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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Sharpei are usually OK once you get them out of the actual kennels... the ones I've come across haven't coped well with the confinement part of being incarcerated, but have been pretty happy to please once outside in an open area. T.
  2. tdierikx

    Wa Rspca

    I believe that the AWL have the same policing powers as the RSPCA... maybe someone should report this shelter? *grin* T.
  3. Ummm... the AWL have the same policing powers as the RSPCA, yes? Wouldn't it be interesting if they did a spot check on some RSPCA shelters? I wonder if anyone has reported an RSPCA shelter to AWL? T.
  4. DD - sometimes livestock just die... odds are this particular sheep just died of old age, going by the info provided by persephone... T.
  5. Awww... ain't she purty? Happy Birthday Ruby!! T.
  6. $400 plus spent on each dog coming through their shelter? They must be quoting regular retail prices on the vetwork then... most rescues can get vetwork, chips, vaccs, worming, etc, for under that price, and then even factoring in food you wouldn't necessarily go over $400 per dog... T.
  7. As far as I'm concerned, their logo should read "all donations large or small"... Dog only knows where the millions of dollars worth of donations go each year - I'm not seeing any of it being used to improve the local facilities/shelter near me - in fact they are trying to get the State government to pay for an upgrade... *sigh* T.
  8. Way to go miss Trixie! May you have many more made up Happy Birthdays! T.
  9. Probably a bit of a mix of all of your points Cosmolo... plus the fact that no-one volunteering to assess dogs in a pound environment wants their assessment to be used against them if the dog behaves differently in a different environment. What needs to be understood about most of the assessments being done and noted here - they are a guideline for experienced rescuers to get a basic idea of how that particular dog reacts in a stressful environment like a pound. None of the assessments should be taken as a perfect summation of how the dog will be outside of that environment. As long as the assessments are taken in the vein of how they are offered here, then all should be good. T.
  10. It definitely seems that she has... legs like a supermodel! T.
  11. I reckon Justice's Easter Egg one is the bestest Snook... *grin* T.
  12. Harper comes and sits next to my arm when I'm on the computer (and she wants some loving) and starts manically licking my arm and elbow... which makes it VERY hard to navigate with the mouse! Zeddy will sit next to me and start sighing and whining if she doesn't get an immediate response. Pickles has no decorum at all - she just stands on her back legs and starts pawing at me for attention. Trouble sits in front of me and just stares for as long as it takes... T.
  13. Butter wouldn't melt... sure... her name is Trouble for a reason... What do you mean "stole someone's Puppacino"? I'm a little bit crazy... I is cute, yes? T.
  14. Felony picked herself her new family yesterday! Yay for Felony!!!! T.
  15. You wants one CLBS?? You know we are happy to adopt to you any time... *grin* T.
  16. My heart dog (went to the Bridge in 2004) stood over me on my bed when she was 10 weeks old and told my flatmate there was no way he was entering my room while I was asleep... the poor guy was only trying to tell me there was a phonecall for me... lol! She was the perfect dog in every respect - good with people, other animals, etc - but she wouldn't hesitate to stand between me and a threat and make it known that she wasn't allowing anything bad to happen to me. She proved this on a couple of occasions... T.
  17. Some dogs can get very vocal when coming out of an anaesthetic... T.
  18. Good thing Harper has the memory of a gnat... not scared to potty today... lol! T.
  19. Mine go out to the yard for a midnight snack of poo, and since it has gotten colder, rather than eat it out there, they bring it back to bed where it's warm... nom nom... ewww! T.
  20. Hmmm... Harper (the Horse Puppy) saw a mousie out the back last night... and had to cower under the computer desk and have mummy accompany her out to potty... *sheesh* I don't think she's going to be a good guard dog, do you? T.
  21. http://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/general.aspx?id=650 I think this will give you an idea of the procedure required... T.
  22. She's not going to get too big LG... maybe around Staffy sized? I'm sure she could fit in Tempeh's crate and help keep her warm... *grin* T.
  23. What's your address? I'm sure we could ship Nyx to you.... lol! T.
  24. Pixie flattens Harper - she doesn't like her at all... lol! Snooky is Harper's BFF... Snooky just refuses to believe that she's a little dog, and must play with everything and everyone who crosses her path. We've decided that Pixie appears to like BT pups for some reason... the only other pups she's ever been happy to play with were the Pregnant Paws BT cross pups we had a while back. Pixie's normal stance with puppies is to growl and snap at them and tell them to go away... go figure?? T.
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