still enjoys doing that... she can sometimes play the grumpy granny with them, or lets them spoon up to her for comfort. Gotta love the oldies, they age gracefully, don't they? T.
  11. Good thinking re the growth spurts dancibcs - I've had fosters that would eat like horses one week, then eat hardly anything the next... usually coinciding with their puppy growth spurts. T.
  12. The sun did get pretty warm this afternoon DD - a car would have heated up pretty quick if not in the shade... T.
  13. The very best thing was being at a BBQ where one DIDN'T have to tell others not to feed the dogs... lol! And no-one was fussed if there were any dog hairs or slobber on them... *grin*... or in Katdogs' Dad's case a very wet pug sitting on him (and I have photos!) T.
  14. I kinda thought that the reason for delay in desexing would have been age/weight... if the pups are under 8 weeks old and also under 1 kg, the risks are so much higher with any anaesthetic. I wouldn't have drawn the conclusion that the pups were in any way ill... their pics show some very cute and healthy looking little tykes... *grin* A for calling these pups "rescues", the point is moot really - brutus was presented with a litter of pups the original owner wanted destroyed, convinced same that they should be given a chance, and has tried her very best to rehome them responsibly... well on her way to doing most of what other rescuers do IMHO. You're doing a good thing brutus, OK? T.
  15. It looks like a wonderful spot... well done Cowra council! T.
  16. No tennis - it rained just before we kicked off, and we didn't want to damage the court. No one got drunk - it was very civilised... well, as civilised as it can get with half a dozen dogs playing mad zoomies... lol! Everyone got lots of doggy kisses from every doggy there - it was dog lover's heaven! I think the naughtiest goes to Harper who decided to get snappy with Sammy when something was dropped on the floor and they both went for it... *sigh* We had minimax and her partner with Max and Boston the pugs (lovely black pugs!), Madwoofter with Fleming and Tess (I'm in luurve with both of them), me with Harper, Katdogs' 3 stunners, Stevie, Jodie, and Sammy, k9angel with little man Jack and Jasmine, and Cazstaff and Leah. Good food cooked to perfection by Katdogs' OH the BBQ king (and awesome salads and sweets brought by the partygoers), great company, and lots of dogs having a great time with each other... it was brilliant! I took over 500 photos and have pruned out all of the ones that showed only dog butts or were blurred - still have 360-odd to sort through before I will post some though - maybe tomorrow morning, because I'm totally shattered right now... *grin*... every dog has a few photos I reckon the highlight of the day was Max the pug leading the way for a zoomie conga line in and out of the doggy pool... pug zoomies are heaps of fun... T.
  17. It just showered for about 5 mins and now has moved on... yay! Time to PARTAY!! T.
  18. I didn't jump to any conclusions - I offered help when you were asking for it in the rescue forums... and gave examples of vets who can do early age desexing with no issues. It's a bit late after the fact to ask how you can enforce a desexing "contract" IMHO... the only way that you can guarantee desexing of these pups is to have it done before rehoming them. T.
  19. Pickles did the below damage when she was only 5 months old... managed to actually get out through the spaces she made... errr! Who'd think something this cute could do that much damage, huh? She just doesn't like crates... *grin* Luckily all of my other dogs are just fine with theirs - she's the smallest dog I have... lol! T.
  20. Radar is showing a small patch of rain heading our way, but nothing behind it, so it might rain for a short while, then fine up again quickly... doesn't look anything to be especially worried about. T.
  21. Way to go Roo and Jelly... doing great! T.
  22. Justice is a complete camera tart... which is great because he's stunning! *grin* T.
  23. She is such a gorgeous looking girl... and you can see in the photos that she absolutely adores Jelly... I wish my Harper would sit still long enough to get nice pics of her like that... but she just wants to lick the lens... *sigh* T.
  24. Damn! Zeddy and Pickles put on their usual display at my door and they didn't go away... I have some "reading material" now... *sigh* Does Sammy want to pick himself another collar from my stash? T.
  25. The pups had the offer of rescue in the other thread about them in the rescue forums... T.
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