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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. 3 policemen, 2.5 cans of capsicum spray, boots, and batons - were no use when attempting to get my 2 bitches to stop their last fight... so I've decided that permanent separation is my best course of action to make sure it NEVER happens again. On the upside, my vets declared that last fight to be a "draw" - they charged the same amount for each dog to be patched up afterwards... *sigh* T.
  2. 2 of mine are permanently separated due to the fact that if they are inclined to fight, it will be to the death. Both desexed bitches - both I've had from very young pups - 6 year age difference between the two. Funnily enough, the 2 rescue foster failures are less inclined to scrap with anyone... but Pickles is top dog around here regardless. T.
  3. There are worse fates for poundies than being euthed... and some really should be given their wings rather than rehomed. "Saving" everything with a pulse is NOT rescue. Preying on the gullible public to get dogs out of pounds with some flowery scripting and a cute photo is NOT rescue. Advertising animals you've never met and have no clue as to their temperaments is NOT rescue. T.
  4. Hmmm... what about your local State Member (Chris Holstein?)? Local government get really active when a "ministerial" comes down the line... *grin* Seriously - go to your local member personally, armed with the photos and vet notes regarding the injuries to Stan and Maddie, and also photos and x-rays of your hand and foot. Let him/her know in no uncertain terms that you are being fobbed off by Council, and that next time it may not be an adult trying to fend off these particular dogs. You should see some action if the member formally asks Council WTF is going on with your case. Show the bastards that you can play them at their own game... T.
  5. A 16D allows the carer to not have to pay registration on the dog for up to 12 months... however, it must be paid on transfer of said dog to new owner. T.
  6. Meloxicam and understanding... I like your vet... *grin* Zeddy's winters are just that now too... but she's been pretty good through summer just gone. Not looking forward to winter proper - I think it's going to be a colder one than last year. Zeddy's magic temperature is 8 degrees, if it gets below that her arthritis really makes life difficult... but Meloxicam seems to help immensely for that so far... when it stops being effective, that will be her time I think. I'm "lucky" with Zeddy so far, as her eyesight, hearing, and mental faculties are all still intact... she just has arthritis so far. T.
  7. I'd be more worried about the mentality of those deciding to buy a dog from the pound because of those reasons - rather than getting a dog carefully matched to them and their lifestyle by a reputable rescue or a registered breeder. It will only end in tears, and I'm betting they'll be contacting YOU to take the dog off their hands when it doesn't work out... T.
  8. Hmmm... I have the 60D... This lens is now officially on my wish list, but I'd like a 70D first... *grin* T.
  9. What camera are you using with this lens CC? T.
  10. Call me a cynic, but I agree with ruthless... This fellow probably wants the laws changed so that there can be no challenge to the declarations... thus meaning less cost to council... Isn't Monash one of the council areas that took to the new legislation VERY enthusiastically? T.
  11. A fear aggressive dog that is actually willing to attack is quite likely to warn, warn, warn while you're facing it then lunge when you turn your back. I wouldn't risk turning my back personally. I'd rather be bitten on my arse than on any part of the front of me... T.
  12. When it's time, you WILL know... I feel it may be sooner rather than later now for sweet old Penny... so the only advice I can offer is to just enjoy each other for however long that is, OK? T.
  13. I got more experience with scared mums than I care to mention when I was volunteering with rescue... they can be pretty scary, no matter what size they are... I would have filled my pants with a defensive GSD mumma barking that close to my head... errr! Then again, I suppose if I'm game enough to get up close and personal with a Pittie mumma defending her babies (no-one else could get within cooee of her), I probably would have done the same as you did with the GSD... *grin* T.
  14. Lost and frightened mums with pups can be VERY dangerous... you did good! T.
  15. I can vouch for the fact that capsicum/pepper spray doesn't work if the dog is already in the rage stage... and you will suffer from the stuff as well! T.
  16. I get a bit tilted sometimes when out taking photos too... to the point where I'm now VERY conscious about it... like taking lion photos the other day, I was lining up the platform they were on to make sure it looked straight... *grin* T.
  17. Our girl (Nellie) has lost 3 now soon after birth... the keepers said that it can take up to 6 births before some gibbon mums "get it"... Our girl and her man seem to have taken it in their stride, and were getting up to some lovin' the other day, so maybe we could get lucky with the next one... Oh, and apparently the only time our girl gives her man the time of day is when she's ready for mating or pregnant... so seeing them so snuggly with each other was good. T.
  18. Hero (the lab on Bondi Vet) wishes you'd told his owner and Dr Lisa that so he didn't have to go through the indignity of having it fished out of a certain personal area on tv Haha! There is one thing we think Trouble ate, but have never found... one of the small AAA batteries from the TV remote! We know it wasn't inside her soon after it went missing - x-rays proved that... but we have never found that battery anywhere - in the house OR the yard! We did find lots of other interesting shapes inside her though, much to the vet's horror - nothing that wouldn't pass though, which was fine by me. Pickles the Camp Dog has a penchant for bedding... she chews it up into bite sized pieces and swallows... occasionally I have to help her with "danglies" as it passes... *sigh* Harper likes to shred bedding, but she doesn't swallow it like Pickles does thank dog! T.
  19. I had a medium sized mutt get very ill after ingesting a couple of Ratsak flakes... 24 hours of vomiting is not much fun for the dog or the person that has to clean it up. Never had a dog get ill from eating a poisoned rat/mouse though... but my dogs have all been much larger than your tinies Moosepup. One thing to remember is that the reason the poison is so effective on rats/mice is that they can't vomit - therefore they can't get the stuff out of their system like a dog can. T.
  20. Not many dogs on their own will come at you from behind (unless they are going for another dog trailing behind you on a lead). I've found that if alone and approached by a larger not so friendly dog, the thing that has worked for me was to turn my back on it. It can't see your eyes, and only has your butt, legs, and back to try to latch on to if it still decides to have a go. NEVER back away from a dog - you will be off balance, and that is when they are more likely to jump at you. If you MUST engage with the dog at all, a really hard kick towards the chest area can be effective - and possibly kill the dog if landed right... errr! I was attacked by a nasty medium sized mutt when I was about 11. I was walking to a friend's place, and this horrid bloody thing scaled it's fence and just launched at me. I managed to get hold of both it's front legs and reefed them apart... and I actually killed the dog in doing so. The owners were quite upset until I showed them the bites it had inflicted on me before I managed to fight back... and being native Papuans, they were then way more concerned about me asking them for "compensation" for the incident that the fact that I'd killed their dog. When I finally got to my friend's house, the mother treated my wounds and all was good for playing all afternoon as kids do... I would have no problem fighting back hard enough to kill a dog that was attacking me - adrenaline can be an effective tool in those situations. Not the first course of action if you can avoid it, but when it comes down to me or the dog... well... T.
  21. Samsung phones take a pretty good photo, don't they? T.
  22. Our main rescue vet clinic specialised in greyhounds... never met one that wasn't up for some serious snuggling... although I'd advise against letting them try to give you a kiss whilst wearing their muzzles... ouch! T.
  23. I think you did an amazing job without my 400mm lens... *grin* Those photos are definitely of the "I wish I'd taken that" category! Our gibbons had a baby not long ago, but not with the same adorable result. Apparently it can take the mothers a few goes before they "get it" with regards to raising young... I was told our girl has lost 3 now... Maybe next time for us? T.
  24. You can assure Stan that all sorts of things will pass through a Labrador just fine... I have plenty of experience with the wierd and wonderful things one can find during poo patrol... errr! Camp dogs are even better at passing the impossible... T.
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