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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. I think I can see where Smoke gets his cheeky look from... T.
  2. I'm guessing that the walker takes multiple dogs out at a time? Not a fan of those after seeing one open their van at a busy dog park and around 7 unrestrained dogs piled out and started causing havoc... and the "walker" couldn't (or wouldn't) do anything to control any of them. T.
  3. What gorgeous eyes! And his legs are growing! T.
  4. Don't use tea tree oil... it needs to be diluted a hell of a lot before you put it anywhere near a dog! T.
  5. Are you in Sydney Scottsmum? I have some Noraclav tablets here... 500mg ones... how heavy is Scottie? Happy to share if you want some... T.
  6. That doesn't look like something accidental to me... What perse said about treating the wounds... ... and no more walking with that dog walker until he's healed up, and she can give you assurances that it will never happen again. I'd present the dog walker with the bill myself if he requires antibiotics. T.
  7. I had IV antibiotics (Flagyll) and morphine pumped into me before my colitis cleared up. A CAT scan may show some things, but a stool sample is what they really need... and I can tell you is almost impossible to give them when you've been on IV fluids and nil by mouth for 3 days! I'm sure they "lost" the first sample on purpose... I would have... it wasn't pretty... errr! T.
  8. I was in hospital for 7 days on a drip with colitis... they never found the cause, but I can tell you it's not a fun ride! 2 of those days, I was on some pretty heavy morphine doses to stop me writhing about. Get well vibes being sent for Micha... T.
  9. Stunning... simply stunning... Watch those little legs go! T.
  10. I never tire of seeing photos of Arkey and Neko doing what they are designed for... running like the wind! Stunning photos of an incredibly handsome boy... T.
  11. Thanks for reminding me... errr! Gotta buy my 2 day tickets online before the 16th to get the cheaper rate... T.
  12. I think you have to download software from online somewhere... can't get the info through menus on the actual camera. T.
  13. If a whole dress isn't to your liking, why not get a shirt made up... like vet scrubs tops? I'd wear that as vet scrubs apparel... *grin* T.
  14. Look at the little pocket rocket go! Looks like she enjoys it thoroughly too... *grin* T.
  15. Haha! Apparently whatever he'd just put in his mouth didn't taste nice... one of the drawbacks to putting everything in there... lol! He's teething, so he's chewing on everything he can get hold of... T.
  16. Sudi is getting really fun to watch now grizabella... Shiba is a little less protective and lets him wander a bit further from her now. There are regular baby playdate sessions too, when you'll see the 3 mums and bubs hanging out up the back of the enclosure and the bubs all play together. Sule and Sembe are also starting to take a more active role playing with the little ones... Sembe is regularly taking Fumo off for one-on-one play sessions too (and she's being gentle with him!) Our mutual friend has also got a video of Kamili actually voluntarily touching Liwali! Currying favour with Lisa no doubt, as Kamili doesn't "do" babies... errr! Koko actually loves having little play sessions with Fumo too... interesting to note... Poor Sule is starting to bear the brunt of a fair bit of discipline from the adults now his white tuft has gone... some days he looks so miserable at having to start growing up and behaving appropriately... but Sembe is having more mutual play sessions with him again, so that offsets it a bit... *grin* Sembe seems to have settled into the fact that she's now supposed to behave appropriately too, and is starting to take a more active role in helping with the little ones. She is so good with Sudi and Fumo when they pull her hair and bite her... and I saw her gently reach out and touch Liwali when he strayed close to her the other day. I can see poor Sembe being the babies' chew toy for a while yet... T.
  17. He's right at that really fun and interesting stage grizabella. Mbeli is putting him down a lot and making him crawl... unless he gets distracted by something he wants to put in his mouth... lol! perse... he has the cutest little feet! Hard to believe his daddy was ever that small! T.
  18. Stunning! I wish we'd managed to get Kuchani pregnant at Taronga... they were trying... T.
  19. I'll second the fact that Benny and the Pets is well worth the drive or callout fee... he's great! T.
  20. Good boy Smoke... sharing with yer buddy Don... T.
  21. Nice picks grumpette... I like those 3 a lot too! I went to Featherdale again today with a friend... and I didn't even get my camera out! Had me a blast pretending to be a tourist and just interacting with the animals... at one point I had 4 young goats all climbing up my front trying to get the food in my hands... and ended up surrounded by real tourists snapping photos of me being bombarded... lol! I also managed to get me another one of Bitchface's discarded feathers... without losing any blood this time... although she tried real hard... lol! I also ended up in a tug-o-war with Spike the Wedgie when I was using a stick to try to get one of his discarded feathers... I won AND got the feather! I got kisses from Rueben the baby Eastern Grey Kangaroo, and from Big Baz the adult Kangaroo Island Kangaroo (he smells like maple syrup... yummo!) Had a pile of tourists freaking out at me hand feeding the young Emus... they don't hurt... no teeth... lol! Fair cop, I had my arm through the fence, and the Emus were going at the pile of food hammer and tong, but I'm thinking someone has been working with them, as they were taking the food off my hand sideways, as is usually taught to make them a bit less intimidating to the public when feeding. I have also perfected a method of getting all the hiding Potoroos to come out and pose for the cameras... they are shy little guys! T.
  22. I recently asked a breeder their price range... a bargain at twice the price actually... *grin* T.
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