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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I want to work with you!!! T.
  2. Sitting here at work on a dedicated high bandwidth connection to the internet... and the Flickr homepage takes an age to load up... I think I'll stick to my Photobucket for my photo sharing. T.
  3. She looks like one cheeky munchkin in that photo... what a cutie! T.
  4. My heart goes out to you Jane... Mickey was one lucky boy to have found you, and I'm sure he let you know it for his 4 amazing years with you. There will be another bright little star in the heavens to shine down on us all. Run free little man... T.
  5. I've found that just like we need to train our dogs, we also need to train our vets... T.
  6. Her muscle tome is looking very nice chezal58... only a bit more weight to put on now, and she will be stunning in no time! The babies are looking really chunky and BIG already... they look great... you've done a brilliant job there! T.
  7. My Lab was in pain for the first 2 days after her surgery, and needed oral painkillers to settle enough to get some unbroken sleep - but she was ok to lie down on her own. She also developed a reaction to the external sutures which had to be drained a couple of times during the 10 days post op, but she was fine in every other respect by day 3... If your girl doesn't get some much needed lying down sleep tonight, I'd be going to the emergency vet again as soon as they open (business hours - marginally cheaper consult fee) and asking for some answers... and tell them which other vet did the surgery - he may have a history of post op complications, and just won't admit it to a customer. "Textbook surgery" just doesn't cut it when a dog is so miserable 4-5 days post op - you should be trying to stop her bouncing around like a loon by this point, not panicking that she is in pain and you can't help her feel better. Demand they check her out thoroughly before shooing you out the door with a pat on the head and a dent in your hip pocket. In the meantime, if she is still not wanting to lie down and is falling asleep upright - try putting some cushions or pillows stacked up to her chest for her to lean into and stop falling on her face. Maybe a couple of pillows attached to the inside of her crate will also give her something soft to lean against too. T.
  8. La-la (as in sooky La-la) might suit... *grin* Or Lani, Darla, Zara, Lara... Or if she isn't fazed by her name and you want a positive change... I like Spirit or Shiloh or Zen. T.
  9. Have you contacted Jill from JRT Rescue? This little man is used to sharing with another dog, so the inference is that he should be OK with others - much easier to rehome when they are nicely social. T.
  10. That photo shows her hunching some... she is more than likely in pain - and 4 days after surgery she shouldn't be. Poor little thing... Something isn't right, and hopefully the vet will be able to make her more comfortable. Be prepared for another surgery if there's a possibility of reaction to the internal stitches. Fingers crossed she is just a sook about abdominal pain like my Lab was, and that she starts perking up soon. T.
  11. This one is all 4 of mine... ewww! T.
  12. I'm in agreeance with this - but you really need to pick your battles better if you aren't already compliant with the laws in place. Calling yourself rescue is not an opt out for failing to maintain the best standards for the animals in your care - and I don't give a rats that your motives are good and decent - if you are failing the animals, you need a kick up the arse in the worst possible way! T.
  13. Seriously - she's only a baby herself... *sigh* On the upside, her youth will be a big factor in her recovery - it's simnply amazing how the younger dogs can come back from something like this with very few issues. It's lovely to see her with your 2 smalls - she seems like she's going to be a really great new family member for whoever is lucky enough to adopt her (when she's ready). Can't wait until the babies have eyes... and when they start getting older and want to play and explore everything... you are seriously going to have your hands full then... lol! May I suggest that when they get to about 3 weeks old (or when you can feel their teeth budding), that you start offering them slopped down puppy wet food? The sooner they only need Gnarla for comfort feeds, the better for her in the long run. I'm not suggesting weaning early or taking them away from her, just to introduce solids a little earlier than usual - if they will take to it. T.
  14. I suppose the thing that worries me the most is the complete inability to realise that how she is doing things is not perfect, and will not result in the very best outcomes for the animals she has in care. Whipping up the Facebook Warriors and enlisting the help of MA, whose motives appear to be more about his own publicity than Lola's situation, is a big worry - and will inevitably be her undoing. Once this cause is lost, MA will drop her like a hot potato and move on to his next publicity seeking stunt... Just note how he's now turning all of this around to his own issues of non-compliance with the law... now all his rantings are focused on HIS issues, not Moorook's... If Lola and her supporters had only worked WITH the powers that be, then things may have had a vastly different outcome, with a lot less fuss and trouble. T.
  15. OK Steve... If Lola's place was the local pound, would you still feel the same way? Seeing as it seems that it has been running like one with accepting strays dumped on them by the local council, etc If Lola works for a living and her rescue operation is a sideline, then she really should look at the numbers carefully, if only to be able to keep them clean, fed, and watered on a daily basis. One can't rely solely on volunteers to run your sideline business and keep increasing their workload to impossible levels - volunteers are a fickle bunch by nature, and can't necessarily be relied on to front up with regularity and slave their guts out for a lost cause... On a side note, I wonder how many of her FB supporters have ever seen a working kennel operation, or have even the faintest idea of how much hard work is involved in providing the animals with everything they need to thrive and become fully adoptable? With the numbers of animals Lola has, it's just not feasible for it to be run in conjunction with a full time paying job. T.
  16. How old would you say Gnarla is? She is certainly looking younger with each photo you take... and she's deadly beautiful! Loving your current name choices for the babies... T.
  17. Awww... doesn't Moose look really happy to have a little brother to show the ropes? Sumo is stunning! Enjoy him being "little" while you can... he's gonna get big fast methinks... T.
  18. Shmoo's Foster Manual also covers all of this and more... http://www.fostermanual.com/ ... and will be an awesome companion for doing the MDBA Foster Carer's course... *grin* T.
  19. Just a dumb question here... if Lola runs the rescue 24/7, then what's her income source if she's not shifting extremely high volumes of dogs? If she has managed to spend anywhere near $200,000 on the place, then wouldn't the tax department be interested in where the money is coming from, and wanting their cut of it? T.
  20. Just a few of the boy puppy names I have on my list... *grin* T.
  21. Maybe she doesn't like the cone/cloud collar, and that's what's stopping her from lying down? You have to admit, they look pretty uncomfortable to sleep in... Can you lay your hands on any vetwrap or bandages of any sort? Wrap a few times around the belly tight enough and widely enough that she can't get to the wound, but loosely enough that it's not constrictive - and see how she goes with that... T.
  22. Methinks that MA is more for his own sympathy vote than Moorook's... One reaps what one sows - and when it comes back at you, it ain't pleasant, is it? T.
  23. My Lab who usually doesn't appear to feel any pain, was a terrible sook after she got desexed. 3 days of shaking and looking completely miserable. I took her to the vet for a nice long acting pain injection, which seemed to settle her down and let her get on with healing. T.
  24. Notice there aren't photos of the inside of the kennels... and the number of kennels shown certainly aren't enough for 80 dogs... T.
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