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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I'm glad to see ya back MUP... T.
  2. I was thinking the same thing myself mita... Nekh - is there any way to see if Jelly may be happier at home with a friend for company? T.
  3. It's not the first time disgruntled ex-volunteers have caused trouble for reputable organisations. I'd like to know the reasons the complainants' are ex-volunteers - were they asked to leave perchance? T.
  4. Oooohhh! Nekh is coming to Sydney! Wanna meet Pickles the Spastic Camp Dog? She's a training challenge if you want one... lol! T.
  5. What exactly are the allegations that necessitated the AWL to remove themselves AND 140 animals from the premises and have their contract suspended? The fact that the 140 animals were allowed to go with them appears to the layman that the AWL aren't suspected of any acts of negligence or cruelty... or the animals would have had to stay put, yes? T.
  6. OK - who's going to organise the bus to get all us crazy NSW peeps and dogs down there? T.
  7. I got pics of Harper and Tiger this afternoon... you can find them here... http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/246351-introducing-tori-teddy-tango-toby-and-tiger/page__view__findpost__p__6158102 T.
  8. Hot off the presses... size doesn't matter... really it doesn't! T.
  9. Thank you for coming here to clear the air (somewhat) about the situation at Ipswich pound, Cr Antoniolli. May we ask whether the RSPCA may have a tender pending for the pound service - and if so, will you be recommending that ANY contractor taking on the pound service should attempt to KEEP working with private rescues to maximise the number of animals rehomed from Ipswich pound? You must admit that this is part of why the AWL have had much success with their rehoming rates to date... T.
  10. Thanks LG... you can probably tell that I love puppies way more than the average person... and rescue just has so many... *sigh* Well - Master Houdini didn't get out of his day pen today - so no destruction or poo waiting for me when I got home... yay!! I must get some pics of Tiger and Harper playing... the size difference is HUGE, but she plays so well with him, and he loves her to bits... T.
  11. Thanks Powerlegs and lou_x... I think I'm calm about the destruction puppies can cause because I've fostered so many now... lol! Tiger was just finding ways to entertain himself is all - seeing as his toys were all in his day pen, and he couldn't get back in to play with them... *sigh* Fixing electrical cables sin't hard when you grow up with a technician for a dad... He's been well secured in his day pen today - I have put extra clips on the area he escaped through yesterday. T.
  12. Under existing fees, if you register your entire dog, then desex it later, you don't get any refund either. Not a huge incentive to have your dogs desexed, is it? T.
  13. Some of the recommendations wouldn't be necessary if the powers that be would effectively police the current laws and regulations. Typical "solution" - throw more regulations and laws into the mix that will only negatively affect responsible pet owners... *sigh* T.
  14. I'm thinking... "Hey ladies, you know what they say about a man with big ears... big wallet!" T.
  15. Do you think he might try using kitty litter? We had a chi in rescue who had been trained to use a litter tray... T.
  16. Thanks peeps! One of my workmates bought me a lovely chocolate cake in the shape of a dog... and I couldn't bring myself to cut it - so I made someone else do it... lol! He tasted really yummy! Got home to find that Tiger needs a name change to Houdini - he had gotten out of his day pen and wreaked carnage on my electric blanket cord (luckily not plugged in), and peed and pooped everywhere. He's going in the outside pen tomorrow... lol! Oh - and I found that as I had a nanna nap on the couch last night, he'd gotten to my phone cable and my house phone wasn't working. That is fixed now, and I'll get around to fixing the electric blanket cord before I need to use it again. Anyways, Tiger and Harper are playing quietly... must go see what they might be destroying now... T.
  17. Ummm... do we have any new photos of the babies? They should have eyes now... *grin* T.
  18. Now... the thing is that quite a large number of people don't even opt to lifetime register their pets under the current system... and the councils aren't following up on that. It's not going to stop animals ending up in pounds - the largest group in pounds are not microchipped or registered. How is this new development going to change those statistics. From where I sit, it looks like those of us doing the right thing already are now going to end up paying more for doing so... *sigh* As for breeder licensing - it's still not going to stop the BYB's... T.
  19. I'm so glad that Harper is enjoying being a big sister to Tiger - he's loving having his big sis to play with - and she's loving having a little bro to teach bitey face and zoomies. And Pickles is the referee, if she thinks Harper is getting too over the top, she flattens her... lol! T.
  20. Awesome news Jelly... what a nice guy it sounds like you've met. Then again, how could he not fall completely for her? She's such a gorgeous girl. T.
  21. Just had a seriously funny moment here with Tiger and Harper. Tiger runs under the bed to play hide and seek, and Harper leaps on top of the bed and looks around as if to say "where did him go?"... she's pretty, but not too smart sometimes... lol! Tiger then comes out from under the bed and barks at her to say "I is here you silly!" I think he's worn her out now, she's gone to have a lie down, and Tiger is prowling about looking for things to chew on... *grin* T.
  22. Can I admit that Cooper is my fave of all your dogs tlc? He has the most adorable eyes... *sigh* As for Justice... I LOVE that photo! T.
  23. No one is making demands. Some are strongly encouraging the adoption of timeframes and objective records by which to measure progress. I explained why a few pages back. If you don't understand, feel free to PM me and I'll try to explain it in terms that make more sense to you. The best trainers and behaviourists in the world do this kind of thing for a reason. It can be a huge help to both dog and human and I have no doubt those suggesting it have Jelly and Roo's best interests at heart. Brooke isn't the only one who saw certain posts as demanding a fix by date. As Nekh has said it's really not anyone's business. Though a few Roo pics wouldn't go astray ... I second tha call for more Roo pics... *grin* T.
  24. Tiger was perfectly behaved at bedtime last night. As soon as I popped him into his night pen and turned out the light, he settled like a pro and went off to sleep. Not a peep from him until this morning when Harper decided to tell me to stop hitting snooze on the damned alarm clock already... Tiger and Harper are getting on like a house on fire, they appear to be completely besotted with each other. They have had a couple of hours play this morning, and now they are both resting quietly and regrouping energy for the next play session... T.
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