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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I upgraded from a 450D with the kit lenses to a 60D with a Tamron 18-270mm lens - so the lens wasn't top of the range - but the larger sensor and updated Digic on the 60D definitely gave me nicer images. I now have a Canon 100-400mm f4.5-5.6 L lens on the 60D most of the time - and the combo is giving me awesome images. A word of warning though - this combo is HEAVY... around 2kgs total... I've developed biceps from using it handheld. Really nice glass is definitely worth the spend... That said - I'm looking to get my 450D back from a friend who is borrowing it - and putting the Tamron lens on it for a backup camera when I need something closer ranged, and can't be bothered stopping to change lenses on the 60D. T.
  2. He's a cutie, isn't he? His other senses are working nicely for him while exploring the yard, and he only nosed a couple of obstacles... well done! T.
  3. Cosmolo - you are more qualified to read dog body language than most of us here... I'm sure that you will know when he is telling you that it is his time to leave you. If you think that it may be time, but are overwhelmed by your own emotions, think what you would be advising another owner to do with their beloved pet under the same circumstances. T.
  4. I found that upgrading from my 450D to the 60D was a significant change in the quality of the images that were produced... and I'm still very much in the point and shoot class of photographer.. *grin* T.
  5. Plenty of older dogs go blind and cope very well with the disability... so a puppy that has never known any different should be able to cope even better, yes? I'd rather a blind dog than a deaf one... deaf pups are VERY challenging... *grin* T.
  6. The new 70D looks nice... What lenses do you already have akristin? T.
  7. We are getting that checked out by our own vet early next week, but to us laymen it looks like no eyes formed at all. His hearing and sense of smells works so well he is already adjusting admirably in an unfamiliar environment. He's running around like a loon, happily playing and being with everyone. Importantly, he manages to find your face to give you lots of special kisses. Sounds like he's going to have no problems at all finding himself that perfect forever home if this is how he's started his rescue journey... *grin* T.
  8. Does he truly have no eyes, or does he have micro-orbits? If the latter, he may need drops (mainly saline or the like) to keep the sockets clean. Dogs born with a disability don't know any different - they are normal for them. Pups are especially resilient when it comes to disabilities. He has all of his other senses, so he shouldn't have insurmountable problems growing up happy and healthy. I've fostered a few disabled pups myself - they really don't act any different to their counterparts... and aren't really that much more difficult to find great forever homes for. T.
  9. 5 dogs is not crazy dog lady territory at all ruthless... that only starts at 15 dogs... *grin* He is a stunner, isn't he? T.
  10. What responsible vet would vaccinate pups with mange? T.
  11. Maybe someone can point them in the direction of a good rescue group up that way? AWL QLD might be a good start... Seriously - once the puppy cute factor is gone, he's still going to be a disabled dog for his entire life. T.
  12. We have a new arrival at Taronga this week... Kuma the Chimpanzee has finally had her baby!!! Born on wednesday apparently - so 2 days old in these photos... 18-10-2013-taronga 389 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 438 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 627 by tdierikx, on Flickr ... and the young Tigers were also in fine form this morning! It started like this... 18-10-2013-taronga 135 by tdierikx, on Flickr ... and escalated to this... 18-10-2013-taronga 213 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 226 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 248 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 256 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 258 by tdierikx, on Flickr 18-10-2013-taronga 295 by tdierikx, on Flickr The little tiger won... she's a feisty young lass... lol! Beat up her brother good! T.
  13. Jelly, it's perfectly normal to not feel too good... you have done the hardest thing you could ever do for the girl you loved so deeply. You have given her the peace she needed at the time she needed it - and for that you have my heartfelt condolences and utmost respect. You will meet again... at the Rainbow Bridge... and all will be perfect... The Rainbow Bridge By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill, Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still. Where the friends of man and woman do run, When their time on earth is over and done. For here, between this world and the next, Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest. On this golden land, they wait and they play, Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day. No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness, For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness. Their limbs are restored, their health renewed, Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued. They romp through the grass, without even a care, Until one day they start, and sniff at the air. All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back, Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack. For just at that instant, their eyes have met; Together again, both person and pet. So they run to each other, these friends from long past, The time of their parting is over at last. The sadness they felt while they were apart, Has turned into joy once more in each heart. They embrace with a love that will last forever, And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together. T.
