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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. It's a tough call to make when we only have one description as to what happened... How would the other dog's owner describe the same incident? It may well be along the lines of what Snook described... possible, yes? It's highly possible that the other dog's owner is at training in order to work on their dog's issues - and having others losing track of what their dogs are doing is not exactly what they were expecting either. Most people expect dog training groups to be places where people ARE paying a bit more attention to their dogs interactions. I'd say that next time you go, you just be a little more aware of what your pup may be doing when you aren't paying close attention to it - pick it up if you want to stop and have a chat and pup still hasn't worked out it has to stay close to you. Will save everyone any grief (including you and your pup) in the long run, yes? T.
  2. He's just the perfect colours to practice your photography on too... stunning! T.
  3. Thank dog for Stan... at least he's doing his best to take advantage of the whole situation... *grin* I hope to hear you've been to the doctor for your own injuries today... and that you are only a bit battered, but will be fine... T.
  4. He looks like a Deefer to me... *grin* He truly is an awesome photo subject - perfect colouring, lovely scruffy coat, and he looks like he's having a great time nomming on that bone! T.
  5. He looks like he has a happy demeanour - maybe he will be the companion you've been needing for a while now... ... and he's drop dead gorgeous... *grin* T.
  6. They are simply gorgeous photos of a very good looking dog skyefool! Does this gorgeous dog have a name? T.
  7. Typical Stan... thinks only of his poor starving belly... lol! Ya gotta love the dude, don't you? I hope some of his attitude rubs off on poor sweet Maddie and she recovers quickly from her surgery. When you see the doctor for your hand, please get him to give you a referral for x-rays on the hand and foot, OK? You may have small things busted in there after your ordeal, and if not seen to quickly, they could give you more gyp than you need for longer than necessary. I'd still be reporting the other dogs' owner, and sending in photos of both Stan's and Maddie's injuries - and pics of your hand and swollen foot for good measure. You have their address and descriptions of both the attacking dogs, so it shouldn't be too hard for the ranger to follow up on reasonably quickly. At the very least I reckon a "dogs at large" fine on top of the vet bill they've already paid would be a start - and may make them think about how they should contain their dogs more effectively from now on. Big smoochy kisses for Stan, and gentle cuddles for sweet Maddie... T.
  8. I've only just seen this... how horrible for Stan and Maddie (and you)! A friend of mine is a vet at Erina emergency vet hospital - and I know that if she's looking after Maddie, she couldn't be in better and more caring hands... and she's an exceptional surgeon to boot. Don't forget your own injuries in all of this - please have your hand looked at by a doctor - or at the very least by the vet looking after Maddie, OK? You may have done yourself some damage there judging by your description of the bruising... Healing and calming vibes from me and mine to you and yours HazyWal... T.
  9. Seriously stupid of them to put it in the display case like that... it should have been at home with someone looking after it instead. T.
  10. Still great gobs of shit in the ferret cages... and the fox needs a much larger enclosure. T.
  11. The blisters may be a part of the allergy rash... don't be jumping to conclusions as to the worst possible scenario. Seriously, I think you really need to talk to your vet about ALL of your concerns... that may give him/her a better idea of what direction he/she needs to steer you in. ... and stop Googling for what may be ailing your dog... you aren't doing him or yourself any favours there. T.
  12. If his only warning about the content was "I make no apologies for the graphic nature of these photos" - I think he was probably being an arse and trying to show off how wonderful he thought himself for taking that sort of photo... and then forcing others to see it whether they were comfortable about that sort of thing or not. I really don't care how well he may have done the job - I would have expected a much more detailed warning about the content than the one he gave... if only to allow those who weren't going to be comfortable with it to at least leave the room. T.
  13. Is there any way to bring up a list of dogs registered (either by chip database, or council registration database) in a certain suburb, then maybe go through manually to find 2 greyhounds registered to the same address in that area? Time consuming, but could yield a result... T.
  14. You need to waterproof (and everything-else-proof) his feet... or completely restrict his wanderings about your house and horse paddock/yard until you know what he's allergic to. The fact that he's getting the rash on his belly as well indicates that he's laid down in whatever it is he's allergic to, and that's why he's now itchy there also. Hubby may need to take the mower/whipper snipper to the horse yard to reduce whatever it is that upsetting the dog - or stop taking the dog out there - it really is that simple at this point. Until you get a specialist to do a bunch of tests to find out exactly what the dog is allergic to, you will just be running around in circles - and it won't help the dog (or you) any... T.
  15. Well - if this "Steve" is the actual man who owns the dogs in question - and he's been truthful about living in Castle Hill... how hard would it be for the Council to look up any owners in Castle Hill who have 2 greyhounds registered (or chipped) to their address? I know our council rangers have a level of access that allow them to do all sorts of searches on the CAR database... T.
  16. ... and what did the vet say was the cause of the problem? Did they run any tests, do any scrapings, etc? Mange may be secondary to the original problem - as you have been bombarding the poor dog with all manner of things of late, and his immune system may be completely stuffed at this point of the game. Maybe investing in a set of boots for your dog for use whenever he has to walk in grass or the like may be a good start - see if the contact allergy reaction on his feet slows or stops when he's wearing the boots when going outside. It's the least damaging to his system, and will soon let you know if you are looking at more than a contact allergy. T.
  17. FFS please stop Googling for all the treatments for all the possible (and as yet undiagnosed) problems your dog may be having. Just take him to the vet (or skin specialist) and get him properly diagnosed by a professional in the field. Until you have a definitive diagnosis, you may be making things worse! Get rid of any/all Wandering Jew from your own yard - and make sure the dog doesn't run in long seeding grass, or freshly cut grass, if that is what is upsetting his feet. Do NOT give him ivermectin unless advised of correct dosage rates by a qualified professional... ie. a VET. T.
  18. I've had some nice scratches on my face from Harper enthusiastically greeting me of an afternoon when I get home from work - and I'm usually backing away from her flailing paws when I get scratched (as I know she's nuts)... I can see how an over-enthusiastic "greeting" from a couple of large dogs on an unwitting recipient could do the sort of damage that this lady suffered. I'm not too sure what to think about the guy who owned the 2 dogs involved though... if the story we have been fed by the media is correct, then I don't think he did the right thing by the lady who got hurt by his dogs, and it WILL go badly on him and his dogs if/when they are eventually found... *sigh* T.
  19. Good luck tomorrow Jenna! T.
  20. What about a Cardigan Corgi... definitely a larger dog in a smaller body... *grin* T.
  21. Sounds like a contact allergy rather than a diet related one... check your yard for Wandering Jew first... Does his allergy get worse after you have mowed the lawn? Sometimes the seasonal grasses can bring out allergies in dogs too - and I have had one dog who reacted to cut grass only - was allergic to the sap. Does he lick his paws when he doesn't have the redness? Some dogs lick their paws as a symptom of stress or anxiety, and that can inflame the area too. T.
  22. I'm sure they are supposed to keep the name of the complainant private - to reduce the risk of reprisals... T.
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