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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. lets hope the breeder provides them with a lot more then just a puppy. How to properly care for it while travelling should be top of the list Maybe it's just the cynic in me but I wouldn't donate a puppy to a family who lets their dog run off, offlead in public... Glad there is someone else thinking the same as I am... the family just dont seem to understand that they were also in the wrong by allowing their dog to wander off out of sight on a country road. Maybe they learned a really hard lesson... maybe not... T.
  2. Funny how they can get decent numbers of people there at short notice to try to run off the RSPCA, but they can't get the same numbers to turn up daily to help clean up after and exercise the dogs, do odd jobs to fix the place up, etc... Maybe if they could mobilise the followers to do the latter, then Lola may have a slim chance in hell of getting up to scratch and be able to rehome dogs at a faster pace... on a permanent basis... T.
  3. Any online voting involved? If there is, you must drop us the link to your photo... *grin* T.
  4. so do you mean this one? 0200 HDR AEt by kirislin, on Flickr Because if you do, I've also been leaning towards that if I dont use any of the combined images. This one's just an honest crop. Yep - definitely my pick of the lot... *grin* I really like the action that it is implying. T.
  5. Definitely... it's nice to come home and know you are wanted... lol! T.
  6. I like the second photo in the uncropped pair - but the first one in the cropped pair is awesome! T.
  7. Multiply by 4 and you have some idea of the madness at my place when I get home... errr! T.
  8. I have a few padded leads I got from Petbarn - sturdy too, as my latest addition is a Dane cross and over 35kgs at 8 months old, and she hasn't managed to break them yet either. They weren't expensive either - around $20-$25... T.
  9. With respect here Ker... if Mark and the people at Moorook had been less adversarial about the RSPCA visit, maybe things would have turned out differently. There's a little saying they really should look into adopting... "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" Another great tenet is... "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" There are also many better ways to publicly discuss the situation - and whipping the Facebook crazies into a feeding frenzy when anyone poses curly questions is not exactly professional or rational. Mark is having his cake and eating it too with this debacle... he's getting more attention than he deserves, and some other poor bunny (Lola) is copping the brunt of the industry flack for it. When Lola is trounced in court by the RSPCA, Mark gets to walk away unscathed... sound fair? T.
  10. Older immunised dogs can still get Parvo and be non-symptomatic... and thus shed it via the normal means. Your best bet is to just make sure that your new pup isn't taken anywhere lots of other dogs congregate until after he/she has had all of it's vaccs and they have had time to take. T.
  11. All the things that Narla has been through may mean that her immune system isn't 100% yet - hoping the lumps are because of that, and as she gets stronger and healthier, they disappear by themselves... Fingers crossed... and please PM me the name and contact phone number for Narla's vet so thatI can call them and donate something towards her care next week when I get paid, OK? T.
  12. She definitely had a big character in her little dog body... her passing will leave a big hole in many a heart. T.
  13. Our rescue girl had an extreme case of demodex - not one part of her body was spared. All of the regular treatments didn't put a dent in the problem, so the vet suggested Ivomectin injectable in a large dose... that worked for our girl, but it's a last resort treatment, as some dogs don't cope well with large doses of Ivomectin. I will say that Advocate/Revolution, etc, DID have a small positive effect on our girl - but her demodex was extreme, and needed something much stronger to finally help her turn the corner and recover. Crossing fingers that little man Boston's eye comes good quickly and never comes back. Give him some kisses and cuddles from me too please. T.
  14. Weetbix and puppy milk/formula is great for mixing up as semi-solids for the pups' first meals... while they are still getting plenty of the good stuff from mum. Teaches them the lap reflex and prepares them for solids. I wouldn't be still feeding it to a pup who can easily eat proper solids and isn't getting any backup nutrients from mum's milk though. My Staffy/Dane pup had Royal Canin Junior up until she was 12 weeks old, then I switched her to Nutro Lamb and Rice Adult... she's doing great at 8.5 months, not grown too fast, structure is good, weight and tone is commented upon favourably by her vet, etc... T.
  15. chezal58 - which vet is Narla being treated at? I will be getting an on-call allowance in next weeks pay, and I'd like to donate some towards her vet bill... T.
  16. Oooh... it does soften the sharpness!! T.
  17. From Photobucket... From PC... Just testing for differences... T.
  18. I got a very complimentary response back on my photo... *grin* T.
  19. I've seen staff at Renbury advise people wanting to adopt certain breeds/types of dogs that the dog in question would not suit their requirements... they are almost as picky about new homes as most ethical rescues... *grin* T.
  20. In all honesty, I've fed my dogs all sorts of kibble over the years, and they have all thrived nicely on whatever I've fed them. However, with my last 2 additions, I found that they did even better on the premium kibble than pups of the past have done on less well balanced foods. I now feed them a lot less food, have less mess to clean up, etc... I have 4 large dogs, and one 15kg bag will last me a whole fortnight and I collect less than one standard bucket full of poop a week. Previously I'd have been going through a 20kg bag of cheaper kibble a week - and would be filling 2 buckets with poop a week. Find what your pup does well on and is providing him with the nutrition his growing body needs, and go with it... but please ditch the weetbix, OK? T.
  21. Really - I haven't noticed that with my pics... maybe I need a monitor calibration... *grin* T.
  22. lillypilly has been Sweetie's primary carer - but everyone at the rescue had her wormed completely into our hearts. If not for lillypilly's wonderful care of "our" old girl, I don't think she would have had those great 5 years to enjoy to the fullest. I do love the fact that she passed peacefully during one of her fave things... a nanna nap... very dignified right to the end. T.
  23. I'm tipping her owners will be by soon to pick her up... what a lovely looking girl! T.
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