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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. The problem with vets holding strays until the rangers get around to picking them up is all about disease control... it's not the fact that they can't be bothered - some are just not designed to be able to hold strays in their clinics is all. T.
  2. Interesting. I wonder how many people know where their local pound is (I don't, maybe I should look it up :laugh: ) If you come under Leichhardt or City of Sydney councils, your "local" pound is the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home at Carlton, minimax... If you live where I live, depending on which street your pet is found, we have 3 different pounds it can end up at... how's that for confusion? T. I'm Canada Bay, so oddly enough it's Blacktown OUCH!!! That's a bit of a hike! The 3 pounds that service the areas around me are, Canterbury (nice and close, just around the corner from home), SDCH at Carlton (still not much of a hike at about 10k away), and Renbury at Austral (take a cut lunch for the long 35k drive each way... lol!) T.
  3. The worst thing is finding a stray outside of pound, council, or vet business hours... then my friends, you are on your own! T.
  4. Interesting. I wonder how many people know where their local pound is (I don't, maybe I should look it up :laugh: ) If you come under Leichhardt or City of Sydney councils, your "local" pound is the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home at Carlton, minimax... If you live where I live, depending on which street your pet is found, we have 3 different pounds it can end up at... how's that for confusion? T.
  5. Vets are not obligated under NSW law to hold a stray dog or even contact the owners. The general "rule" is that if you pick up a stray, you either contact the council to have one of their rangers collect the dog, or you take it to the pound yourself. T.
  6. Happy birthday Tempeh!!! May you be blessed with many many more... T.
  7. What lovely news! Well done Kibah - your mummy keeps you nice and healthy and you heal great girl! T.
  8. I'm pretty sure it is illegal to do what you are saying has been done... in any state... T.
  9. Thanks heaps Cosmolo! Will have a read and feedback soon, OK? T.
  10. ... but don't forget that RSPCA ACT are a shelter only - they are not a pound with a contract to take in ALL strays in their area. They also have a very long waiting time before they will admit new surrenders. They do a GREAT job and don't overstretch their resources - thus being very successful in what they are doing. Any pound/shelter that allows itself to become overstretched by taking on more than they can handle needs to be looked at very carefully by those awarding them pound contracts... T.
  11. I have a sneaking suspicion that the OL people actually want to stop ALL breeding for the pet market... they quite simply don't want ANY pet bred from. They won't say it openly because it's not a very popular stance to put to the general public as a whole. OL would probably get a lot further with their campaign if they actually put some workable solutions forward as to how their goals can be achieved - until then, it's all fluff and shock tactics without much meat. Seems more an attention seeking exercise than anything else... "look at ME, I am appalled at the fact puppy farms exist!"... *sigh* T.
  12. They could fix that if they wanted. Makes lots of sense running that much advertising for your competitors... NOT! T.
  13. Seriously - how much room does a 12 year old Cavalier need? Most of the ones I've met are more interested in adorning the furniture than racing around a big backyard. T.
  14. A disclaimer stating that "any assessment done under stressful/pound conditions need to be taken as a guideline only" should be attached to all assessments done by anyone who is not a fully qualified professional in the field of dog behaviours. T.
  15. Isn't it funny/telling when those who are not getting their own way in threads like these feel that they have to accuse others of being in bed with the object of their intense dislike? Sheridan is a proven supporter of ethical and reputable rescue, so to accuse her of having some bias that goes against that is only showing the ignorance and frustration of those who cannot back up their own arguments with actual facts to prove their points. Comments like "whether Sheridan hates rescue dogs or gets a commission from the R$PCA for dogs sold" are uncalled for, and only show those posting such as ignorant and desperate to score a point below the belt - and do nothing to further their own arguments on the topic. T.
  16. Better than in corrugated iron clad sheds though Jo... T.
  17. What I can't get my head around is the amount of poop in some of the photos - especially in some of the empty runs... wouldn't one clean it up if they were trying to advertise how great the conditions are? And maybe a few shadecloths put up in the outdoor runs wouldn't go astray... they aren't expensive or hard to erect. T.
  18. I think you will find that Sheridan is NOT affiliated with the RSPCA in any way, shape, or form... but she does like having facts before making up her mind about things posted on the internet... Definitely not a bandwagon-jumper our Sheridan... lol! T.
  19. I'm sorry, but if a dog is not safe to be around men or children, then it might actually be unrehomable. There are worse things than being given wings... Sometimes one's head needs to be the part to be doing the thinking instead of the heart. It is possible to do the right thing even when it hurts US to do it for the animal in question. I know I keep saying it, but I'll say it again... rescue isn't all sweetness and roses - it's a downright dirty, nasty, and heartbreaking business sometimes, but what is BEST for the animal in question is NOT warehousing it indefinitely (ostensibly looking for the "right home") because it has a pulse. Here's something for all those who think it's OK to house dogs in those conditions for extended periods of time - would you board/leave your dogs there? Even for a couple of weeks? T.
  20. If she gets a stat dec done regarding her providing the upkeep for the dog, she may be able to go to her local council and have his chip info updated into her name. Then he is hers to rehome. If she doesn't own the dog, then she can't legally transfer ownership to a new owner. T.
  21. Isn't Jill lovely? And she really knows her Jacks... if and when you are ready, then I reckon she will happily bend over backwards to help you make a great match for your family. T.
  22. My old girl will flatten a rude foster pup one minute, then be spooning with it in front of the heater the next... I don't intervene when she puts them in their place, because she can teach them manners way better than I can in that respect... *grin* If Kirah is actively telling a rude puppy off in a public place, please back her up and let the pup's owner know that Kirah is behaving that way because their puppy is obviously not under effective control. Some pups are way too "friendly" with other dogs, and it may do them good to learn that not all other dogs are going to let them get away with it. T.
  23. Look up JRT Rescue... Jill may have a Jack Russell that may fit the bill... T.
  24. Aren't they lovely there mita? I had a lovely chat with them a little while back too... T.
  25. With regards to Clifford... 4.5 months kenneled at the Yagoona RSPCA shelter would most likely have seen him go "kennel crazy" - I've seen first hand what a bull breed dog that had been kenneled for too long can do to a handler (of no minor experience may I add)... Some dogs just shouldn't be warehoused in kennels for indeterminate periods - no matter how much money they are bringing in in donations. As for Charlie - I can't find any references other than those being thrown about by certain Facebook groups. I'll reserve judgement until I have irrefutable proof of the claims about Charlie - no matter what I usually think of the RSPCA. T.
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