  14. Greys will sometimes fight with each other too... I've seen some scary injuries come into the clinic Ted runs... T.
  15. Ted Humphries is a wonderful man... he's been campaigning for a cleanup of the racing industry for years. This isn't the first time he's gone public - and probably won't be the last either. He's one of the premiere greyhound vets, and people travel long distances to take their greys to him - he also vets at races, so he knows exactly what he's talking about. We need many more people like him in the industry. T.
  16. Jalur beat up a couple of cardboard boxes today... lol! 15-10-2013-symbio 470 by tdierikx, on Flickr 15-10-2013-symbio 477 by tdierikx, on Flickr How handsome is he though? 15-10-2013-symbio 335 by tdierikx, on Flickr Baby Cotton-Top Tamarins are getting very inquisitive about the big wide world... 15-10-2013-symbio 125 by tdierikx, on Flickr 15-10-2013-symbio 143 by tdierikx, on Flickr This is what happens when you know his name, and call him over... his name is Ralph... *grin* 15-10-2013-symbio 772 by tdierikx, on Flickr Ever seen a Koala yawn? Now you have... Ash showing off his pearlies... 15-10-2013-symbio 936 by tdierikx, on Flickr ... and just for the cute factor... 15-10-2013-symbio 975 by tdierikx, on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx/ for more... T.
  17. Of the 12 dogs I have owned since leaving home - only 2 have had any problems... one was allergic to beef, and the other was allergic to fleas - neither could be attributed to genetics 100%. One was purebred but from a BYB, and the other was a mutt. One of my current dogs is a true blue Aussie Camp Dog - born in an Aboriginal camp in the middle of the NT - she is mobility challenged due to a scar in her brain of unknown origin, but it doesn't impact on her health or get in the way of having lots of fun with the other dogs... in fact, she is the most hardy of all the dogs I've ever owned... *grin* T.
  18. Thanks Roova... It's been great fun watching the little Cotton-Top Tamarin babies grow up... they are completely adorable little critters. Watching Cinta run directly at the clam shell pool I donated was a huge buzz too... she also jumped off the platform and ran over to the fence earlier in the day when I was telling her how beautiful she was. I was so enthralled by what was happening there that I didn't even think to get pics of her running towards me me. She wasn't showing aggression, just curiosity at this strange person calling her name and talking to her... unlike Jalur who hissed at me a couple of weeks ago when he came over to the fence... lol! I suppose that was better than him spraying on me, as he's wont to do when he doesn't like something... errr! The new Reptile House is nearly finished, as is the new Koala Habitat - and the lion, cheetah, and lemur habitats will be started on soon... very exciting!! T.
  19. Latest Symbio photos are up... http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx/sets/ - Set is Symbio Zoo 14th October 2013 Here's a taste... 14-10-2013-symbio 009 by tdierikx, on Flickr 14-10-2013-symbio 146 by tdierikx, on Flickr I can do this Dad... 14-10-2013-symbio 329 by tdierikx, on Flickr 14-10-2013-symbio 355 by tdierikx, on Flickr 14-10-2013-symbio 358 by tdierikx, on Flickr 14-10-2013-symbio 399 by tdierikx, on Flickr Cinta checking out what's in the clam shell... 14-10-2013-symbio 490 by tdierikx, on Flickr Got it! 14-10-2013-symbio 495 by tdierikx, on Flickr Too late Jalur! 14-10-2013-symbio 518 by tdierikx, on Flickr A new toy... 14-10-2013-symbio 683 by tdierikx, on Flickr There are a lot of other animals in the set... enjoy! T.
  20. Love the last shot of him begging from the squeaker... did it give him anything? T.
  21. Haha! I performed my very first crop procedure the other day... baby steps here... lol! T.
  22. Awesome news garnali! What an amazing person you are to help with Hershey's grooming fears. T.
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