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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. in answer to your last question - yep - but it's easier if you can let some things go like housework, garden ....... (Helps if you only have yourself to consider.) Seriously - I love mixing up sports - and very little of the training is going to conflict - well, maybe sheep work and tracking - but Kirra might have been a dog who overused her eyes in tracking anyway. Not having gundogs, retrieving/field work is not an option, and although I dabbled with agility ET make that flyball - in early days, it didn't work for us (though I know a lot of people can combine flyball with other sports really well.) Tracking has a limited season because of weather and snakes - so they tend to get a break from that over summer. I tend to think that at least for my BCs, the relationship with the handler and the desire to do 'stuff' with the handler is key to their training - and that applies to obedience, agility and DWD, and conformation to some extent - although I don't handle Rory myself. Overlaying that relationship are the specific of each discipline, so mixing and matching is not so much an issue. Mind you - I need to say that the old saying - "Jack of all trades and master of none" probably applies to me - but hey - the dogs and I are having fun - and that's what it's all about for me. :D ET fix mistake - I meant flyball, but was thinking of agility, so that's what the fingers typed - Doh!
  2. Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly. Your breeder should be able to give you a copy of the pup's 3 generation (or preferably 5) pedigree anyway - breeders I've dealt with have all given me those or had them on their website. So you ahould be able to do your pedigree stalking - it's fun, isn't it. :D But I agree - as well as checking with your breeder, check with Dogs Vic on the phone - and they will also be able to tell you whether you can enter a baby puppy with Number Applied For - or something like that.
  3. You can do retrieve DB on the flat as an optional exercise in Novice - I reckon it's worth teaching it early on - doesn't interfere with anything else, and then you're ready for Open . On the finish - it's worth teaching both around the back, and the flip (finish left) - to get ready for Rally
  4. Sounds like a good debut, wuffles If you have access to back issues of Clean Run mag, there were some articles on early take-off syndrome - I think the jury might still be out. I find that I can cause an early take off in my BC by getting too emphatic - maybe because I'm getting over excited, or I think she might need to work hard to clear say a spread. In her case, she's experienced enough that I just need to keep my mouth shut and not try to cue her to jump. Something to think about. Revisiting SS is probably a good idea. Ed because it posted itself before I'd finished
  5. Either that, or he's just messing with your head, Ptolomy
  6. That'd be the best way to do a Royal I reckon, murve Have a great time.
  7. Congrats to murve and Orlando, and sllh and Ramses. Great job.
  8. :D What she said! We certainly use what we see from WA to try to model ourselves on - inspirational . ET say - and ness - you forgot the Scoota man!!!! :D
  9. And another one. I find when I'm teaching people in my puppy class to do it, that they want to move their hands too quickly - I learnt from Mary Ray to go slowly - even letting the pup lick the treat while he's thinking about it, and as Bedazzled says - don't be afraid to reward a darned good try a couple of times. I initially only taught down from stand with Rory -- but had to add down from sit for Rally O. I prefer the down from stand as the first one, because IMO it's much neater in heeling, and in COP.
  10. Lots of congrats coming for the weekend. Ptolomy - LOVED your description of Scoota at 'his' ground - they truly don't forget! :D And wuper well done on both kids, especially yor little Cider - yes - think she might be a keeper . Bedazzled - your Brookie is amaxing (think I might have told you that before) - you and he are such a lovely team. murve - congrats to you and Orlando - nice way to finish that title.
  11. I've made really nice tuggies, especially for puppies, from faux fur - cut into strips and then plaited, but not too tightly. But mine will tug pretty much anything, though I avoid rope or too tightly plaited tugs.
  12. Beth. and Lottie (lol change of name fooled me there) - onwards and upwards now. for Soggy Bear and Scoota - bummer the UDX fairies don't fly in that sort of weather.
  13. Well done sllh - - and best wishes to eceryone trialling this weekend. :D
  14. Way to go Krustie and Kuda - gotta be happy with that as an ice breaker bummer about the migraine TSD - but you've done the right thing - not fair to the dog otherwise. - or you.
  15. Yes, I believe there is another one planned - PM Angelsun about that one - think she might have details. I reckon if you contacted Dogs NSW office they would be able to send you a copy of what's in the Gazette - closing date is Friday 14th October. It's at the German Shepherd Building and Grounds - not sure if that's at Erskine Park (I'm in Tasmania - only been to Erskine Park once ). Your CCCQ office would probably send you a photocopy of the relevant bit in the NSW gazette too if you ask them.
  16. Haven't gone through them for a while, but from memory - I'd agree with wuffles.
  17. One is advertised in this month's Dogs BSW Gazette - page 5 in the official bit ' Saturday 28 and Sunday 30 October
  18. Now I'm sure there's a technological solution to that - as you're walking the course, you record the signs onto your ipod - then play it back as you actually do the course.
  19. M and G - yep - given the time frame, better to stick with what you're comfortable with. And then polish the u turn down the track so you've got it in your tool kit - and you'll need it for Rally O ;) . Having trained Rory not to go behind me (no blind cross), I then had to train the round the back finish and RAT for Rally. It's still a bit of a work in progress, and I actually only use the U turn in heeling, theough I'll mix and match the finishes. One of the small things to beware of with a dog which does lovely round the back turns, is that if they're a bit out of position forward, they can do a pretty round the back on a 90 degree left turne - or was that just my first obedience boy, Sam - who would do it in signals heeling in UD, much to everyone's amusement. :D
  20. No jinxing..her dogs are awesome.. ;) They certainly are, caffy - but sending good mojo from downhere anyway
  21. nattiej - so much collective wisdom here - and so much sharing of the experience of losing beloved dogs - gently or suddenly. A couple of things rang a bell for me - "dogs find us" - and I so agree with poodlefan (again!!!) This has been my experience - and as long as the 6 month old boy checks out, he sould be just the one youve been waiting for. Good luck
  22. Agree about starting early - but just had to laugh at the 2o2o bit. Rory has loved this exercise, but I think maybe I overdid it - he's only had a few chances to see the real contact obstacles (admittedly without enough interim walking long planks etc ), and his immediate response has been to rush to the equipment, and throw himself proudly into his 2o2o . ETA - at the wrong end - without having gone over the obstacle first. Boy brains! :D
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