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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. So sorry to hear of Hamish's passing. A sad time for you and for Tyson. But as you say, we do what we know we have to, heartbreaking as it is.
  2. Thanks for the video, DD .... super keen and cute, and love the prance front feet. :D
  3. Hope you're all coping. You will miss your lovely boy so much, but be comforted in the knowledge that you did what was right for him, even though it is so hard for you.
  4. And another yay .l.for Phoebe's work .. and for you for sticking up for your way of training. :D
  5. I know. Blerk. But has the distance in between dogs increased? That would have helped me and Poppy. Yes, Jules ..distance is now at least 2.5 metres, so that's a bit of an improvement. Still a pain that they couldn't get rid of sit stays.
  6. Although it's not the really good news you wanted, it definitely sounds as though the surgery was the right call, and it's good to hear that Tex is recovering so well. Hopefully he'll respond really well to the holistic treatment.
  7. Sounds like your lovely boy is helping you to know that it's his time. Thoughts are with you snazzier.
  8. New rules are up today. Some interesting new stations in rally. Not a lot seems to have changed in obedience , although I've only had a quick look.
  9. So we should probably be seeing some video then :laugh: . A lot of fun in a small package. My goodness .. that is less than half the weight of my big Norwegian Forest cat.
  10. So cute. How much does he weigh now, DD? And have a wonderful time at Kamal's seminar. Learnt so much from him in Queensland 3 years ago, and from his Fenzi Academhy courses.
  11. Definitely sounds like a bit of cut back or time out is in order, Jess. I'm enjoying the fact that a cat show once a month this year is giving me a week off instructing. I feel a little bit guilty, but then I haven't been away trialling this year, so swings and roundabouts.
  12. Totally agree wit showdog. That guide to swapping the food over in one go might be fine for an established dog, but seriously, I would not be changing a baby puppy over suddenly from what the breeder has been feeding. This is a baby, which will be undergoing massive changes in living conditions (as in away from mum, litter mates and breeder). Pups can find this more or less stressful ... depends on the individual, but IMHO you don't want to be adding another, avoidable, stressors in the first couple of weeks. I'd be sticking with what the pup is used to for the first few weeks .. then you have time to think about making the change.
  13. If.... I wasn't already doing H360, and Recallers, and Fenzi Academy classes (though. Not this 6 weeks), I might be tempted :laugh: I have her DVD, but haven't even watched that yet.
  14. Agree with TSD .. for me I think values come first. I left one club as they were just not going to budge, and I couldn't do the sorts of things that needed doing. I'm lucky now in that although there re things some of us would like to change, a couple of us re able to teach puppy and foundation classes the way we want to. The other main consideration is time ... and that's just a decision on priorities I guess.
  15. Oh how wonderful What a great good news story.
  16. Comforting thoughts to you and your lovely boy. Always so hard to know when ..... but looks like you're taking all the right things into consideration.
  17. Fingers and paws crossed the new meds suit him. You poor thing, westiemum .. hope you were able to get a nanna nap at some time today. Mac would enjoy having his Grandma dog sitting him. :D
  18. You could try our logic and have 13 of them- odds are that some will be healthy!!! Think maybe I'm glad my council limit is 2! :D
  19. It's a shame that your first foray into the pure breed world hasn't started so well. But reading what you've said, I think your best course of action would be to go with one of the 'invested' breeders you've spoken to. This is a dog which hopefully is going to be part of your life for the next 14 or so years, and to my way of thinking, the supportive relationship with the breeder is an important part of the pure breed 'package'. In your situation, I'd be inclined to cut your losses on the deposit, if you have to. But it's worth a try to see if you can get the deposit back.
  20. Yes, I started with mesh too .. and think that would be fine for Sonny. DC, I am not telling Kirra that Dash is still trialling. Kirra was doing fine last year, but as I was taking a bit of a break the first half of this year .. trying to get my head round H360, it seemed like a good time to retire her. Her overall fitness was fine .. and last check up with holistic/acupuncture/massage vet he said "There's nothing I need to do with this dog this time." :D I did treat her to the massage mat, though. She is developing cataracts .. just typical old age ones, so I was concerned that she might be struggling to judge takeoffs .. especially into a low sun. She still insists on training at home and at club.
  21. Thanks so much for the update ... have been wondering whether Tex had the surgery, and how it went. Sounds like it was worth doing, particularly since you'd got his overall health better so he could cope with it better. All dogs should be so lucky to have a thoughtful and loving owner and great professionals to care so well for them. :)
  22. Another BoT fan here. My older BC girl has worn her mesh coat for summer pjs and her quilted one for winter pjs. Sometimes at trials (although at 13 she's retured now .. shhh .. don't tell her though :D .0 it's always hard to know which of several interventions is having effects .. my two were also on Joint Guard and for the last couple of years have been taking Rose Hip Canine Vital, but I'm sure the BoT coat is helping. For winter now, she also has a Snugglesafe warmer in her bed (thanks DOL) since I have no heating in my bedroom.
  23. All puppies should enjoy such "meanness" :laugh: And nothing like a bit of mind boggling to make for good tired puppers :D
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