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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I used to work next door to Georges... the staff there are great too... T.
  2. 28/2 - Snow Leopard at Taronga Zoo... 13-02-2014-taronga 215 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  3. 27/28 - What mealworm? 14-02-2014-symbio 097 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  4. www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au are also good - and have Australian warranty. T.
  5. 4 is my magic number... it just feels "right" for me... Recently I boarded the 2 bounciest of my dogs while I recouperated from surgery, and it felt bizarre only having 2 dogs in the house... all was right with the world when I brought the other two home... Pickles is my smallest at 14kg, and Harper the largest at 30kg - Trouble and Zeddy are 26 and 28kg respectively. I used to have 5 Rotties, and that number of Rotties works well for me - but the current lot are all mixed breeds with way different personality traits, so 4 is the limit of those... lol! I love all dogs, but the larger ones are my preference. Maybe as I get older I'll have to look at size and temperament much more carefully in order to be able to manage my companions easily, but that's a way off yet... *grin* T.
  6. The first family dog we had was a Lab cross named Nuppy... she was the most awesome family dog ever! She reinforced my desire to ALWAYS have at least one dog in my life - no matter what... My first "only mine" dog I got as an adult was a crossbreed girl I named Rebel. Her mum was a pure Golden Retriever, but I think Rebel took after her dad in looks - she looked like a BC cross some sort of terrier. She was BC size and colour, but had wiry fur and a square face. She was named Rebel because she was a turd to toilet train... she'd pee inside, and I'd take her outside and wait for ages and she would have a tiny tinkle so she could be let back in again, where she would promptly stare at me while laying a huge turd on the carpet... *sigh*... she eventually got the idea and was exceptionally well toilet trained thereafter... lol! T.
  7. Yep - looks the spit of the Lace Monitors I've taken loads of pictures of at Symbio... otherwise known as Goannas... lol! T.
  8. She's a stunning girl grizabella... T.
  9. I would expect my dogs to alert bark at an intrusion over my fence - but not to bite without fair warning. You sound like you are wanting to do the right thing by getting in a behaviourist for some professional help... good on you for that... T.
  10. If it was one of my whippets I'd offer to help remove it but I'd pass with him. He looks like he's just eaten my Blondie chicken!! She wouldn't last long around him. If it were Woody (the other Tassie Devil) with something stuck, I'd help him... but Smithy WILL bite, so he was on his own and I just took a lot of photos and laughed at him instead... *grin* T.
  11. Way to go Panto! Hang in there for a good while now and stop scaring your mummy like that... T.
  12. 26/2 - Ralph the Wedge Tailed Eagle at Symbio giving me the hairy eyeball... 14-02-2014-symbio 353 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  13. Tempting... but I don't have the money or the days off from work to spend... *waaahhhh* Note to self: Start buying lottery tickets... T.
  14. Awesome effort guys!! Well done! Fingers crossed that Ruby will soon be back home where she belongs. T.
  15. Too cute! Love the white whisker... T.
  16. 8/52 - Smithy has something caught in his teeth... 14-02-2014-symbio 802 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  17. 25/2 - Kelly the Koala at Symbio looking for a higher spot... 14-02-2014-symbio 692 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  18. Renbury are really good... they are in Austral too... www.renbury.com.au T.
  19. My awesome DOLer neighbour bought me the book for Christmas... it's awesome! Loved the video! T.
  20. 24/2 - cheeky baby Common Marmoset at Symbio 14-02-2014-symbio 134 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
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