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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Definition of cute... Two energetic 6 week old ACD pups playing zoomies like there is no tomorrow... ... only downside is that it happens at 9pm when foster mummy is shattered and can't be arsed to get the camera out. Clyde is now flaked out on the couch and Bonnie is still looking for something to chew on. Clydie is the definite sooky 'I love cuddles from everyone' boy, and Bonnie is definitely the adventurous and cocky one - but when you catch her for a cuddle'she melts into you for the bestest smoochies. T.
  2. Wait until it really reeks - it will be WAY more appealing then - as aftershave too... *grin* T.
  3. I know you are looking for registered purebreds, but would you consider a rescue pup? T.
  4. You might just need to make the trek VoodooKitten... it will be worth it.. *grin* Take it as read Clover - we have done this once or twice before, and aren't about to jeopardise their health or that of others. You are very welcome Burkes... they are all very nice pups and are a complete delight. T.
  5. Harper is always up for a game of zoomies with Sammy Katdogs... *grin* She's only 8 weeks older than him... and 3 times his size, but she does play nice... she hasn't broken him yet! T.
  6. Here's a pic of Percy - taken by the lovely lillypilly this afternoon. T.
  7. I have Bonnie and Clyde in my bedroom right now... *grin*... and we are going to be doing couch cuddles soon... They travel well too - settled down in the travel crate and went to sleep like little pros on the way home. Not a peep from them the whole trip. I have Percy and Pluto (Pei x pups) in the big puppy enclosure (they have their very own shed in the enclosure with a big beddie, lots of bedding, and toys all over the place) in my back yard also... and I'll be bringing home the 5 "mastiff" x pups tomorrow as well. I will be in puppy addict heaven this time tomorrow... lol! T.
  8. I have a Facebook page, but it's full of pound page likes and some old friends' silly updates - never has anything posted by me on it... lol! T.
  9. We were contacted by the lovely and extremely hard working ninahartland recently about pups in various NSW country pounds - and we agreed to take them on. The wonderful Rhonda and her son Marshall made the incredible trek to the various pounds (and one surrender stop) and brought us 15 pups yesterday! We have the following... 5x "mastiff" cross kelpie - 4F, 1M - approx 6-7 weeks old (not sure about the "mastiff", they are pretty tiny) - from Narrandera pound 3x cattle (tall style) - 2F, 1M - 2 red, and 1 blue stumpy tail - approx 8-10 weeks old - from Narrandera pound 2x Pei x - 2M - about 4.5 months old - from Temora pound 1x Rotti x M - about 5 months old - from Temora pound 2x ACD - 1M, 1F - about 6 weeks old - surrendered near Wagga 1x GSD x - F - about 12-14 weeks old - possibly deaf - dumped in night pen at West Wyalong pound 1x kelpie x - F - about 8 weeks old - dumped in night pen at West Wyalong pound The only pups I haven't got a pic of are one of the Pei x pups (he looks the same as his brother, but has a really big white bib) and the Rotti x pup. Anyways - here are pics of the puppies - please excuse the fact that some are in pens - we were rotating them in and out of the exercise runs all day, and I got lazy with the camera. 3x cattle from Narrandera - no names yet 2x ACD surrenders - Bonnie and Clyde GSD x from West Wyalong - Gemma Kelpie x from West Wyalong - Tarni 5x "mastiff" x kelpie from Narrandera - no names yet Pei x from Temora - this is Pluto - his brother Percy looks exactly the same but has a really large white bib ... and a couple of gratuitously cute pics of a coupe of the "mastiff" x pups... because I can... *grin* The "mastiff" x pups are all around 1 to 1.5kgs at this point... maybe they will get big, maybe not... T.
  10. Seriously - if one can't handle the folk here... then they are really going to get a shock when dealing with some of the potential adopters they will be contacted by. Most of the people here are pretty helpful until they get a whiff of something they consider "not right" - and then it can become a free-for-all - that I will admit. T. ETA - although Facebook seems to attract a whole new level of crazy...
  11. I'd love to work in a doggy daycare like Roo's one... look how happy everyone is! Love the look on the big black Lab on the pink chair... "can I come down now please Roo?" T.
  12. Handsome Herbert... you will live forever in the hearts of all you met along the way. T.
  13. Ummm... there are contact details on this page... http://www.petrescue.com.au/groups/10325 T.
  14. If the money raised by slugging responsible dog owners with a yearly fee is channeled back into policing those who aren't responsible, that would be something - does it say how the extra funds are going to be used? T.
  15. Effing armchair warriors waging FB wars "for the good of the doggies"... grrr! Guaranteed that many of the really crazy ones doing this sort of thing have never lifted a finger to physically do anything remotely rescue related. T.
  16. http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/how-grandma-stood-up-to-skitzo-over-a-shihtzu-20130328-2gvup.html T.
  17. Run free and like the wind little Herbert man... T.
  18. I reckon that solo pup had already snuck in and had his din-dins before the others realised the buffet was there... *grin* T.
  19. Squeeeaaalll!!!!! PUPPIES! They are doing really well - and growing fast! Awesome save, and an awesome job being done by both Honey and her carer. T.
  20. I'm not a fan of retractable leads... seems that most of the people who use them really have no clue and don't pay enough attention to what their dog is actually doing. T.
  21. Try downloading the pdf - right click on the link and "save as" T.
  22. Now there's a job I could happily throw away my current one for... Doggy Daycare Attendant. Look at how happy Miss Roo looks with her mates at daycare... and I think she's possibly the prettiest one in the whole place! Thanks for the updates regarding the work you have still to do with Nekh... sending calm vibes for the lovely Roo so she relearns that being at home without Mummy isn't such a bad thing (and that Mummy always comes back) T.
  23. Thanks Nekh... you've met Roo and know what should work for her at this time. T.
  24. Even the Amish can get bored with the shunning lifestyle... lol! Missed ya chicky! T.
  25. An investigation is taking place. Imagine if the council didn't investigate? Just because someone was sacked doesn't mean the complaints aren't right either. The complaints must have been very serious for a suspension to take place bs a notice to improve? AWL QLD have an awesome reputation for their progressive moves toward a sustainable no-kill solution... and if this all ends up being a hoo-haa raised by some disgruntled ex-volunteers, then shame on them! Seriously though - most kennels are not the prettiest places at the best of times... but the fact that the RSPCA did not find anything amiss with the conditions or the animals in care should have counted for something... T.
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