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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Assuming the dog is doing comfortably at the shorter distances, you could probably try for 6 within a couple of weeks. And then if the dog copes well with that, the 8 is really not a stretch. One of my main training areas was mostly dirt road, and about a 2 km loop, so we would just do that 3 times, and then just add another loop. KCC park would be quite good, although I wouldn't do too much on the gravel car park there - from memory the gravel would be a bit hard on the pads. For a generally fit and well-muscled dog, it's really the hardening of the pads that you need to build up the distance gradually for. The grass surface training is more for the handler - especially if it's been raining ... had to do that one time - really not nice. I really emphasis the variable speeds too - I think if people do too much at a higher speed, the dog can find it harder to cut back to 10 kph as he might have to do in the actual test. It really sounds like you're doing great, and will have lots of fun.
  2. Thought someone might have come back to you before now perfect partners, but here's my take on it. I'd say that for a working BC in good condition, the sort of program you're looking at would be fine. I'd probably only train him with the bike every second day (the recovery day is important - sometimes 2 recovery days are good) - and vary the pace and the surface. Don't always ride on pavement or dirt, but be sure you do quite a bit on that to harden up his pads. While the average speed would be about 10km, sometimes the judge will want to take one of the legs a little faster, so you need to be sure the dog is comfortable at up to about 13 or 14 kph for some of the distance. As far as distance goes, I would normally have been doing about 6 km - and very occasionally throw in an 8 km leg once you've built up to that. The other thing to consider is how he will be with a dog in front and a dog behind - if you can get some friends to join in the training, that's good too. And it's also worth teaching verbal directionals - left, in particulr, so he turns before you do - and also a stop cue :D / The only sad thing about the ET is that we only get to do it once with each dog. ET fix typo
  3. for all those brags, PME. Soooo envious of you being able to get your guys to sheep. Just not doable for me .
  4. Good news! My guys have been on RHVC for nearly a year now (thanks ness) - and I'm happy with them.
  5. Teeny tiny litle brags are often much more important on our training journey with the dogs. Your Scottie man will know how thrilled you are with him - and that will help build a lovely training relationship with you. :)
  6. Nice one CC. Sounds like your youngster is going great guns. And we all have those 'dog needs better handler' moments. :laugh:
  7. well done the new Team Brooklyn . Another title brag for my lil big man after a lovely weekend at Ulverstone in NW Tasmania. Double Rally yesterday and Rally this morning and obedience this afternoon. Mr Rory finished the 3 double Qs he needed to get his RAE3 in fine style. all 6scores in the 90s, with 99 and 98 the highlights. 5 first places and one second (beaten on time) :laugh: . After all that, he managed some nice work in UD .. only 3 zeroes ..second DJ .. lovely sendaway .. started to go out to the bar jump, then baled and came inside it. I have to proof him against the presence of other dogs in the direction he's supposed to be jumping. Lost the plot completely on the second SD article ..forgot what he was doing when he got distracted by a smelly patch of grass. And then I messed up DR .. underturned for 1, and sent him in the direction of the steward standing next to the spare high jump boards which were just outside the ring between me and the glove .. something else to proof :laugh: . I was particularly pleased, as he wasn't fazed by the fact that the ring contained the Rally ring that I'd done 2 walkthroughs and 4 runs in only a couple of hours before.. and the main walkway where all the Rally competitors had been. Not ideal, but unavoidable because the club only has a confined area available. She who does not 'do' obedience, had a 'don't wanna don't hafta' day yesterday .. one pass from 4 .. but this morning the feral Kirra got another leg towards RAE 2, with quite nice scores... only 7 legs to go
  8. Finding articles is essential for paddock/bush tracking, but after T.Ch, there is a high likelihood, especially as you move into urban tracks and long "cooking" times, that articles may gabber been moved or removed , soi that's why finding them is not a requirement..although it's still desirable.
  9. Oh that's great, dezzyno.1 ... congratulations to Tamika and Jessie. And best wishes for the next one. Out T&S season is still months away ????
  10. Sounds like I really need to look at the new SG system .. especially now the Misguided Missile has made it up into Excellent Jumping, and I'm running him in Open just for the extra ring time ... since we never seem to get a chance to train, especially on the contacts. (Largely my problem, as we're usually away trialling in other disciplines, but it' unfortunate that there is no mid week club training down here.). Would love to have the chance to do the training you're doing TSD ????. Do you think an undo old lady/woman could get the hang of it well enough ???? DD, that sounds great. It's magic when it all falls into place. I had some nice runs on Sunday .. Rory's two JD runs (halved course time .. bounced jump, tyre, spread and into tunnel), and Kirra and I had one of our smoothest runs for a long time .. 5 seconds inside time and clear in JDM .. not bad for a 12 year old on her 8th run for the weekend ... she was grinning at me saying why can't you get it right like that all the time :laugh:
  11. This one's not Bowral itself, but about 10 minutesminutes away. Blue Cottage in New Bettina was lovely when I stayed there last year. Dogs inside, but not in bedrooms .. renovated to a high spec, great undercover deck area at the back, and lovely fenced back yard for dogs to play.
