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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. You are learning this action stuff REALLY fast perse... lovely photos of the pups and their squeaky toy... lol! I've been known to lie on my tummy on the ground to get different angles on the puppy action, but it's getting harder to get up from down there nowadays... if you are up for it, give it a go... ... at least you can't fall down from that position... hahaha! T.
  2. Hmmm... pity that the 90mm Macro lens I have sitting here doing nothing is a Canon mount... T.
  3. Stunning photos! The eyes on all of them are mesmerising! T.
  4. Looking good perse!! Loving Don's ear action in the second pic at the top... lol! T.
  5. How long has the new owner had the dog? That bit of info would be the game changer here - if he's had her longer than 6 weeks... errr! T.
  6. Are you using the new camera on the preset modes or in manual perse? If you are interested in trying some action type stuff - say with Ess and Don playing or working - I suggest trying out the Sports preset mode. Flick the dial to Sports, point in the direction of something cool happening and press the button... or have the continuous shot mode also set and just hold your finger down for a burst of photos. All of my zoo photos are taken in Sports mode... so I know that it gives nice results... *grin* T.
  7. I love my local Petbarn. Went in on Saturday to take advantage of discounted dry food... I also needed worming tablets, so the lovely store manager told me had had some discontinued stock out the back (still well in date) that he offered me for a mere fraction of the regular price... saved over $100! I got 3 times the amount of worming pills for all 4 of my dogs for less than I would have paid for one lot for all 4 of the shelf stock. T.
  8. If it's a newer rescue, then I'd just like to know for curiosity's sake. I'd like to know more details about the situation - as per the other questions I've asked - again, for curiosity's sake... hence asking for PM replies. T.
  9. I use Ilium Oticlean. Squirt in, mush around a bit, then stand back as dog shakes it all out... eewww! T.
  10. If it's come via a "newish" rescue, they may not have a 16D exemption yet either... Dog may have been surrendered to them as desexed... and they didn't double check that fact. Depending on how long the new owner has had the dog, and how far into the pregnancy it is... everything is supposition right now... PM me more details Sam... please? T.
  11. How long ago did he adopt the dog? What breed mix is she? How far gone is the pregnancy? Which rescue did he get her from? (PM is fine) T.
  12. Trouble was a shocker when she was young... ate all manner of things which passed out the other end just fine. I'd look at her stools and go "ouch, that must have hurt to pass"... Pickles fave is bedding, and the more colourful the better... can always tell her stools during poo patrol... *sigh* T.
  13. WOW!! Just WOW! Lovely photos of the fair... T.
  14. A lovely tribute grizabella... Zwala looks like she was a sweet soul... T.
  15. It's still buying even if you purchase a dog from a rescue... just sayin' T.
  16. Bet that shut them up :laugh: Was looking for an escape like you wouldn't believe... lol! T.
  17. Had some of those door to door overseas traveller job ones come to work yesterday looking to sign people up for ongoing donations to some mob... they were really persistent (I was having a ciggie break at the time), so I turned it all back on them and asked if they'd like to make a donation to my particular fave charities... *grin* T.
  18. I'm actually amazed at how many people do take their phones into public toilets - and have a conversation while they go about their business! Ewwww! And those same people would probably be all "ewwww" aout the fact that our dogs like to supervise us while we go at home... My Zeddy actually likes to watch the flush to make sure it's all gone... lol! T.
  19. Hmmm... I don't tend to take my phone or camera into the bathroom with me... *gin* T.
  20. I've got quite a few photos of her that I can look at when I start missing her too much... thank dog I had the opportunity to get those. I'm thinking of picking all my fave Lulu photos and printing them out for her keepers... I'm sure they'd all like a memento from a big Lulu fan. T.
  21. I actually rang my Mum and cried that Lulu had died... and poor Mum is like "who's Lulu?"... and I'm blubbering that Lulu is my fave Chimp... etc... I'm sure my Mum thinks I'm a certified nutter when it comes to animals... but Chimps are not really "animals", are they? My Taronga ritual was to go to the Chimps and see what Lulu was doing first up... it's going to be hard not seeing her out there any more... T.
  22. http://taronga.org.au/blog/2014-05-02/vale-lulu-1952-2014 Sweet old Lulu the Chimp has passed away at the age of 62 (approximated). It's a very sad day. T. ETA - second news link...
  23. You could also throw in the (not necessarily true) "fact" that... "next time it could be a child that is attacked"... *grin* T.
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