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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. What a great Vid! What breed dogs are those?
  2. Theres a pretty big 'humanure' movement going on in the permaculture world too. I think animal poop would be safer germ wise than human. Just wash your veggies thoroughly. editing, you have to let any compost age and rest to get rid of pathogens, it all takes time.
  3. Since seeing all the time people saying on here if you want a "legal pitbull' then go the get an amstaff because there is no difference, and seeing a video of an ACO who classified a pure breed pedigreed Amstaff as a pit bull by physical dimensions alone I would say no not really any physical differences.
  4. All the dog poo goes in a big hole at the top of my pineapple and pawpaw patch then gets covered up. I move along a couple feet and dig another big hole when neded. Nothing fancy. I tried compostng it but it takes ages.
  5. Thats dol Member Anomads mates dog Salty. RIP Salty.
  6. GeckoTree

    Wide Bay

    Something in the water? Thats a lot for just HB, I wonder what the total for the whole council area is? I know someones dog was ripped up in Tinana last sunday by a roaming dog :D
  7. Hey wobbly I have read a few stories about dogs doing the bolt when they get out of the crate at the end destination, it might be a good idea to lock jarrah in the crate on departure. See news item, http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=196342 Good luck with the move, Italy sounds fab!
  8. Welcome Jazzygirl, awesome pups! I really like kelpies.
  9. Not me, it would be great if I could, but I wouldnt be very productive if my dog was with me lol.
  10. Just in the back, I have a couple of tie down points I attach the lead to.
  11. Wouldnt the rate of testicular cancer be somewhere like the rate is in humans? Very little comparitive to the overall worldwide population? or are dogs prone to testicular cancer more than other species of animals are???
  12. :D Damn. I don't know what to say. Get better Jed. Please get better.
  13. Brisbane would be confused too. I can hear those rusty cobwebs turning over inside a dusty old brain right now.
  14. Yeah thats the guy in the OP. A couple months ago he didnt even know what BSL was. All those councils that prohibit the APBT would be in the same situation untill the state makes its decision. They really should not prohibit them, what a waste of money going on pitbull hunts, and court cases etc. It's much better if they just follow the state requirement instead so long as this retarded laws exists or expands to the AST.
  15. Yeah you'd think the state would get a hurry on over making its decision. I know the attitude would be its only dogs so what though :D
  16. Ek, I stick to sugar cane mulch.
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