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Everything posted by tdierikx

  1. Lucky Don! Buttons is one pretty playmate... T.
  2. Fingers crossed the new meds help him hang in there a while longer... T.
  3. Awww... congrats Grandma... give that chubby tummy a gentle rub from me! T.
  4. They like it because its dead easy to distribute... not necessarily because it's actually effective at targetting the designated "pest" species... *sigh* T.
  5. Great news... keep on keeping on Maccles! T.
  6. Absolutely agree, but I can understand why the community are upset. Especially when this isn't the first time those dogs have been out and about. I guess that's why they shouldn't get the chance the first time, nor the second. The pigs weren't that little though. Brave dogs! Pigs don't mess about. These dogs are aggressive. I'm sure they'd be interested in passing dogs, were there any. The owner is obviously incompetent, uncaring, stupid or all of the above. It isn't the dogs' fault, it is the owner BUT these dogs cannot go back to the owner and cannot be rehomed. We can't really make that assumption based only on media reporting of the story... the dogs may be perfectly fine with other dogs/humans... or not... we just don't know. Personally, I'd say that if these dogs have a previous record for menacing or attacking other animals, this should have been their last chance. They have proven that they will find their own "fun" if not contained properly by their owner.. TWICE now... and their owner has shown that they are not capable of containing them effectively. T.
  7. 1080 also kills some native wildlife species... quolls, for example - who are already bloody endangered... grrr! T.
  8. Pickles says she's sorry, but couldn't help it... she has so much naughty to share... T.
  9. I swear that the people at ARH factored in a discount somewhere on Sunday night. I was told $220 basically just to walk through the door... and then the end bill total was only $255... Honestly, it's all been more of a relief than a grieving thing... I really thought she would have gone some years ago, and have been pretty well prepared for that length of time. I think of her and smile... she lives in my heart and memories, so that's a pretty good trade off if I can't have her in the flesh, yes? Right now I have Trouble giving me the starving Labrador eyes... dinner is running late... lol! T.
  10. Pickles assures me she is no longer sending naughty vibes to Master Roo... *grin* T.
  11. I'll have to tell her to stop that, as it's driving poor Aunty Sheridan batty... lol! Uh oh! Pickles wants to have her say now... Hewoo... I is Pickles the Naughty... I hears that little Master Roo is channelling my evil nasties. Master Roo... you needs to be goods for Mummy Sheridan now... plenty times for naughties later OK? T (&P)
  12. It's been an interesting past few days... slowly getting used to the new routines, and I got to mow the lawn today without having to shut Zeddy inside the house... her fave trick was to grab a front wheel of the mower and try to drag it away... lol! It was lovely having a couple of mowing companions... T.
  13. Apart from being a bit unsteady on her feet due to her arthritis, Zeddy was thankfully pretty low maintenance right up to the end... literally sudden onset and that was it. I think I had been mentally preparing for it though for some time... which I also think made the whole thing so much easier to cope with. Enjoy Mac and his funny antics... we'll all miss him when it's his time you know... T.
  14. The more you do something with as little fuss as possible, the easier it gets... they will eventually work out you need to do whatever, and it's over faster if they don't act like idiots... ... unless you are Pickles, then it's just act like a completely spastic idiot, and Mum will give up rather than wring your neck! T.
  15. Separate rooms in this house... just makes it all less stressful... *grin* T.
  16. So he's a retriever too? lol! T.
  17. Kupa is such a doofus! Please give him an extra cuddle from me, OK? T.
  18. Thanks all... westiemum - Zeddy was pretty low maintenance right up until the end... she was fine at 5pm for dinner, but at 11pm she collapsed, couldn't walk properly, and was panting that pain pant... and she was giving me the eyes that say it all. There was no doubt that it was just her time at that point - and the vet agreed that it was time too. T.
  19. Good boy Roo... you'll get the hang of it mate! T.
  20. Thanks all... dinner time was interesting... poor Pickles went looking for Zeddy's spot after dinner to see if she'd left any scraps... Trouble still unsure about change in morning routine. Upside, I got to sleep in today due to not having to let Zeddy out early to go potty. T.
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