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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Hahaha! I can see Stan opening an eye from his bed and then going back to sleep from all the energy expended... T.
  2. Plenty of pics here... we have some of the Boxer cross pups, the GSD cross pups that came from k9angel, and heaps of the BT pups playing with Pixie the resident Mini Foxie (who normally hates all puppies) http://s6.photobucket.com/user/tdierikx/library/#/user/tdierikx/library/21-4-2013-nswar-puppies?sort=3&page=1&_suid=1366591275871038851561749624635 Enjoy! T.
  3. If you are game enough to keep on coming in after my 4 have "greeted" you in their own fashion... then I'm not going to be held responsible for what happens next... If I invite you in, then that's another story as far as the dogs are concerned - but most people don't think that 30kg+ dogs are supposed to be lap dogs. T.
  4. How cute are these? Left to right - Gaia, Mojo, Nyx, Kismet T.
  5. That's a 6 foot fence, yes? Him's a little bigger than Harper methinks... lol! But him's a stunnng boy... and I reckon you need to give him an extra cuddle or kiss every day from me and Harper, OK? T.
  6. Anyone can breed any intact dog under the current legislation. Limited Registered dogs' offspring can't be registered with the state canine body... that's all. The pups can be considered as purebred (if both Limit Registered parents are of the same breed), but not considered pedigreed (due to not being able to get papers). T.
  7. Many of us who have had input in this thread certainly do empathise with the dog that died... but we also believe that there may be a whole lot more to the story than has been told to the media. I've said it once already in this thread (or in the other one in News), that the fact that the offending bull breed dog hasn't been seized, declared, or destroyed by now - bearing in mind the strict BSL laws now in effect in Victoria - then maybe the side of the story we are being told might not be the whole story... T.
  8. Can you run your hands over her back when giving her a pat? Could she have hypersensitive spots there? Pickles has hypersensitive spots on her neck which means no collars or the like or she goes nuts - but we know the cause of Pickles' issues... T.
  9. What happens if you try to put PJ's on her? T.
  10. Mine will shiver if/when they are cold... or hog the heater... *grin* T.
  11. I'd probably give Spud a vet check, just to make sure he's not maybe feeling sore somewhere... T.
  12. Richard Naylor at Castle Hill Vet is an exceptional orthopedic surgeon... http://www.castlehillvets.com.au/staff.html T.
  13. Do they come in fat headed puppy sizes? I think Harper needs one... lol! T.
  14. They are both gorgeous in their winter woolies... *grin* T.
  15. Charm - the blue stumpy tailed girl - has found her new home... yay for Charmie!!! T.
  16. Hugs at ya Andrea... Run free and healthy Gracie. T.
  17. From that footage, it wouldn't appear that an AmStaff could get it's head through the gap without disloging the gate and making a terrible racket in the process - however, a poodle could quite easily get it's head through the gap... Hard to make any judgement call either way without more evidence or witnesses though. Whatever the complete truth may be, I do feel sorry for the poodle's owner (and the poodle of course). T.
  18. Just Andrea - can you post or PM the name of the vet clinic that treated Gracie please? I'd like to ring through a donation towards her vet bill if I may... assuming they take credit card payments over the phone... T.
  19. It's the angle of the stance she was in Kirislin - the ground is slightly sloped and she was standing stretched... she really is nicely evenly proportioned... *grin* She's also going through a naughty stage right now, but slowly realising that isn't going to get her anywhere. T.
  20. This is awesome news! Way to go Roo and Jelly!! T.
  21. They are growing nicely... all in the 10kg weight range now and ready for adoption... Toby has the biggest boofy mastiff styled head and is turning out to be a stunning looking boy. The others all have a more GSD shaped head, but are also stunning looking pups. T.
  22. And it may just be that they reckon that they can intimidate Lola with threats, but not Mark... If Lola is happy for Mark to act for/with her in this matter, then I believe that she legally has that choice. T.
  23. It's like the first picture (check chain?) It's not the best thing to leave on an unsupervised dog... I'd look up the ones that release when heavy pressure is applied if you have to leave a collar on your dog when you aren't there... T.
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