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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. Bloomin heck, make and sell chocolates to raise funds, not puppies. what does the church need a new flatscreen or something?
  2. They ant given any food before hand, the vet should give you instructions on aftercare, but he should be kept quiet for a few weeks afterwards to make sure he heals nicely.
  3. Yes, yes they should. And preferably on the fore-head.
  4. You have a very polite and well mannered dog
  5. its more than likely the RSPCA inspecter took he pic of boof as they found him, not the neighbour. but yeah it dosnt make sence if the neighbour retrieved him???
  6. poor dude, sounds like chiggers.
  7. Bumbags are back baby, yeaaah! I just use a knapsack. Think i bought it from Big W
  8. Jeezus poor Boof. The guys definatly a psychopath.
  9. $10 + throw in a free pair of gumboots and an ergonomical designed poop scooper.
  10. GeckoTree


    Thats great thanks Jed and NalaCleo
  11. Its a sick sick world allright RIP innocents.
  12. GeckoTree


    What are the main physical differences between German, English, Dutch and American type boxers? Also do the different type boxers have different type personalities ( more confidence in some, faster to mature in others etc) not taking into account the individual natures of dogs but as a group.
  13. Damn if only homeboy had some heavy chain leads and spike collars on the dog that would top the picture. S/C
  14. So do I with my big RCanin Bags :D Is it bad not to seal it? Its not bad, but its easier for vermin to get into it. depending on what location you store it. I used to do that too but now it goes into a mollassas bucket with lid.
  15. I think dogs have a stronger stomach acid too, thats why dirty half rotten meat is not usually a problem fo them.
  16. My cuz has a pure dingo he got sent from the NT, absolutly beautiful nature, will try and get a pic on sunday if he bings him over. editing he looks a lot smaller and slimmer than the wild ones around here.
  17. Far out you'd hate to be a really tall person walking a really short dog, you could get back problems from having to stoop over to hang on to the end of the lead!
  18. They were angry because the had an attack of the guilts along with shock.
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