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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. I'm having a touch of deja vu - think I read something like this the last time you girls went away trialling Glad the boys travelled well. Good luck to everyone trialling this weekend. And remember, if all else fails, have some fun with your dog in the ring, and then take the best dog home :D . ET remove typos that made it look like I'd been on the vodka ROFL
  2. To the OP and others - if you get the chance, do try Rally O. It's fun teaching the moves - can only improve your precision in turns etc in obedience - and best of all - not only can you talk to your dog as you go through the course, you should! One of the aspects that's marked is teamwork - handler and dog working together, and handler recognisingand responding to the dog's needs. And really, really best of all -no stays. Novice Rally O is done on lead, and tight leads are penalised! Oh - and one other best thing - if you mess up a station, you can call for a re-try - and only lose 3 points for doing that - gives you a chance to fix things in the ring and heap praise on the dog and yourself for getting it right.
  3. Would he be interested if you put a toy/ball or something on the end of a string and pulled it around, and maybe snatch it away from him - to spark prey drive sort of? I think you've put your finger on it when you've noticed that he's more interested in exploring out in the back yard than fetch. Is he food-oriented? If so, you can get toys you can put food in - might make him more interested in going to get them outside? But from what you've said, I think atm he's finding just being out in the big wide world more rewading than any game. This could change if he spent more time outside, and so outside became a bit more boring. Hopefully others will come along with a bit more inspiration :D
  4. Yes - congrats on the WA passes - and OSS on the obedience too - well worth the trip then CC - I'm no expert, but I wouldn't be worried too much. How much are you doing? Between weather, short days, and work and other commitments, I'm struggling to get out once a week - but it was like that a few years ago when I did ET with my BCs. I try to get in about 6-8km at ET speed or a bit more each time I do get out - was only 6 yesterday evening - ran out of light. And I probably wouldn't be riding the day or two before the test. Abbiestar will hopefully be along before too long with some expert advice. I did get my bike serviced yesterday - so one thing less to do. Will take the KMart special in for a service too, just for peace of mind, to have a back up. Our test is in just over a fortnight.
  5. Great minds think alike, RS - I wasn't sure whether I should say it but I agree.
  6. If you don't have the Reg Cert to send back to them, I think I'd be giving them a call. And I think the forms are probably in the members section, which I think is password protected - haven't tried - might just need your/OH's Dogs Vic membership No.
  7. Sorry to hear of your loss. You have to apply for the title certificate - forms available for download from Dogs Vic website. Dogs Vic You probably need to send in her ANKC Registration Certificate as well - and pay money, of course - Dogs Vic will then post ouit a new Certificate of Registration, and the Title Certificate, and probably a Breeder's Certificate to send to the breeder in the case of a pure bred dog.
  8. Oh I so know that feeling RS - poor Kirra has been saddled with me as a rubbish handler for 5 years - I guess I'm getting a bit better (have tried really hard since the Derrett seminar the year before last) - but she still bites me occasionally for unclear handling - and is quite capable of going completely feral - like she did in an ADM run on the 3rd day of Nationals last year. I used to apologise to Kirra's breeder that she'd given me this dog with lots of potential, and I felt bad that I couldn't bring it out - but she said to me that the dog didn't care about cards or ribbons or titles - she just wanted to be out having fun with her mum - I really liked that. Finding time is a really hard thing, isn't it.
  9. It will be if I can get them both out of AD - because AD and JDX clash!!! So all 4 runs will be over and done with in 10 minutes. I like them a bit more spread out than that Oh, yes - that would be a bit tough. Just as well you're young And yep, her leg seems much better And I am in no rush to get her (or Millie) out of JDX. Masters = Looks for the chicken emoticon It's all good fun :D
  10. That's wonderful, Mason - big congrats to you and the lovely boy.
  11. "Not too bad" indeed - bl**dy brilliant I'd call that. Very impressive :D
  12. Love your definition of 'minor brag' RS - well done to you and both girls. Will be nice to have them both in the same jumping class - for a little while, until Ruby jumps her way out. Sounds like she's all better again. @ ness - you could be right about it being Rory's SA mum's genes - our judge was from SA Wow, xena98 - gotta be happy with your girlies.
  13. :D Thanks Ptolomy - it's the WA genes in the dog, I think . He really is a good boy (even if we still haven't got our stays with other dogs sorted yet - but they're improving. He loves his tracking, and he's thoughtful about it, unlike Kirra, who thinks it should all be done at warp speed - and then backchats me when she's overshot a turn and run out of scent .
  14. Congrats on all the successes, big and little. My Rory and I have a tracking brag from yesterday - started his career with a really nice pass in his Tracking Test 1 (supposed to be a known tracklayer, but we didn't have one, so he tracked someone he'd only met yesterday. :D ) He got a grading of Very Good (and if I'd trusted him more at the start, would have been an Excellent) and was awarded Track of the Day - good lil big man. He was really funny at the end - in training he tracks me, and his reward is just on the ground - so he was extremely surprised to find a person lying on the groiund behind some bushes at the end of the track - he hauled of and reared up and gave a very surprised alert bark - before realising that the 'scary person' knew his name and was holding a nice little tray of cat food
  15. Sunnyflower, thank you for posting this. So many of us were with you in spirit in these last weeks, and it was so kind of you to post this in his honour and memory. I'm another one who admires your decision, and the way you went about it. I'm sure that Oscar's story will help others in a similar situation. He sounds as though he was an absolutely lovely little man, and you will have wonderful memories of the time you had with him, even though it was way too short. Run free handsome man.
  16. Was just thinking about this - have to organize something for this weekend. One of the things that if I think about it in time, I like to include, is a couple of scratchies. Not expensive, but could be really, really good. :D Usually some sort of eatables as well.
  17. Lovely day here today, so the dogs and I went out for another ride. A bit over 12 km in all - but quite a bit of stop start - lot of people on the path cos it was such a nice day. Did just under 6 with both dogs, then put 9 year old Kirra (agility girl) back in the car for a snooze, and did another 6 or so with Rory - a bit faster. He did really well - but I wish I could find some other people with dogs to ride with so he could get used to that.
  18. Super well done TrinaJ and Jett - that's lovely - and so glad the day was nice for you. Abbiestar, we're entered in the only one for the year in Tasmania - Tas Dog Training Club at Longford on July 10. We have to fit our training in among work, conformaton showing, and tracking training - oh and obedience training, and agility trialling and TSD with my other BC - think we're a tad over-committed - but having lots of fun.
  19. Gonig all the way to WA for Ptolomy and Bedazzled - fantastic stuff from you two and the boys. Can imagine many ! And trinaJ - well done on your ET - that's lovely.
  20. Finally got the bike and the dogs out again - weather settled down to just cold and slightly windy. Did 4 km with both of them, then put Kirra away and did another 8 with Rory - he did really nicely, but I need more work . Now got to bath and dry him for a weekend of showing.
  21. Highly likely it is a result of the vacc - have had it on ome of mine years ago, when he was jabbed in a slightly different place - friend had one on her Viszla in the last couple of weeks. By all means, check with the vet if you're worried (I did ;) ) but it should go down gradually over a week or two, then disappear.
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