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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. You'd have to burn that doona! No way you could sleep using it
  2. My dog loves it and she looks great, but I swap bags between that and cobber so one bag GB then one bag Cobber.
  3. look out world my dogs called Atilla OMG OMG OMG
  4. If thats the case its amazing anyone bothered to create different breeds for protection jobs then, may as well just train dogs for jobs.
  5. Most the Am bully's around here I know for fact would go off there blocks barking or tear you a new one if you went agro at the owners.
  6. Not that you'd really want to do it, but even when they pull the whole site down you could still view it with wayback machine internet archives etc. most stuff ever been on the net, stays on the net for ever. I hope most if not all the dogs get placed out, The pounds are bursting though so somethings got to give
  7. I wouldnt send him to Qld, if you want to get him out of Tasmania perhaps look at non bsl places like the ACT, or Northern Territory, it would be better for the dog and potential owner and less stressing.
  8. If its rose apple, they look a bit like like loquat but has a single seed, dont let the dogs eat them, the seeds toxic.
  9. I havnt seen any pit bull denial in this thread, or any support for the attacking dog, post # 18 planted a seed that grew is what i seen. I think the fact you have a pit bull makes you easy target lo-pan ( to please explain) on here and maybe that was why the seed was planted?. Not to listen to your reasonings, but to nit pick and twist them. This threads no different to the staffy attack threads i read on here, everyone with a staffy comes out and isnstantly plays the nanny dog theme or even was it really a staffy nah probably a pit bull thats been called a staffy theme just higher in numbers, Its just a sad little game really. I know people love there breeds but i think most either forget or dont realise that virtually all bull breeds are pretty much seen as bogans dogs by most the general public now. You're all in the same named boat so you all should buck up and support each other in, 'its not the breed doing it, its individual dogs within that breed'.
  10. I will be talking to him again tomorrow.
  11. RIP Molly, she sounded like a wonderfull friend.
  12. I think its the fish oils that help with itchy skin.
  13. Mine gets any excess whiting fillits that i have, she loves them. Shes also tucked into a bag of baitfish without ill effect except for having hella fish breath
  14. Theres a bloke up the road who has an old dog and I talk to him fairly regular, he has an old dog with a golf ball size tumor near its armpit, well its grown huge all of a sudden and in 3 days has grown nearly another half golf ball in size and it's now rock hard. He says its a mast cell tumor and that the vet said for a dog at that age its very limited survival, trhe dog isnt it any pain is happy, eating well, plays and still enjoys life. I suggested he go and get it cut out anyway, but then he said if he does that he may as well put the old boy down as its quality of life wont be worth living having to put the old boy through chemo after surgery. What would you do in this situation? would it be right to let the dog go as long as he can untill he becomes uncomfortable then PTS or try for surgery and treatments, remember this is an old dog and at its end according to its breed standards its a very large dog. It made me think after he said about it affecting the dogs quality of life, that my initial responce of suggesting he get it cut out was really wrong.
  15. In the news section of this site theres a topic and the premier of that state says he is going to toughen up the BSL on pit bulls even more now, because of this roaming dog attack of an alledged pitbull. However that is possible? Vic is allready Australias toughest when it comes to BSL. And i cant see how he could 'toughen' it more?
  16. Do you think it is a good thing to be able to view all dog attacks by breed in NSW on the website? I would think it would be an easy way for people to point fingers at breeds to justify future Breed specific legislation in that state. Or could it be used to highlight that the 'restricted breed' is barly mentionable in the dog attacks that are reported by council? Every councls is required to log every attack by breed for the dog attack register, with reports released every 1/4 year that can be viewed on the site.
  17. If you want to see heaps of arab x pups to see what arab mix it might be, just look at boardogs.com classifides section. they list them like arab x <other breed> not as full arab because people dont take kindly to misrepresentation.
  18. It reads to me like the bull arab as well, we have stacks of them up here, if its an arab x most up here call them arab x's, not a bull arab because the true bull arab is quite distinctive and most who know them would know they are full of sugar honey ice and tea if they call there x an arab. Not a restricted breed.
  19. I just want to know how many have had a dog with an inverted vulva, and if corrective surgery was needed in your case. My dads dog has one, he found out today she had a localised infection, slight redness etc not to bad, but he did not notice anything out of the ordinary and shes been givin a course of antibiotics to treat it. Can it cause a big problem?
  20. Hows this they might have read your thread. edited quote by request of the OP to remove breed name
  21. Part Pit bull.? how the heck?dangerous because it growled at a dog barking in its face, what the hell. Sorry to read this. edited quote by request of the OP to remove breed name and location
  22. Great news, it beats me a place like Australia cant get the common sence vibe.
  23. I think they just pulled names out of hats, if the fila cant be imported because it has distrust of strangers or its "Ojeriza" ?, then this breed which has the same distrust can be, nothing stops someone from finding alternatives. If they cant get hold of one thing they can get it in another. Standard: Caucasian Shepherd (Caucasian Ovtcharka) http://www.arba.org/CaucasianOvtcharkaBS.htm
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