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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Here's a taste... DPP_0003 by tdierikx, on Flickr DPP_0017 by tdierikx, on Flickr DPP_0026 by tdierikx, on Flickr DPP_0031 by tdierikx, on Flickr DPP_0036 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  2. OK - each set is dated the day I've been to the Zoo lately... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx/sets/ Latest photos in 10th August 2013 set - for those who've already seen the others... *grin* I hope you enjoy viewing tham as much as I've enjoyed taking them. T.
  3. Oh my! Aren't they simply adorable? Please plant a soft kiss on Widget from me when you next visit... she is doing an amazing job there... They are going to be a complete scream when they become mobile playing machines... lol! T.
  4. My 14 year old girl is a bit arthritic and can sometimes have difficulty getting out of her nice warm beddie in the mornings (during winter). We have tried a few joint supplements and cartrophen over the past couple of years with no real success... She now has a dose of Meloxicam of an evening if the temps are going to drop below 10 degrees overnight, and has been doing really well on it... much less reluctant to get out of bed and get moving about in the morning. T.
  5. Woohoo! forecast for Sydney is 22 degrees and sunny today... and 21 and sunny tomorrow... Can anyone guess where I'll be all weekend? T.
  6. Kirislin... we need some week old baby Iggy photos... *grin* T.
  7. It's like a follow-on from the stupid laws that stop anyone from disciplining any child for anything nowadays... Like others have said, back in the day, we were asked what the hell we did to the dog to make it bite us - then were paddled for good measure to make sure we fully understood that we shouldn't have done it. Dogs have fewer methods of telling us to back the hell off than humans do - and usually the last one (and most effective one) is to bite. Any dog that snaps first (without any provocation) is not safe, and should be contained as such, or humanely euthanaised. That sort of behaviour is NOT OK for ANY dog, regardless of breed, size, or any other reason one cares to use. T.
  8. I believe I have been knocked over twice now by your dream dog. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: And I love it. They only do it so they can get better access to give you a huge face-washing kiss... *grin* Rotties are definitely my dream breed - yet to find another breed that suits me so perfectly. My heart dog was a Rotti - and a more perfect dog you'll never find... ever... I do miss her terribly even now (she passed in 2004). T.
  9. Ahem!!!! What about my dream of a tribe of tibetan spaniels. How much more to cuddle would you want than this lot? Here's my dream out walking: (click to enlarge) Well - yes - but I only have one pair of arms with with to give them a cuddle... *grin* They'd make a great winter doona cover though... hehe! T.
  10. Better policing of current laws and tougher penalties for those who break them will be more effective than adding more laws and regulations that there is no-one to police anyways... T.
  11. I use Digital Camera Warehouse - www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au - they are a little more expensive than some of the others out there, but they also have actual shops in Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne - and they definitely have Australian warranty on all their gear. They are cheaper than most other bricks and mortar stores though. T.
  12. Love how their "Muzzle the Mutts" campaign doesn't have a webpage or any right of reply to any of the articles they are putting out. Absolutely no option for frank and open discussion about the topic at all. T.
  13. Why is that........the kid may have done something stupid......years ago I sadly saw a dog bite a kid in the face after the kid blew in the dogs face 3 times amused by the dog growling and turning away.....as the kid's mother was just about to chastise him for teasing the dog, he did it the 4th time and the dog snapped causing quite a sever nose and upper lip injury. There was another one commonly mentioned where the dog was PTS for biting a kid and when the dead dog was rolled over, he had a coloured pencil shoved into his ear canal......obviously supervision is paramount with kids and dogs, but kids can do some stupid stuff with dogs and get bitten as a result......not always a case of a dog needing to nail a child without provocation. ... and that is why we must ALWAYS supervise any interaction between children and dogs... T.
  14. Isn't it funny how most of the responses here are for larger breed dogs... so much more of them to cuddle, yes? T.
  15. 'm a Canon girl... but would go the Tamron 18-270 over the Canon 18-200 in a heartbeat... I've gotten some gorgeous photos with my Tamron 18-270 on my 60D. Check out what it gave me at Taronga Zoo a couple of weeks ago - the photos from 27 and 28 July are with the Tamron... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx T.
  16. Tamron lenses con with a Nikon mount too... well worth the investment. T.
  17. What camera body do you have? For my Canon 60D I love my Tamron 18-270mm lens - best of all worlds - has been on the camera since the day I bought it 18 months ago - only recently came off to give the new 100-400mm lens a good workout. It's still the best all purpose lens out there I reckon - and it's not overly expensive, and nice and light! T.
  18. As an owner of 2 dogs that would be the subject of such a campaign, I'm not impressed... Funnily enough I'd trust either of them with a small child much more than my other 2 dogs who are "more suitable pets" according to M Devine... Seriously, why do we have to legislate to the lowest denominator all the time? T.
  19. Ummm... they have to be policed effectively... or nothing works. We have enough current laws and regulations already to cope with the issues out there, but what we DON'T have is any funding put into the manpower needed to effectively police them. It's piss easy to enact a kneejerk reaction law, but a whole other ballgame to make sure it is enforced. It takes the average Joe about 10 minutes to find an unmicrochipped pup/dog for sale - maybe a hour or two to go buy it. There's one example of how blatantly one current LAW (in NSW at least) is being flaunted. One look into the numbers of adolescent unchipped dogs impounded at any given time is also an eye-opener... they came from somewhere, yes? If there were people on the ground in animal management/control positions, maybe they could crack down on the high numbers of backyard breeders carelessly pumping out substandard pups and selling them to anyone with the purchase price. The "crackdown" needs to start somewhere - and above is going to have the fastest and most efficient results... and best of all, it doesn't impact all of those doing the right thing. T.
  20. The 5200 looks pretty good value... check out the prices with different lens addons... http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/category1303_1.htm T.
  21. Probably got your email address from NARGA... T.
  22. Apart from the last line and the sex, you've described my Woosie (1993-2004)... T.
  23. Isn't Chrissie Swan the one that is a bit obsessed about being a fattie? *grin* Seriously though, who reads the Tele for an informed piece of reporting? T.
  24. I just made a Flickr account... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx/ I also have a Photobucket account... http://s6.photobucket.com/user/tdierikx/library/?sort=3&page=1 T.
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