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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. Hey, yeah good spots for dogs in Rainbow, if you use this site and hit the dog icon you can find dog friendly camp sites around qld https://www.epa.qld.gov.au/parks/iaparks/gds/IAGDS010.jsp Seems they changed the rules recently now it says inskip and Teewah only? lol the real world is much better than that. The only place I have ever seen them crack down about dogs is the national park, and rightly so. Never had a prob in state forrest.
  2. Next step, dog shows! That'd get the governments goat.
  3. No worries, it's a pretty good site that one, the book is better! I think the caravan park at Caloundra might be your best bet with a dog if you like caravan parks, it overlooks pumice stone passage, not a great beach but dogs ok, mooloolaba isnt really far away from caloundra just straight up the road really. You could come up to Rainbow Beach if you want good dog friendly camping.
  4. All I can think is to get legal advise about it, airlines should have a duty of care regarding animal transport surely? Otherwise they would have made you sign a waiver. Rip Dog. I feel very sorry for you Emmeline
  5. They are not very dog holiday friendly that place, unless of course you have big $ to spend on a villa. :rolleyes: http://www.holidayingwithdogs.com.au/ might have something on it.
  6. The Delica van is good and roomy enough for 2 dogs, kids and shopping.
  7. What like accumulating demerit points before your dog gets suspended? lol That guys smoked something from Off Topic.
  8. Sure you could, I dont think it has to do with fences in particular, just that it caused fear.
  9. I know lol its a bit iffy, my dog may just not like the authorised person or religion converter trying to brainwash me, besides chihuahuas might not like big feet! No more sik em rex :D A menacing dog declaration may be made if: • the dog has attacked or acted in a way that caused fear to a person or another animal; or • may in the opinion of an authorised person from observation of the dog’s behaviour towards a person or animal attack, or behave in a way that causes fear to the person or animal.
  10. How could they ever enforce pet banning? People move, change address, states. The pet could be registered in a partners name, anything. Good thoughts but not for reality.
  11. Yeah it'd be aloe vera juice Ive read a few people using this stuff on dogs with all sorts of cancer lumps, with pics on international bullterrier forum and others taking out mast cell when wide margin surgery wasnt able to be performed due to location over the ribs over he heart etc, as Ive been looing for alt stff. Heres one with a cancer on a donkey Cutaneous Fibro sarcoma taken out by this stuff http://www.diamondjdonkeys.com/Sassie.htmits the same s they done for the bullterrier.
  12. eh news media, not worth getting jocks in a knot, they've been pimping non news stories and turning them into sensation stories for years. They like to feed fears with junket.
  13. Sure seems to be, the only thing I noticed was the no dog signs on allmost every place you would normally think to see dogs and owners out and about., although I also notice they have for the most part been ripped off lol, and never any poo bag dispensers?!?, I reckon gympieites should drop a note to council. And make it more dog walkers friendly.
  14. Thats what happens when many people start to see a dog breed as a penis extention, people jump in and breed for the need. Making em bigger to compensate for something or simply the demand that is being seen from them. Thered still be plenty breeding the dogs as they are supposed to be though and allways will, as strong demand is also there for a dog conforming not only in physical attributes but the proper temperament aswell. Thats my view.
  15. Be prepared, thats a good boy scout motto, heck a bunker would make a tiptop wine cellar at any rate.. Stock up on the vino.
  16. A tick collar, yeah it pongs!, And permoxin. My best product is my eyeballs just looking for the buggers.
  17. lol he'd be rolled up in the fecal position if he ever steps foot in the country, he'd miss out on cow pat lotto..
  18. mine gets sprayed in it every couple weeks. never seen the brown bottle before. works great, and I actually like the smell GT Weirdo. :p
  19. The local bait and tackle shop. Snap frozen fresh to lock in the goodness..
  20. I agree lopan, They should and probably do expect dogs to get hurt when used. When I saw a police dog get released on someone at a party in perth around 12 years ago, the guy actually offered his arm to the dog instead of instinctually trying to run and basically clothslined the dog on the throat in mid air the dog didnt get up. Don't know if he was right or not. I doubt he felt anything as he was whacked out on ice ( crazed party goer, not the dog), i guess the fight or flight adrenal dump is no different to people running from or trying to fight human police. probably more so as dogs are used to intimidade
  21. yep not much of a spine if they wont put a name to a belief they hold. Any letter unsigned is not worth a pinch of goat poo. Jst shows what weak characters they are.
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