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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I found that too piper... looks like I'll need to give them a call or send an email to find out if/when they are on... T.
  2. There aren't enough council rangers to go follow up on the sheer numbers of idiots crossbreeding anything with a pulse and calling it by some stupid name in order to try to squeeze a little more profit from it... T.
  3. I Googled and didn't find much either piper... looks like the novelty wore off maybe? Farmer Dave's complex in Rouse Hill apparently has some fun dog sports going on, but I find his site rather hard to navigate to find any real details about the events. T.
  4. Stopping the selling in petshops would have about the same effect on crap "pet market" breeders as taking a cupful of water from the ocean unfortunately. The internet has opened a much wider market for the sale of "pets"... and that's rarely policed... T.
  5. Brindle is even more stunning on a coated breed, wouldn't you agree? T.
  6. Guess who's going whale watching on Monday? Forcast is for yukky wet weather - so heaving seas and rain... methinks not a good place to start practising manual shooting... *grin* Might find some time before then... if there are breaks in the long weekend usual yukky weather. T.
  7. I have a real thing for the many shades and patterns brindles come in... they are all so unique and different. T.
  8. Chuckit tennis balls and large Cuz balls... both have survived the Labrador Chewer from Hell for 8 years... whereas the big black Kong was eaten in less than a day. T.
  9. Kids can teach us many things, can't they? Just look at the expression on the face of a child seeing a rainbow for the first time... pure awe... yet we adults don't often stop to look at the amazing things around us... I know that ever since I started taking photos regularly, I have re-noticed the beauty in so many things... the sky, the scenery going by, etc... I've also become very good at spotting the elusive - from all the experience looking for sleeping/hiding zoo animals... lol! T.
  10. Loving the brindle one... stunning! T.
  11. ... and she was allowed to keep operating after that? Or is that when she decided to literally "go underground"? T.
  12. iPhone only does some of the job perse... YOU are the awesomely creative force behind every masterpiece... and don't you ever forget it! T.
  13. Fingers crossed that moustache kitty got a holdover... T.
  14. You have such creative flair perse. Love your work my friend! T.
  15. I have a friend who is a librarian... will see if he can get the book for me. T.
  16. I'm on Facebook Snook... and a link to anything that could help this complete eedjit out would be awesome! I think I learn better nowadays by doing rather than reading - but in order to get started with the doing, I'm having to do at least some reading of the various settings that I need to become familiar with... and that's where I'm coming undone and getting overwhelmed... and basically stopping before I get the motivation to actually start doing. T.
  17. Seriously, I think my learning curve has plateaued somewhat when it comes to understanding some technical stuff... which is a scary thought when you realise that I actually work in IT... err! I start reading some of the online stuff about aperture, depth of field, ISO, white balance, etc... and my head just wants to explode. None of it seems to want to sink in at all - no matter how many times I read it, how many notes I take trying to convert it all into language I can understand... *sigh* I just wanna point the expensive bit of kit at something interesting and take an awesome photo of it. Why is it so hard to learn this manual settings stuff so that I can do that? I know that my current method certainly is giving me some pretty nice results, that also don't look completely out of place when posted/displayed alongside some professional pieces... but I'm also thinking that if I knew ALL the tricks, I could possibly get even better photos... if I don't smash the camera having a tanty while trying to learn this bloody manual stuff! Camera courses and the like are well out of my price bracket unfortunately... some weeks, I'll spend my last few dollars just getting to and from the Zoo, rather than on food for myself... scary, huh? T.
  18. I'm all for other people eating whatever they want to... carnivore, vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore (that's me)... When other people take it upon themselves to try to force me to their choice in a beligerent manner (be that diet, religion, whatever) - all that does is make me even more determined NOT to join them. As for PETA - all talk and no thought as to the long term outcome if a majority of people actually DID end up taking up their cause... which is too scary for words. Sometimes I wonder if the invention of the internet was/is such a good thing... as it certainly has brought to the fore the sheer number of batshit crazy people there are out there... errr! T.
  19. So THAT'S why she's a different colour to Don... lol! Look at Don's face and slightly muddy paws only... "look Mum, I is clean!" T.
  20. Does anypne know if there are lure coursing days on in Sydney at all? T.
  21. Such a cheeky face... Don sure is a cutie! T.
  22. I had a couple of rescue foster pups I named Fable and Scout... their new owners loved the names so much that they kept them... Funnily enough, their brother Tarquin got to keep his name too... it suited him... lol! T.
  23. As someone who lost a litter of rescue pups to Parvo last year, this news is gold! Fingers crossed that it becomes an affordable treatment here in Australia... T.
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