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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Shouldn't laugh - but :laugh: . Make sure Don hasn't been busy on the phone, texting his friends " And you know what she had me do today ....... pick up a sandy sandal for her ..... .
  2. Your post prompted me to consult Dr Google - various articles - but this one seemed as though it might be useful in discussion with your vet. Hopefully someone with some knowledge will be around soon.
  3. I like my Hurtta coats too. 55 might be too big for Kenz, but I'm sure Lira will grow into 1 :) I wasn't going to mention that piper
  4. Hope you're on commission for enabling, LisaCC . My Kirra really didn't need another coat - but hey, she is 13, and has done so much for me, and she will need to be warm this winter ......... so a nice red Hurtta winter coat will be on its way to her. :D Kirra's lovely red Hurtta Winter Jacket arrived this morning - good service by Crazy Sales! She's a skinny minny, but longish in the body, so the 55 is big around - but can be cinched in nicely - and the length is perfect - covers her little old butt and upper legs completely. It will be perfect for the winter - although she did wonder why I was putting it on her on this warm sunny autumn day. Happy to have been enabled :laugh: . And yes, ness, 55 would be too big for Ken hear. :D , you'll be glad to hear.
  5. You going over to the dark side, DC :) (sorry - couldn't resist :laugh: )
  6. For training purposes, I think soft treats are the go - small - not crumbly. You want to be able to deliver a heap of them sometimes very quickly if you're jackpotting, and even for one at a time - you want the dog able to eat them quickly so the work can go on. I get my local deli to cut the chicken sandwich loaf into about 1cm slices - so then I can just dice them. Chicken flavour but no crumbles. For cheese, I recommend a 50% reduced fat cheese made by Bega, so at least the fat content is reduced significantly, although probably not the salt.
  7. The higher up the levels, the less obvious the physical cues are expected to be, so the dog works more on verbal. A huge amount of training has gone into this routine I'd say, to pattern the dog to the moves on minimal cues.
  8. Yes - my big boy wasn't going to get one anyway - but nothing in his size. One reason I got Kirra's -seemed like it was 'meant to be'.
  9. Hope you're on commission for enabling, LisaCC . My Kirra really didn't need another coat - but hey, she is 13, and has done so much for me, and she will need to be warm this winter ......... so a nice red Hurtta winter coat will be on its way to her. :D
  10. A small rewardanyway for all the work you put in, I reckon. :D
  11. Glad your trip went well. And especially that you had good weather :D .
  12. Advantages of inside knowledge ROFL. Glad it went well - even if it was wet under foot. Not a problem we've had here lately - we need rain.
  13. Such a cute baby ... well, he's still cute :D . Lovely that he enjoyed his day at the beach, and that you have photos of it. Good boy, Boofy. :) Hope Olivia is doing well.
  14. So good to read such a positive update. Congratulations to you and Maxie.
  15. Yes - which is why some ANKC registered breeders are desexing their Limited Register pups before they leave (especially if they have a breed likely to be farmed or BYB or cross-bred. Which presents problems for purchasers wanting dogs for performance events as well as pets and/or concerned about the possible impact of early desexing.
  16. Dogs on the Associate Registry have to be desexed but I can't say I have ever heard that rule for the Limit Registry. Couldn't find it in the rules ether, which is not surprising. Do you know where that rule is Tassie? Sorry, Jules - you're quite right. I knew when I was typing that that it didn't seem right - but couldn't work out why. Thank you for helping sort the old brain out. WIll go back and fix it :laugh:
  17. Boronia, you are correct in that Limited Register means the pups have come from Main Registered parents, but the breeder has decided that they are not to be bred from. I believe that in all states now, ANKC affiliate registered breeders are required to register each litter. The Certificate of Registration (the Pedigree certificate) issued by the CC for Limited Register pups has stamped across it Not for Breeding or Export . (I haven't investigated, but I'm assuming the ban on export does not apply when the registered owner of the dog wants to move overseas and take the dog with them.) There is no official requirement from the registering body that Limit Register dogs must be desexed, but in order to compete in any of the ANKC performance disciplines, Limited Register dogs and bitches not on a Main, Limited or Sporting Register must be desexed to be registered on the Associate Register. Edited to correct information - thanks to Jules P -
  18. Got to be happy with how he's doing. :laugh: But not surprised you had the WitWit fail - that was HARD - bad daddy lumping LOL . Haven't tried that with my tunnel yet - will be interesting ... might do some more wit-wit work before I try it. :laugh:
  19. Sounds like a super idea - and I particularly like your idea of letting the advanced people run Novice as NFC - great learning opportunity all round. for good weather for you.
  20. So very pleased for you aliwake. Your story prompted me to add grapes to the usual Easter warning I give my puppy class at dog club.
  21. Yes - tyre and spread in particular I worry about appropriate angles of approach. I will usually raise safety concerns with the judge, but if nothing is changed, I just don't run the course. As a general principle though, have no problems with setting up challenges - angles into weavers are a good example. Reminds people to do some more challenges in their training. :D
  22. Glad it wasn't just me being a worry wart about the tyre angle, AD - I was wondering if it was meant to be rotated. Totally agree about your classes being lucky to have you doing all this for them, sheena. People at my club are grateful to you too :D .
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