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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Haha! Definitely uncoordinated... poor Joe was playing with Ranger on Tuesday and managed to get kicked in the back... errr! But when Joe said "OWW!", Ranger was so sorry he stopped being a doofus and just wanted to snuggle and make it all better... seriously, that cow (steer) thinks he's human. T.
  2. He's the most adorable boy ever... he is VERY human habituated due to the intense efforts we all put in to not let him die on us when he was little. I'm his 3rd fave person apparently. Amber is his number 1 mummy, then Joe his number one daddy, then he loves me the most... lol! He absolutely loves going out on jobs and meeting lots of people - kids especially - and even though he's much bigger than our other 2 calves (mini belted galloways), he's a fave to take out. The fact that he knows the drill so well helps too... easy to get into and out of the truck/pens, etc... happy to follow you with or without a lead, and the other animals will usually just follow him too... makes jobs easy to set up and pack down when all the animals behave... hehe! I had to play tag with him today as there were no jobs going out... he loves games with his fave people... T.
  3. That was Emma... She's the queen of getting her head stuck in hay feeders, so we have to use a large wheelie bin with a big hole cut in the side in their paddock instead... lol! T.
  4. Simon loves ornamental pear leaves... so I used some to get him to do this... lol! He was given them in the end... *grin* T.
  5. Wee Gertie had a problem retaining cud when she was a baby girl... turns out she had 3 very loose premolars and they had to be removed. As a result she has a bit of a crooked smile, and her tongue sticks out sometimes... which only makes her cuter, don't you think? Her missing teeth have no impact on eating... trust me, she never misses a feed... haha! She's the sweetest natured little thing... and quiet too... I love her to bits! T.
  6. Not to be outdone by Ranger... Percy wanted in on the photo shoot too... lol! He's such a ham... haha! T.
  7. I decided to get out my camera at the farm today... *grin* Some of you may remember that we had a little fellow that was quite poorly when he was a tiny tacker... well... he's growed up some now, and is a right silly boofhead... lol! He is such a tart! T.
  8. Nawww... bless... she certainly is a pretty wee girl! I've watched the surgery for eye removal, and it's not as scary as you'd think... if that is the course of action the vet specialist recommends, then maybe that is what needs to happen. Also, dogs learn to cope with only 1 eye REALLY well. It's a pity dogs can't use the same eye ointment we use on our goats at work... I had one fellow that we all thought was going to need his eye removed completely heal in 3 weeks... no scarring or anything, completely back to normal from the original that looked like it was about to explode... ewww! We've had guinea pigs and rabbits heal from really bad ulcers too, with Atropine and Tricin. (all under vet instruction/consultation in case that wasn't clear, OK?) I wish dogs eyes were as easy to deal with... *sigh* T.
  9. Where I work, we use Tricin/Opticin cream and/or Atropine drops for corneal ulcers in rabbits and guinea pigs... we've had eyes that look about to rupture heal in about 2-3 weeks. None of those seem to cause any pain or irritation, and rabbits are renowned for having very sensitive eyes... Maybe speak to your vet and see if another type of drops/ointment would be less painful and give a similar end result. T.
  10. Exactly how I do it... you did good @persephone... lol! @Loving my Oldies... so glad to hear that Sooty is improving in leaps and bounds... definitely due to her mummy's attentions methinks... T.
  11. Good boy Chase!! Well done you stunning little man! Please plant an extra kiss on that cute face for me @NikkiandKane... T.
  12. Is she carrying a bit of excess weight? Some Labradors will get saggy boobies if they are a bit on the heftier side - especially as they start to get towards their mature age years... The licking between the mammaries could also be because when it gets warm between them, it starts to itch a bit. T.
  13. It would help if we knew what breed we are talking about here... some breeds have a history of issues like this that can be remedied reasonably easily... others not so much. I would also be talking to your vet to see what their thoughts are on the matter. T.
  14. Naughty puppy antics... I'm sure he will grow out of them at some point... lol! Dogsfevr has some great tips there though... Good thing Chase is just so darned handsome, isn't it? T.
  15. I told you that you are an awesome mummy @Loving my Oldies... and Sooty's recovery from what could have been a very serious condition is testament to that. Go Sooty!!! T.
  16. He's just getting more and more handsome... *swoon* I ache to have another Rotti in my life... but with my current 2 misfits, it wouldn't be fair on a pup here... boohoo! T.
  17. Go Sooty!!! Well done @Loving my Oldies... you are an awesome mummy! T.
  18. The NSW State Govt have replied to the recommendations... https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/lcdocs/inquiries/2550/Government response - Animal Cruelty Laws in NSW.pdf A bit of a fizzer really... pretty much wanting to keep the same enforcement parties in situ... and possibly give them even more tools to use against animal owners... grr! T.
  19. Hahahaha! I felt like doing that today too Chase... lol! OMG! Winston is totes adorbs! Squeeee! T.
  20. You just continue to be as "neurotic" as you need to be @Loving my Oldies... your actions have put Sooty in a much better place with this problem... I think an ultrasound would be the least intrusive imaging if Sooty is a bit uptight about vets... she shouldn't need sedation for that, as she would for x-rays. I also would have thought that faced with an anaemic dog, the very least they could have done was a pre-GA blood panel - takes around the same amount of blood to do, and gives all the chemistry for the internal organs as well as just the blood cell breakdown... hopefully the stuff sent off to pathology will be a thorough screen. T.
  21. Have they done any imaging to exclude liver/spleen issues @Loving my Oldies - x-ray/ultrasound? Or are her liver blood test results all within normal limits? T.
  22. Hailey's little shadow... lol! She looks like she's enjoying having a little brother to play with and to show how to do all the basics that mummy wants... T.
  23. That question is best asked of a vet... as dosages would differ with liquid strength. You can also get a definitive weight for your dog at the clinic to make sure you calculate the proper dose for her. T.
  24. Good boy Chase!! What an awesome achievement @NikkiandKane... he did you proud. T.
  25. Here is a link to a brilliant guide to great dane diets @iilysium http://www.greatdanerescue.com.au/Docs/diet_section.pdf It was written by an old member of this forum, and is probably your best guide to all things great dane feeding. T.
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