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Everything posted by GeckoTree

  1. I don't agree with those percentages at all. I trust no one to mean what they say, and say what they really mean. all I can do is perceive meaning which probable has a 50/50 hit or miss in truth . I find my percentages around 80% of my day to day encounters have a degree or % of manipulation involved no matter the mildness, from check out line to Itranet banter.
  2. I have had a bit of a joke with someone too in regards to a chi in a spiked collar, the joke was lost in space between joviality and serious=ness. I think we rolled eyes at each other when parting ways lol.
  3. Its pretty common knowledge dogs are sent in before actual police officers and face any threat before they do. thers a couple police dog handlers on this site.
  4. Nice stats , remember stats are only truth to the press muppets who want to be in the press, and the muppets that love the muppet press. Muppets. Never forget ... <If you don't consider yourself to be a muppet in life, then prove it to yourself and peers, don't read or be involved with the press.!> Woka woka woka. J.
  5. You should be able to get a break down of you councils animal management budget via the animal management plan they have, ours is dismal, but its what it is, just a couple hundred grand, and shows how low animal management is on the greater 'scheming' of things.
  6. errr no council should not automatically be give a power of death until all due process is done, ffs anything else is just flaming pitchforks and dribbling morons on a loud speaker, is that really wanted in t he 21'st century! Not in my book of life. and I am just like everyone else, lock up the blood lust nutters we don't need them. Sick motherf***ers who shouldnt have a place in society..
  7. Very sorry to hear about your dog being attacked, here's hoping for a fast recovery .
  8. I reckon the movie industry helps create breedism not just guilty of stereotyping it...... Take that bleeters! So many times I have seen dogs in roles cast as the bad asses when in reality those particular dogs are very well trained super canine citizens within the dog world. but eh the writers have an idea to portray for the script, the director knows what works for the writing presumably.
  9. What a tragic event, I have so much to say but I will have to wait for appropriate threads if they ever shall manifest themselves. RIP Rocco and Nick.
  10. So far everything but beans,( green beans) I was gobsmacked when she et a pickled artichoke!
  11. Nice, I hope Bear appreciates it! I'd be sitting in it too at that temp! .
  12. Not from my POV. Said to be, but that's not the reality of things.
  13. Scary stuff! Seems we need to seriously protect our dogs from scumbags as well as having dogs protect us from them!
  14. I don't under stand the mentality of that? Is he talking about feral pig control using dogs in bailing and holding then dispatching being inhumane compared to baiting, or trapping, and shooting? or simply not registering dogs being a practice of abhorrence?
  15. My googleshoes must be worn out because I cant find what the penalties are for this.
  16. RE prices, I don't know, It depends on the dog I suppose. I could get FTGH papered Ridgies 10 years ago, I can get FTGH papered Ridgies now, I dare say FTGH and papered in 10 more years.
  17. I don't think any one at any time will ever agree on the wording. When a legislation is passed to help stop bad animal husbandry I think that is great, but playing the negative word association game of ' Puppy farming' is just that a word association, lets all use the words primary puppy producer instead and start a new chapter.
  18. Ground hog day define puppy farm? Hi Steve, My definition of a puppy farm is any one, and I mean any one, who produces puppies en mass for consumer demand as a means of generated income, be it hobby, or a business, I have no differentiation between puppy produce farming, kitten produce farming, piglet produce farming, or any other livestock farming.
  19. LOL it mirrors humans. edit missed an L of LOL
  20. Of course it matters, but she has time restraints as she stated.
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