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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Good to hear that Max is making a good recovery.
  2. Have a look at this article from Susan Garrett Motivating toy ETA to add another link tug drive
  3. ROFL - the first weird one I ever saw was from a SA judge LOL. I don't think he does - from memory - but then he might be experimenting LOL
  4. - could have been the house bricks, Aidan :rolleyes: at the visual image :rolleyes: and cringing at the thought of the damage I could do - can't even throw a dumbbell straight I shall stop playing fetch with them then!
  5. - could have been the house bricks, Aidan
  6. A friend just sent it to me yesterday - had a good chuckle.
  7. It's actually not totally a hoax. Have a look at what Snopes asys http://www.snopes.com/critters/crusader/cocoamulch.asp And it used to be an issue in Tasmania at least, when you could get bulk cocoa mulch from the Cadbury factory.
  8. @ Kyzer. Kirra likes doing the 'terrier' kill with her Wubba rabbit as well. :rolleyes:
  9. about the missing Kong Wubbas Amypie. One of the iSqueak balls I got from Ptolomy while I was in WA has gone missing - Rory raced down to the fence with it in his mouth, and I reckon it's rolled through the stock fencing and into the neighbour's place - probably into a large prickly grevillea bush.
  10. Plaited polar fleece or even better faux fur tugs. Their nice fleecy tug leads they got in WA. One of those tugs made of a mass of nylon strips plaited and knotted, with long bits hanging off each end (Rory's favourite for learning weaving using 2x2 - nice and heavy and easy for me to throw along the reward line. And Kong Wubba firends - ball, squeaky bit, and tails - Rory has a bear and Kirra has a rabbit. I've got some others, but these are the ones I use most.
  11. :D way to go Gamby - you should bottle that. Plenty of customers here.
  12. Poor you and poor Max. No, you're definitely not over-reacting - the club is not behaving well, and you need to pursue your claim with them. Having said that, one of your main tasks now will be to do all you can to remind Max (and yourself) that, just like he used to think, most dogs are friendly. Can you find some friends with well behaved, friendly dogs that you can go walking with? Parallel on lead walking in the company of safe dogs is one of the best ways I know to get a dog to feel comfortable. You can start with the other dog/s whatever distance away Max feels comfortable, and then as he relaxes, gradually decrease the distance between you and Max, and the other person/dog combination. (Not sure I'm explaining this well - but basically you're just going for a walk with a friend/s, chatting as you go along.) The parallel on leash walking helps to restore the dog's confidence, and yours. It's important, I think, to be going for a purposeful walk from point A to point B, rather than just meandering along - that will come later. One of the most important things is not to feel sorry for Max (or at least, not let it show.) You need to act as normal as possible, and be cheerful - best help you can give him at present. (Hope you're a good actor )
  13. Yes!! This is how it seems to work for me too. My problem with that reasoning is that it assumes the dog is in a state of "hunger" for interaction with you whenever you are not playing tug with them. Now, don't get me wrong. Erik certainly has ways of telling me he would badly like to play tug now, please. But it's related to arousal levels and expectations. He's not perpetually trying to get me to play with him. Only when he's aroused and has nothing constructive to do with his energy. I'm probably spoilt by having Border Collies, who, while they have a really good off switch, are/should be IMHO genetically programmed to want to do 'stuff' with their person if their person is doing 'stuff' - if that makes any sense.
  14. Kirra did that one time in a trial - back in the days when she was a tunnel suck (as opposed to the contact/weave suck she is now ). The chute was the last obstacle, but was only a few metres away from the start obstacle - tyre I think. Just as we were starting, the wind blew and opened the chute right up - and sucked my little girl right in :D - ooops Sorry - OT
  15. I've made some nice soft tuggies by getting some faux fur (expensive, but I got some remnant bits cheaper at Spotlight.) I used a 4 strand plaiting 'recipe' I found here. I plaited the strands fairly loosely, and left 3 or 4 inches loose at each end, after having tied knotes in the end of the braid. They're great tugs for puppies (soft and comfortable, and less likely to pull teeth), but the adult dogs really like them too. Just noticed there is a 6 strand pattern on the same website here. Might try that some time when I get some time.
  16. Hi skitch - I'm sure some South Australians will be along before too long - but in the meantime, you might get some info from here SA Agility website.
  17. Sounds like it's coming on well :D
  18. Staranais wrote Yes!! This is how it seems to work for me too.
  19. Thanks! Did you know CK is one of Tag's boys? Oh that's right - I did know that - now I come to think about it - but - typical old person - had forgotten. Well - that makes it even better of course . Hope Rory can follow in those footsteps
  20. - I still look at what's happening, and can't believe it. Of course we have lots of work to do still, to proof and get speed - but just watching the fact that he obviously knows what it's about - as he goes through with his head down, you can see the wheels turning - it's truly an amazing method. And that's with a fairly second rate trainer and a small flat area - you guys will shine .
  21. Some serious brags last night Well done AD - your kids are really doing well, aren't they. And Ruby Star - you are going to have your hands full with tose good girls of yours. Sounds like they had a good day. And smisch - what a FANtastic brag. Congrats to both your kids - but especially the gorgeous Denver - he really was meant to be yours. I get goosebumps every time I read about his successes - just thinking what a great job you've done with him - lucky boy!
  22. Ptolomy wrote: See - I told you the 2x2 was miraculous ;) - even works with the dog just sitting watching it
  23. I should think you will sleep well - and caffy - what a fantastic day you guys had. about sending Cider over. I tried Rory on his 12 poles on the bottom oval at our dog club today. At first it was too many distractions - the flyball dogs were up on the top oval. However, he eventually got his act together, and we were getting some nice (if careful) work on 12 poles. Better right hand weaving than left (not surprisingly) - he was doing nice entries with me about 4 metres away laterally, and him starting level with about pole 4. On the left - more trouble locating entry and tendency to pop just before 10 - not helped by the fact that the weavers themselves were a bit rocky. But he did get things right as we went on - he's so funny - working the last 4 in a really determined way and then exploding out to get his tuggy. Now I have to work out how I'm going to do the footwork thing - I don't have serious 2x2 bases - will have to try with my stick in the ground jump poles I think - cos it's definitely something I'll have to work on the get real speed - he's doing the right thing with his head, but almost tripping over his feet sometimes :D .
  24. Great job with Zero - what a great thing to do with him. And about the dumbbell throwing.
  25. Have been following the saga. Well done indeed - and how nice to have the vet confirm what the photos seemed to show, that they are lovely healthy little pupsters.
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