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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Indeed they do, poodlefan! Faxed a complaint with supporting documentation to OFT NSW about the company in question the week before last, had a lady from there call me early last week to say that she had been in touch with the company, and had organised for the proprietor to send me a refund cheque - and I was to get back to her for follow up if that did not happen. Cheque arrived in my mail on Monday - put it in the bank yesterday and am now hoping it clears OK. A huge to the NSW Office of Fair Trading
  2. Congrats Staffylover and smisch. Smisch, you must be thrilled to bits with what you've achieved with your lovely Denver - what a lucky boy he is - and he was obviously meant to be your dog. :D
  3. Sounds good, Janba. Congrats to you and Mr Cole. LOL about the too much shedding practicw. It's hard to keep all the balls in the air, isn't it.
  4. Well done the SA crew - and huge congratulations on Gabby's OC, xena98. Love the description of Inka's seekback - they're funny things our dogs, aren't they.
  5. Fantastic achievement Brookie and bedazzledx2 - and well-deserved.
  6. He was triumphantly trying to kill the toy, but did notice me grabbing my hand with some bad language, and he realised he'd screwed up so dropped it and came to me . That sounds good.
  7. +1 My 8.5 year old agility BC will occasionally get way too excited when she's grabbing for the tug and nail me instead - but it's certainly accidental - and the game stops immediately - but briefly - and I notice she's a bit more careful when it resumes. If it helps, I'm sure I've seen it happen to Susan Garrett on one of her dvd's - probably the 2x2 weave one - ISTM it's just one of the risks of getting a dog seriously tugging. Equally, they need to know they need to be a bit more careful in future.
  8. He's very nicely put together, byt the look of it - and smart. But clearly those Trolling Retrievers retrieve cameras rather than lemons.
  9. And can I add a very well done to you for what you did with the little girl to help make sure she will feel in control and not frightened - great job.
  10. Have used Polaramine for a jack-jumper bite (me and the dog ). Per my vet - for the BCs (15 kg and 21 kg) - keep some 10mg Phenergan on hand for emergencies - have used one for a bee sting on Rory - no problems. Touch wood, haven't had allergy problems though - well, except one bout with some sort of grass.
  11. Not fair :D - why do all these good things happen so far away - like your weekend at Cam Tailwaggers - and now this Go well, and have a great time. (Will there be video, enquiring minds want to know?)
  12. He might just go missing. The end bit where he stares at the camera just melts my heart! x2 Looks like you'll have fun with him, Ptolomy - if he hasn't been spoilt rotten by then
  13. For ordinary ANKC Endurance test, you can see the rules on the ANKC website. (Thanks for the googling TN - looks like it's a GSD special thing.)
  14. to the WA superstars - great job. Love the look on Millie's face with her trophy. at Ness - you know Kirra doesn't believe in obedience. It's the one thing I can work on with Rory without her staging a tantrum ;) . Oh and Ptolomy - I do like the new name for the red kids Do you think these trolling retrievers will catch on. And see, you really should supervise their computer time better
  15. Here I am with a brag. Tracking this time. Happy to say that my little agility BC Kirra, scrambled through her Tracking Test 7 today to gain her Tracking Champion title. She started well, and then there were some rather scrappy and detouring moments - to say nothing of her little snack breaks (on lamby poo, I think), but she was able to do enough to get through.
  16. poodlefan ....... but is it non-allergenic and non-shedding :p
  17. Yay for CK - and happy weaving there.
  18. Agree with you molasseslass - that's how I read it. Rather than attacking Mr Linke, I think we should be applauding people in his position who, from a position of knowledge, are opposing BSL and saying "punish the deed, not the breed".
  19. Hi Vernie - just did a quick search on the forum on crate training in the title of posts in the taining forum - here' the list Crate Training post Hope that link works. If not - you can do the search yourself - the search button is up near the top of the page second button from the right. There's also lots of stuff on the internet - just try google search on crate training puppies, or something of that sort. The basic principle is that you're supplying a place which can feel like a den - so appreciated by the og, but which can be closed so that the dog/puppy is safely contained. I didn't know about crate taining for my first dogs, but have used it for the lasst 8 years - best thing since sliced bread LOL - great for toilet taining, giving pup a break from kids etc, giving kids, cats, older dogs a break from puppy, travelling - when we stay in dog-friendly houses, the dogs' crates are the first thing to go in, keeping them safe nd happy at trials, in the car ....... and so the list goes on. My 21 month old BC still sleeps in his crate at night - with the door open, his choice - and when my 8 year old BC bitch wants to mess with his head, like this morning, she will go in there jsut to see what he'll do (the aanswer is - he doesn't dare do anything ). Hope that helps - and well done for you to get it organised before pup comes home. And don't forget to share pics and stories ;) .
  20. Another for The woofery http://www.thewoofery.com.au/cookies.php. The dogs and I visited when we weere in Adelaide - we've been making our various treats last - but need to order some more. Thanks for the link to the one in Tasmania, too.
  21. That won't work if you're using paypal - don't need your credit card in your hand if they already have it.
  22. I teach this game to my puppy classes, but must admit I had only done a little bit of it with Rory - he has lovely focus anyw3ay. But on Sunday at a show (coinciding iwth a market), he was sitting up on his trolley while some (pretty savvy) people were talking to me about training their puppy, so I thought I'd show them how the game worked. Piee of food in each hand, a litle bit out from my body. At first of course Rory mugged the food, but within a couple f tries, he 'got it', and then was super good. (We have done a bit of it before, but not with two pieces of food almost at his eye level.) He's such a good boy.
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