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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Those eyes tell a story perse... he looks like a truly cheeky little munchkin... lol! T.
  2. Yes but you don't have a muzzled dog T. I used to have a Rotti boy who was muzzled when out for a walk... people used to cross the road to avoid him. What they didn't know was that the muzzle was for HIS protection, not theirs. T.
  3. I have a dog that is timid of people she hasn't met before, and will bark and carry on and hide behind me... but she's plenty happy to be approached by strange dogs... go figure? I would have the backward dog, wouldn't I? T.
  4. ... then you can talk me through how one actually shoots Macro... 'cos I'm completely befuddled by it all... lol! My old 2MP point and shoot had a lovely Macro setting that took gorgeous shots... maybe I should pull that out for old times' sake... *grin* T.
  5. I bet Tonka wasn't looking at the view... lol! Gorgeous pics as always FF! T.
  6. I'd look for a local group training club and join... there will usually be a more controlled environment there to allow supervised interaction between the dogs. I used to take Harper to my local training club when the more advanced training groups were training - I was more likely to have her meet well behaved dogs when they had their breaks then... and she loved it. T.
  7. For the yard - keep grass short or well tended... fleas love long grass... My guys were finally flea free about 2 weeks after the 2 doses of Comfortis and dose of Advantage spot-on... it took a little while for it to all kick in I suppose... grrr! Haven't seen a flea since I'm happy to say... *grin* T.
  8. I used a check chain when training my Lab to heel... used properly, check chains are wonderful things... T.
  9. 4/31 - I loves my barrel... 01-03-2014-taronga 582 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  10. Was the bitch mated more than once during her season? That pup looks to be somewhat "uncooked"... T.
  11. 3/31 - one more of Fumo the cheeky Chimp... 01-03-2014-taronga 877 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  12. How long have you been taking photos? I've always been a bit of a photo-taker - best memory is when I found my Mum's old box brownie as a teen and took some pics of a friend's pet cow with it... lol! Only been more serious about photography since getting involved with Rescue back in 2006 and started taking photos of the rescues for advertising them for adoption. Are you professional, amateur, artist, something else? Completely amateur, but I have an arrangement with one of the zoos I visit where I supply them with my photos of their animals for use as they see fit (marketing, signage, etc), and I get to visit there for free. It's a very cool feeling to see your photos on signs around the zoo... *grin* Do you have a main subject (portrait, pets etc)? I used to primarily photograph rescue fosters and my own dogs... have moved "up" to visiting 3 zoos regularly and taking photos of more exotic creatures. Do you have a favourite technique or photography set-up? (Or a few) I'm lazy... I use the Sports preset on my camera and shoot in jpg. I also do extremely minimal post editing and rarely crop. What you see posted is pretty much what the camera gave me when I pressed the magic clicky button. What is your learning edge at the moment? Mainly framing the shots I take... if it looks interesting through the viewfinder, I press the magic clicky button. What equipment do you use? Currently my Canon 60D and Canon 100-400mm L lens are in permanent partnership. I have other lenses - Tamron 18-270mm, Canon 55-250mm (kit lens), and Tamron 90mm Macro - but they don't come out very often. Any current projects? I love going to zoos - current rotation is between Taronga, Featherdale, and Symbio. Participating in 52 Weeks here on DOL, and the monthly photo a day. Future hopes, visions and/or experiences? I'd love to learn how to shoot in manual mode one day, but am having pretty good results with my current "technique", so following that I'm very lazy it may be a while before I get around to trying to work out manual modes. I'd love to do a tour of all the different zoos in Australia one day - and go to Africa and get to photograph exotic animals in the wild... A statement about what you strive for with your work: Trying to capture the animals I visit each week doing different and interesting things - and making them NOT look like they are in a zoo enclosure.
  13. Awesome photos! I'd love to go to Africa one day... T.
  14. 2/31 - more Fumo the cheeky Chimp... he was in fine form... *grin* 01-03-2014-taronga 912 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  15. Nice! Much better than I can do with my macro lens... For the life of me, I can't work out how the macro lens works... probably because I'm so used the the zoom lenses, and macro is a whole other ballgame, isn't it? T.
  16. 1/31 - Fumo the baby Chimpanzee at Taronga... 01-03-2014-taronga 844 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  17. More tongue... You have a special effect on the critters :) I love all the different ways animals stick out their tongues... *grin* T.
  18. Some pups just don't like being handled a certain way... I've fostered enough pups to realise that this is normal. The fact that the pup you mention is giving a fair warning that it doesn't like whatever is happening - and not biting straight away - is a positive sign. I've had a few larger breed pups who have been going through a growth spurt act like that. They actually hurt while their tendons and muscles are stretched and have to catch up with their bone growth - touching those areas can cause discomfort, and the pup may give warning that they hurt when touched in those areas. A vet visit is always the first thing to do if you have a pup displaying discomfort at being handled. T.
  19. She's lived up to it too... 8 years old now and still a crazy puppy... *sigh* T.
  20. Little Fumo put on a show for those of us crazy enough to brave the wet weather today and visit Taronga. Here's a taste... 01-03-2014-taronga 912 by tdierikx, on Flickr 01-03-2014-taronga 892 by tdierikx, on Flickr 01-03-2014-taronga 877 by tdierikx, on Flickr 01-03-2014-taronga 861 by tdierikx, on Flickr More at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdierikx/ ... lots more... T.
  21. 9/52 - fresh off the presses... Fumo the cheeky Chimp (DOB 16/10/2013) 01-03-2014-taronga 860 by tdierikx, on Flickr T.
  22. First stop is a vet... puppy needs thorough checkup to make sure nothing is hurting it. I've had plenty of pups growl and even bite when held up under the armpits... some dogs just don't like being handled that way... T.
  23. Don't ask me for name suggestions... I called my Lab girl Trouble... lol! T.
  24. Did I meet you and Brandi at Pet Expo at Rosehill? If so, I'll agree, Brandi is the lovliest girl... T.
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