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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. Yeah bi carb soda, followed by a vinegar rinse.
  2. I usually just try and stand between them telling the other dog to 'go on 'git'. it's allways worked for me. Most the dogs I encounter offleash in streets are just left to wander around, or people have fences but don't bother with having a gate and they run out into the street?!? A few times dogs have slipped leashes with owners running up after them.
  3. Dont know about soul, but they definatly have spirit and livity.
  4. Likely not sandgrubber, I dont think cops would ever carry catch poles, crates and what not in the squad cars. Thats the jobs of animal control. Tazed is better than a bullet though.
  5. ffs Is that what they are supposed to be charged with, a long time ago I read something about lenient sentences for animal cruelty cases, some person an RSPCA person I think was saying most have the wrong sort of charges put against them under the wrong act, and if they were charged properly uner the right act they would get the correct punishment dished out by magistrate.
  6. Glad I don't watch the show because my couch would be full of these ---------> What a nong. Top shelf letter you wrote SpotTheDog
  7. You'd be lucky to get 25% of dogs regoed in my area. Mind you regos free if the dogs microchpped and desexed, I don't know if that has bumped up registrations or not. I doubt it.
  8. Where I go the dog goes. Theres just me and the dog.
  9. Why risk it hey I dont understand? http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/woman-loses-...3-1111117014303
  10. I agree the dog shouldn't be pts, not that he /she will be. I also agree the police should have secured the house so things like this don't happen and people can't just wander in off the street willynilly during a search raid..
  11. When I was bitten by a dog I had to have a tetanus shot. Theres no way in hell I would let a dog lick an open wound on purpose.
  12. no way, lol i think a swab of dettol and a bandaid would be healthier than mutt spit on the wounds.
  13. Or natural how many dogs would allow a violent home/territory invasion just happen without so much as a growl. I know my dog would be going nutzo at someone busting through the door.
  14. I think I read something somewhere that said 4 or 5 on a genetic level.?
  15. Ah right thanks for explaining that, I was all like what tha?
  16. mine likes the skin, hates the fruit, strange dog.
  17. Multi generational labradoodle means labradoole X'd labradoodle for how ever many generatons it is, so multi.
  18. I can't believe thats the opening line on the article lol.
  19. fn oath send the council the vet bill if they cant be arsed to do what is required by them in law. You pay your taxes for it. I hope your dog gets better.
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