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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Hopefully the footage will be given to police to follow up on the incident... rather than just being uploaded to YouTube... T.
  2. My Lab was in labour for nearly 24 hours before she started pushing out babies... of course she started doing that about 10 minutes AFTER the vet closed. She had no difficulties and I had all of the vets on standby just in case anyways... Relax and let nature take it's course... T.
  3. I have news for you perse... it ain't the camera that makes the photo... it's the inner beauty of the person holding it and knowing where and how to point it to share that beauty with others... Love yer work girlfriend! T.
  4. Bark Busters actually have some sort of copyright on the "bah" thing... looks like they've been involved at some point if the owners are using it on their dog. As for the alpha roll - they probably think Cesar Milan is some sort of dog training god too... *sigh* I alpha rolled one of my Rotti boys once - he was being a complete dick and wouldn't back down. I only ever did it once, and only for a second or two so he got the point that I was actually bigger and stronger than him and could take care of myself. He was young and obnoxious and pushing all limits - but he only needed to be shown once who was the boss... and it was in my own back yard, not out in a public place. T.
  5. I hope whoever has him will keep him contained - and on leash when out. If they are in my brother's area and my brother's assistance dog gets rushed, Hugo won't last long, I can tell you! T.
  6. I kinda cheated with my photos - the birds are in cages, and I was using a 100-400mm lens to get the head shots... I have some shots of Dixie the Whistling Kite in full flight at the Taronga Bird Show though... she can reach speeds of around 60kmh, and they were taken hand held... Dixie the Whistling Kite... hand held - straight out of camera, no cropping... T.
  7. Guess who's had Bark Busters in... *sigh* The last time I saw someone alpha roll their dog, I asked them if they'd like to try it on my Rotti/Pittie girl - with the warning that she'd tear them a new one if they tried it... they declined the offer, and stopped doing it to their own dog while I was there at least. T.
  8. $5 is a bargain for one of your photos Kirislin... With my zoo photos, I'm happy to give them to the zoos - but they have to credit me on anything they publish to social media. I get plenty of other perks like behind the scenes stuff and exotic animal cuddles, so I'm happy with the "arrangement"... *grin* T.
  9. Very nice Spoony! I'd love to get Pelican flight shots... T.
  10. I usually try the friendly approach first... start chatting about their dog and how friendly it is and such, then kind of start generally talking about the condition of the coat or whatever, and what they could try to make it more comfortable for the dog... If I see someone actually physically abusing their dog, I'm not usually quite as friendly about it... T.
  11. Sounds like the previous owner was only looking to make some dollars by rehoming this dog. Be careful they don't try to take someone else's money and send them around to pick up the dog from you... sas - if you have a phone number contact for Dane Rescue VIC, maybe you could give them a call to speed up the process with this particular enquiry/case? T.
  12. We have a winner! Please take them up on the offer lauren... T.
  13. Ummm... one or two plus TEN by the looks of her... *gulp* I'm thinking 11 - 6 girls and 5 boys... T.
  14. I'm just worried some nutter will actually go try to steal Hugo from the pound... although from the sounds of things, they'd possibly get bitten by him in the process... lol! T.
  15. I fail to see what any legal action will do for Hugo... he's been legally impounded after numerous breaches and allowances... T.
  16. My Mum isn't one for dogs inside... but when she's at my house, she lives by MY house rules... and deals with it. She even had Trouble sleeping with her a couple of nights - on her bed! T.
  17. Very large dog with aggressive responses to unfamiliar circumstances = not a happy outcome. I'd be returning her to the original owner asap myself. T.
  18. Completely in love with the red dirt road shot... definitely one to print up, frame, and hang on yer wall! T.
  19. Love it! And I'm sure Gruf loved it even more! T.
  20. I have a friend who always comments about taking my Lab home with her and fattening her up... the same friend who called me to come to help get her fat Lab to the vet when his hips dissolved and he had to go to the Bridge. I tend to pick friends who also love animals and don't think I'm a crazy dog lady... and now I also have a passion for going to the zoos, I have lots of zookeeper friends who make me look very "normal" in my selection of animal companions... lol! My Mum has resigned herself to the fact that I'm always going to have multiple dogs, and she even sends them birthday cards and christmas presents from "grandma" now... *grin* T.
  21. Well - it was the truth... *grin* ... until Blossom ate the couch anyways... errr! T.
  22. Cairns newspaper article... http://www.cairnspost.com.au/news/cairns/bad-dog-hugo-either-be-sentenced-to-life-in-cairns-or-be-destroyed/story-fnjpusyw-1227040822302 T.
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