  12. My lil big man has a brag! Not in RS's class ,. But we got 2 Novice Jumping passes today to finish Rory's JD title. Judge was joking that he was disappointed we hadn't halved SCT in the first Q .. 21.1seconds on a 40 second course ????. So in his last run of the day, we managed to run 20.03 on a 45second course. Not to be outdone, 12 year old Kirra ran a lovely JDM course,, her 8th run for the weekend ..clear and 5 seconds under SCT. So grateful to be able to have such fun with my kids. :D
  13. There's certainly a strong anti "cage" sentiment out there especially, but not only among the rabid animal rights fringe. Like anything else, crates can be used inappropriately, but it would be nice if they bothered to ask the dogs ... especially the performance dogs, who are able to spend a relaxed day at trials, napping away in comfort and safety, or the dogs who do a lot of travelling, snoozing happily and safely in their crates. Or my 5 year old BC boy, who hasn't had a door on his airline crate beside my bed for several years, but who still puts himself to bed there every night (unless the 12 year old "bitch" decides she wants it, and makes him get out, as she did the other night . I love my crates for staying in dog friendly/dogs inside accommodation, which we do quite often. Even in totally new places, once the dogs see their crates go inside, they are relaxed and happy. It means I don't have to worry what they're up to when I'm asleep or showering. I find it quite fascinating how dogs (who are not supposed to be good at generalising) quickly generalise the 'den' notion of crates - regradless of the type or even size of the crate - hard plastic, different types of soft, wire ... . I've had each of my BCs cuddle up in their Cavalier friend's soft crate (when she hasn't been in it, and they haven't been in their own set-up at a trial) :laugh: .
  14. :D Yes .. I never did work out how to import music into Audacity to even start editing :laugh: ... but I can do a reasonable job in Wavepad. You need a teenager
  15. Sheena, I usually get my music from iTunes. Then you can import it into your editing software.
  16. The other one quite a few people use is Wavepad. If you're running Windows 8, you may have some difficulties with both music and videos. ETA I tried to use Audacity, but couldn't work it out, in spite of ness's help :-)
  17. The Border Collies and I stayed at Wagtails Link. Its a studio .. kitchen, bed, sitting all in one, with a lovely big bathroom, and big undercover patio. Courtyard and small garden with high fence. Lovely ladies have it all set up for dogs... in acreage area in the hinterland behind Coffs. Don't know about leaving dogs unattended, but hosts would probably have suggestions. Have a look on stays .. select pet friendly .. for more options.
  18. That's a very special brag, RS ... :cheer:
  19. Phew CC - good luck to Daisy for today. Hope Herbie gets a good report, HW. You're right - must be the season - took Miss Kirra in last week as I'd felt a new lump while I was massaging her. Got to the vets - couldn't find it at first - eventually found it - proved to be a cyst - no problem - but I swear it had shrunk between the time I first felt it and when the vet looked for it. Never mind - better safe than sorry. :)
  20. If this was on US forums, you should consider that while their ticks carry some nasty tick borne diseases, they do not have our paralysis tick over there. And AFAIK WA doesn't have the paralysis tick either. As far as I'm concerned, I don't take any chances when I'm in paralysis tick country .. and even with chemical protection, I still do physical tick checks daily.
  21. You going north or south? I did the Nullarbor ..Melbourne Perth in April May 2010 and return. As has been said .. be careful to keep Jonah on lead because of 1080. Take plenty of your normal water for the dog at least .. or use bottled. All the caravan areas on the way across are dog friendly (on lead .. own accommodation. The motels at Madura, Eucla, and Norseman at least are quite OK with dogs sleeping in car outside the rooms if you feel like spoiling yourself. Roadhouses are well spaced for coffee/comfort breaks. Fuel is super expensive. My two BCs travelled fine both ways .. and I'd do the trip again. :)
  22. You and the kids are really getting it all together now. I'm sure the DWD helps their confidence, and their enjoyment of working with you. Hmmmm ..dropping out of the sit stay huh? ;-) Welcome to trialling with a BC ...it's their specialty :-). One reason to get up to UD ...although then tired boys go dead dog, but at least that's only a minor.
  23. Good girlie, Gabby. And laughing with you at the stuff-ups, xena98. We jjust had our fifth consecutive weekend of double trials (triple if you include the Friday of BC Nats.) This one was douabvle Rally Saturday, double obedience Sunday. I had one of those stuff up days in Rally - cost the boy points, but thankfully not Qs - so he now has 2 more legs towards his RAE3. Miss Kirra played nice for the morning - 1 leg towards RAE2, and in Excellent in the afternoon, but then decided "don't wanna don't hafta" was the go for Advanced - so no Q there. Mr Rory started his UD rounds beautifully, but then the boy brains dropped out in the morning. He did better in the afternoon - but we soooo need to do lots more distraction proofing. (And that includes finding mice lush ovals with plenty of worm castings. :laugh: - they're apparently totally irrestible. :D
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