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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. My Lab loves water, but can be hit or miss when it's raining... it seems that water coming from the sky is kinda scary or something - but pooled water of any depth is FUN! T.
  2. Can't decide if that last photo is showing off his true love look, or his I'm about to be very silly look... T.
  3. Harper the Horse Puppy won't go out to DO a poo in the rain... but will go out to EAT one... grrr! T.
  4. My pleasure... glad to be of assistance... *grin* T.
  5. Just copy the BBCode from Flickr, and just paste it as is into your post - no need to add any extra tags... T.
  6. Sorry Gruflife, but if you had read a fraction of what goes on in that place you would not be wondering why people are getting so upset about it. Obviously every one would like people to be more responsible when buying their pets and look after them for life but that is not what this is about. This is about people who are entrusted to 'look after' the animals in the care, doing the exact opposite. This is about the animals. They may have had the misfortune of having crappy owners but they do not deserve what happens to them in there. I beg to differ teekay... Gruf has a very valid point there... If more effort went into reducing the easy "turnover" of pets, then maybe shelters would be less crowded and therefore be able to do more about their rehoming rates. Pounds and shelters are only in existence because people let their animals end up there - for whatever reason - and the space in pounds/shelters is actually finite... Releasing animals to rescue is not the solution to the initial problem - it's a fallback for an untenable position. T.
  7. Are the photos uploaded to Flickr in JPG format? Flickr allows PNG format, but I don't think DOL does... Or you may be selecting the wrong code format for the link in Flickr... you need to select BBCode (3rd one above the box where the link is) T.
  8. You might be onto something!! Never thought of it that way! No, no - refuse to entertain that idea :p The poor unsuspecting public should Luna, Lace, or Zeph's sisters Fire and Nova have a litter. Behind their adorable cuteness and charm, lies evil geniuses with an amazing amount of confidence, who can problem solve like Einstein. It is very scary. Maybe we should be looking for stunning suitors who are not very clever Hahahaha! too funny! T.
  9. I have always known that there was something very special about wee Trouble... *grin* T.
  10. keep wishing :p Pretty please?? With a cherry on top... T.
  11. You really need to send him to me perse... honest! T.
  12. A hell of a lot faster than I could have done it... let's face it, I COULDN'T have done it at all... lol! T.
  13. Older and slower? Who just finished a half marathon in pretty quick time? T.
  14. And naughty! Very, very naughty, and cheeky, and confident, and busy.. I want a holiday! Want to look after her for a while? Until she's finished teething? Sure! Send her up to me... *grin* T.
  15. Geez! Wouldn't want to live on the Central Coast... lots of reports there... ... but based on several DOLers accounts, not much followup on said reports... *sigh* Funny how we don't get any breakdown on the followup to those reports... T.
  16. I think the rise in reports is that with the new rules, it's easier to do so... and for some rather trivial reasons to boot... what one person sees as a menacing rush, someone else would see as an enthusiastic happy greeting of a new friend by an exhuberant pup... T.
  17. I used to have my Flickr linked to my Gmail account, but then Flickr ended up forcing a Yahoo account on me... but my primary email address is still my Gmail one - everything from Flickr gets redirected to my primary email address. T.
  18. We had a pet duck that used to beat up the neighbourhood dogs... he was one nasty piece of work! T.
  19. I'm pretty sure all 4 of my dogs see me as their "heart person"... T.
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