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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Interesting to note the time the dog was surrendered... the exact same time as keetamouse was posting here for help with him... Obviously the owners weren't too willing to take on board the advice given and hold him until someone could be found to avoid him going to an even higher stress place than the one he was already in... *sigh* T.
  2. Cavalier? Cardigan Corgi sounds great too. Labrador? Don't know how large/small she would be happy with... T.
  3. Awww... she's a pretty piggy, isn't she? Very tame... must be a pet... T.
  4. Many pounds and shelters charge a surrender fee - and so do many rescues. Our rescue asks for a donation rather than a fee for surrendering a dog - most people can front up around $20, sometimes more, or food/bedding donations and the like... As for adoption fees, ours fluctuate for many reasons - age of the dog, desirability of the dog type, etc - but is normally around the $300 mark. T.
  5. Maybe a basic fact sheet on each breed advertised could be a goer? Include things like what it takes to breed and raise a happy, healthy, purebred pup; what colours are acceptable in the ring (and/or for breeding with); what levels of activity the breed is prone to need; and the like... As for "rare" blue staffords - they are as rare as rocks these days, but demand will always bump up the asking price... *sigh* T.
  6. You'd be surprised at how many rescues can and do assess their dogs for rehomability - and if not rehomable, do the right thing by the dog and the community. Warehousing animals for indefinite periods of time is not the answer - even if they appear to be fine/coping in the environment they are warehoused in. It's not healthy for the dog, and it's not healthy for those charged with caring for the dog. That "perfect home" for a dog with serious issues doesn't come along very often... seriously, who goes looking to adopt a dog with issues? And I don't think too many people are going to trek out to the back of Woop Woop to get a "broken" dog either... not when there are so many perfectly adoptable dogs out there to choose from. I have a dog with mobility issues - she is a failed foster. When it came time for her to be up for adoption, I had a serious think about what sort of person would be looking to adopt her, and decided that as I was used to her needs, and she was used to my home, she should stay with me. Basically, once the novelty of her funny walk would have worn off, any prospective new owner would still have had a disabled dog to cope with... but I certainly wasn't looking for a disabled dog to adopt. T.
  7. Awesome news RSA... Kirah sounds a lot happier about the situation now. T.
  8. Run free sweet old girl... we will not forget you May. Look for my Woosie at the Bridge, she'll show you the best sunny sleeping spots, OK? Nic - have I told you lately how much I like and respect you? Thank you for giving this girl the dignified end she deserved. T.
  9. Probably... but just guessing here... T.
  10. I hope those who were supposedly "in control" of the dogs (supposedly taking them for a walk) are prosecuted as well... Seriously though, it's kinda funny how many of us are saying that they wouldn't try to assist for fear of themselves being injured... I wonder how many of us would feel the same about others witnessing one of us being attacked like this and not trying to help? Much as I'd hate to bear the brunt of a well aimed AmStaff bite (or a few bites) - I simply couldn't stand by and just "witness" another human being taking that sort of attack from FOUR large AmStaffs... if I could divert the attention of even ONE of them, that would be better than standing by, filming it on my phone, and essentially letting it carry on. T.
  11. I certainly don't condone any sort of thrill killing by testosterone driven youths with guns... the shooter needs to be prosecuted under whatever laws he may have broken, without any doubt. But.... who in their right mind will let their dog run off to do whatever it likes while they fluff about getting the kid out of the car, ostensibly to do same? There is responsibility for the incident on both sides of the equation here - but one side is just not seeing theirs at all. T.
  12. You haven't been on the receiving end of a malicious complaint to them then, have you? If they are hell bent on proving something, they WILL find something that you haven't got right... T.
  13. Not necessarily true KC... if the RSPCA do have a vendetta for whatever reason, then it won't matter how squeaky clean the place is, they will find something wrong with it... T.
  14. If it is a follow up visit to check that recommendations given have been done, you can... but only if you ask politely... If you carry on and publically scream abuse at them, they aren't going to be likely to give you any leeway. Mor flies with honey as they say... T.
  15. Seriously though... how many of you that would be hesitant to physically help would pull out your phone and film it happening? I'd be at least using the bloody phone to call the cops/ambulance, then trying to assist in any other way I could. T.
  16. http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/passers-by-filmed-dog-attack-instead-of-helping/story-e6frfkp9-1226634206586 A MAN mauled by a pack of savage dogs has lashed out at passers-by who filmed the attack rather than help him. Four American Staffordshire terriers attacked the man, Mr Tat, as he went to move his car near his Drummond St flat, Carlton, on Tuesday night. The dogs attacked him from behind and surrounded him, inflicting many bite wounds in a frenzied 15-minute attack. Eventually, with the help of a nearby security guard, witnesses pulled the dogs off Mr Tat and called the police. "He was very upset that there were so many people around and no one helped him," his son, Vi, told the Herald Sun. "My father was very upset when he saw that they were taping the attack and not helping." He said he could hear his father's screams from their 15th storey flat. "It was so shocking to hear all the screaming and then hear my father was involved," Vi said. "We want someone to come forward and take responsibility for this. "We want the dogs found. "My father is very big and tall. Imagine if it was a child the dogs went for." Vi said his father feared the dogs could strike again. Authorities have so far failed to find the animals. The 52-year-old had an operation for his injuries, but doctors at the Royal Melbourne Hospital warn he has suffered nerve damage and may lose feeling in his right arm. He had deep bite marks to his legs and stomach. ------------------------------------ Why would anyone think it was OK to just film someone being attacked by FOUR large dogs, rather than go and help him?? I'm so ashamed to be human sometimes... T.
  17. Still no excuse for onselling an animal that doesn't legally belong to you... Not all strays have "bad" owners who don't care that their dog got out of their yard. Where are the "good" owners going to look first for their missing animals? Certainly not in the For Sale section of a rescue's website/Facebook page... T.
  18. Right now the changes are in the proposal stage, yes? People here (paying members I'm guessing) are having their say and putting forward some reasons both for and against the proposed changes... and I'm sure Troy is listening and making notes in order to make the changes as fair as he can, while also trying to make the ads more informative for prospective puppy buyers. Quite frankly, Troy must have the patience of Job to run a site like this... how about a little less screaming, and a little more constructive input, so that some sort of compromise that suits the majority (and Troy) can be the outcome? T.
  19. Well done RSPCA for realising that there are others out there that specialise in the things you don't. Well done Iggy Rescue for yet another awesome rehome! T.
  20. You could ask... but if the other owner says "go jump", you won't be able to force the issue... Who knows, maybe he will be happy to stump something towards the bill - depending on how friendly-like you approach him about it? T.
  21. The dog could also have been run over, etc... A very hard lesson to learn about not letting your dog run loose... I feel sorry for the family (especially the little boy), but they really need to own up to having some responsibility for not keeping their own dog safe and under effective control in a public space. T.
  22. I had a lovely Husy turn up on my doorstep at 4am one morning... no chance of finding the pound or a vet open near me at that hour. I ended up calling the local police, who were more than happy to collect the dog and take him to the night pens at the RSPCA. I rang the RSPCA the next day, and the dog had gone home to his owners... yay!! T.
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