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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Aaaaw TSD - that's lovely - and so well-deserved. Clever boy and his clever momma :D
  2. Sure is! my (second) package shipped last night
  3. My BC boy came to me from Perth at 10 weks - 10 hour flight including 2 hour stopover in Melbourne - overnight flight was used because it's more pup-friendly, especially in summer. He arrived in Hobart quite settled and happy - took the whole thing in his stride (I'd had a night with not too much sleep ). Travelled to Melbourne on the ferry a couple of weeks later. His lovely breeder had spent time getting him used to being alonne, and being crated. A previous pup on a much shorter flight took a couple of weeks to settle down when he got here, but he was a more anxious dog generally. So it's great if the breeder can do some preparation, but it also depends a bit on the individual pup. Second the advice abouit planning a quiet couple of days for the first days. :D Enjoy!
  4. LOL about naughty Wikki - she must have been channeling Aunty Kirra - any unguarded food is fair game - unless we're playing a formal IYc LOL - Big bro Rory is a bit more trustworthy I'm getting behind wit my games - although thye have done some before, so we can catch up. Two more busy weeks at work before the Christmas hols - and the non-work time I'm trying to attack head high grass - now if only Susan could work out how to teach the dogs to work a mower or brushcutter
  5. LOL MG - you could do what I do - get a lovely Junior Handler to show your dog for youi. Then all you have to do is the flooffing How do you find a junior handler? There are a few lovely girls around at the moment i am sure would be willing to help out. Makayla and Chelsea. I watched them in juniro handlers and Mack handles wazzat's dogs :D so i am sure could provide some positive info on her :D :D - there ya go. I was lucky - Rory's handler is the daughter of friends - she handles GSDs primarily, but is a great handler of a variety of breeds - won State Junior Handlers and did well at National final. But yep - use the show network.
  6. Those videos look good Jigsaw - thanks for the link.
  7. My two got to play with the first of their new toys yesterday. Kirra loved this Ringzee wool ball - chased it killed it and tugged happily with it - soft on teeth and hands :D and Rory ran round like a fool with his Skinneez big bite water bottle toy - lovely crunchy souinds - toy fur goes very slaggy after a while but dries OK. Not that I'm enabling or anything
  8. LOL MG - you could do what I do - get a lovely Junior Handler to show your dog for youi. Then all you have to do is the flooffing
  9. Another one who'd be trying to get a second opinion, either from Werribee, or from an internist specialist - could be one at one of the Referral centres. Poor pupper. Hope you can sort it out for him.
  10. Haven't seen it myself - but this one from Terry Ryan might be useful - and is not too expensive. She's a well respected trainer.
  11. She'll be really pleased to see you - and vice versa :D Good healing vibes coming her way from the Apple Isle.
  12. Tiggy, if you can get someone to help get you started, you can do fine training on your own. Rory's Test 1 this year was almost the first time he'd tracked anyone other than me - and then it was only a very hot 50 metre track at the very early stages of his training. In fact, when he found the tacklayer on his Test 1, he got quite a fright when the 'body' in the groundsheet spoke to him - huge big boy barks "Did you guys know there's a person here!!!!!!" Luckily the tracklayer knew his name, and had his treat ready. Kirra got her Tracking Champion last year, and passed a TSD1 this year - mostly on training on my tracks. The important thing is getting them to know what the game is - follow the scent on that sock, and good things will happen for dogs :D . Like other training - small steps - splitting not lumping - and starting on a short lead so that they can't go too wrong. What we do is stop if they start to veer off the track - then go on when they're back on the track. Frequent rewards early on - and get them to love their articles.
  13. :D nothing like a happy Brittany Christmas - well, unless it's a happy Border Collie Christmas
  14. Oh poor Tux (and you). As if UDX wasn't hard enough . Next year
  15. Wow TSD - fantastic stuff - as youi say - what a way to finish a great year. You must be so very proud of yourself and the spotted one!!
  16. Well done - that is a nice brage. Good on you and Sasha!
  17. I use Sentinel Spectrum and have a cat - no problem. But yes, if you have fleas around, you do need to use Capstar (or something like that) to get rid of those (sometimes comes in a bonus pack with Sentinel.) You'll need to get rid of the fleas from the environment too. The one to be really, really careful about is Advantix spot on - that's lethal to cats - big warnings all over it.
  18. OT a bit - but just to say Jules, if you haven;t already got one, and can fit one in your car, consider a show trolley. It doubles as a grooming table, and a crate for trials. Mr Rory loves being in his at trials, (they can both fit in at a push), and even Miss Kirra is easier to groom on it. If you do get one, just see if you can get a handyperson to fit a couple of wheels with brakes (can get them from Bunnings) on the handle end. Normal service reausmed - my second CR order has gone in, the first one having arrived yesterday
  19. Welcome to the wonderful world of tracking. It is quite a leap of faith to trust your dog - especially when they can lie to you. I know the books say they don't - but some do . Having said that, one of the intriguing things about tracking is learning to read your dog. I've had judges say to me (and others) .... your dog told you 3 times where the track went before you finally listened .... But all that said - it is a total buzz.
  20. Have PMd you piper - might be able to help. My first order arrived today - like an early Christmas unpacking it. Rory likes his new isqueak - but it's right - the squeak is less piercing - Rory still loves it
  21. Oh thanks Kallistar - was hoping there might have been another one - still just asking ..... (but thinking ;) )
  22. Hi Annie - sorry we didn't see you in Launceston - the mock Rally O trial had to be cancelled because of judge unavailability unfortunately. Yes - Our first Rally O official trial will be in Hobart (up on the Domain) on January 15th. The schedule will be in the December/January Gazette, which should be out early next week. The TCA office should be able to give you the details. Entries will close fairly soon I think. We're quite excited about it . Hope we see you there.
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