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Everything posted by Tassie

  1. Guess you're a bit far away to come over for the weekend whitka :laugh: My entries for Bairnsdale and Morwell are in the mail. Looking forward to it - though I've entered so many things, I think I'll be running like a cut cat - but hey - travelling all that way, might as well have lots of fun while I'm at it. :laugh:
  2. Love it TSD - Em's got the mad teeth and the mad eyes going really well there. :D
  3. Yes, you're right HW .. I'd forgotten about the rabbit trap leg breaking manoeuvre. And yes, huge fun! :D
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2033628/Surviving-9-11-rescue-dogs-scoured-Ground-Zero-bodies-commemorated-decade-difficult-mission.html I know we're supposed to put the text of the article in as well, but I'm not sure how to do that - hopefully some more tech savvy person can do it. :) A lovely story about the dogs who are still living, which took part in the seaaches of the ruins of the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.
  5. Bitey face rocks! _ well according to 10.5 year old Kirra and 4 year old Rory, my two BCs. The noises are apparently a very important part of the game - as is the sneeze break - don't know if others do this, but mine have to break off briefly every now and then for a sneexe break - then it's back on. And yes, it does seem to represent a rest break in a game of zoomies sometimes.
  6. Lol Bully ...good for you and your "pigs might fly" kid ..pity about open.
  7. So glad you came in with your wonderful brag CC ...so very pleased for you!
  8. :laugh: S & W - sounds like your filing system is a bit like mine! Congrats xena98 on the great work - and commiserations on the not so great. We shouldn't say it, probably, but it does cheer the rest of us up to hear of the top dogs doing silly things. :)
  9. Yay for the two new CCD titles - so Sue And Waldo - Novice in November now? ANd murve - how satisfying must that feel - kudos to you and the handler for persevering. And piper - yes - the dogs really enjoy Track & Search and the challenges that can be thrown up. And of course it makes training easier, in that you don't have to try to find big open areas without too many paths and random people - quite the reverse. :D
  10. Kirra and I thank you :) . TO - it's set in populated parks etc where there is lots of potential 'contamination' - people walking, kids playing, dogs, etc. etc. - and significant proportions of the tracks can be on tracks and paths. Working up to urban track - streets - and then urban night track. It's meant to start to approximate more real-life search scenarios than the paddocks and bush where no other people have been. The time delays between tracklayer walking the track and dog/handler team starting are longer than standard tracking - 2 to 4 hours on a lot of the levels. The dogs have to have achieved their Tracking Champion before they can start Track & Search.
  11. :laugh: Thanks very much - and we thank you for the raised glass too. She had an absolute ball - she was the oldest dog there, and she pulled me nearly all of the way up and down hill, bless her. They love Track & Search - more challenging and more fun for the dog I think. I just feel blessed with her - that she is till so fit ( ) and so keen.
  12. OK - I'm double-dipping with brags again - bragged on the BC thread - but I'm so proud of my feral 10.5 year old girlie Kirra, who today scored a Very Good grade on her Track and Search Test 3, to complete her Track And Search Dog title (subject to Dogs Tas approval). The test is over a distance of 1000 metres, in an area where there are likely to have been numbers of people (and dogs) walking - in fact we encountered a couple of people walking in opposite directions at right angles to our track right on a crossroads of tracks - one man had an off lead standard poodle which Kirra had to tell off and say she was busy . The track was walked by the tracklayer 2 hours before the dog started, and it's a vlind start - somewhere between two flags 30 metres apart, with people milling around the atart with the tracklayer for a while before the tracklayer starts walking. I was so pleased with the way Kirra tracked - she was going like a freight train - including down the muddy and then rocky track that led to the end . So, subject to title being approved, she will be T.Ch Khayoz Sweet Soul Music RA ADM2 ADO3 JDM2 JDO4 GD SD SPDX TSD HIT DWDF.S HTM.S ET - a trial secretary's nightmare :laugh:
  13. He;en, I can remember a woman (just can't remember the name) trialling a Brittany in agility in the early 90s. Can remember her being in Gippsland - probably Bairnsdale, but could be Sale - at one of those June Gippsland Riviera trials. Wouldn't have been before 1991 - could have been that year. Not super helpful, sorry, but might jog someone else's memory. First time I saw a Brittany :) - can remember the dog was a typical Brittany - lots of fun and flashes of brilliance :laugh:
  14. He;en, I can remember a woman (just can't remember the name) trialling a Brittany in agility in the early 90s. Can remember her being in Gippsland - probably Bairnsdale, but could be Sale - at one of those June Gippsland Riviera trials. Wouldn't have been before 1991 - could have been that year. Not super helpful, sorry, but might jog someone else's memory. First time I saw a Brittany :) - can remember the dog was a typicla Brittany - lots of fun and flashes of brilliance :laugh:
  15. Not particularly GSD knowledgeable - but I have seen this behaviour in my own BC and in friends' GSDs. You've been doing the right thing in not forcing the issue, and in staying outside your dog's reactive distance. Parallel on lead walking - distance apart whatever is needed to have the dogs comfortable - is IMHO one of the really great things to do. Owners are walking purposefully, so the dogs have things to do and look at rather than just the other dog, and no pressure is being put on them. My experience is that the more often you can do this, the more comfortable will the dogs become - not necessarily to the BFF stage - but that's not necessary. You just want them not arciing up. When I'm doing this sort of stuff, I don't require my dogs to meet other dogs face to face, or face to tail - just to be calm round controlled dogs. I'd say- keep doing what you're doing - if she gets too excited initially, stay ouitside the 25 metres unand walk parallel with the other dog/person, and as she calms down, you can move in closer. We find walking on lead around sports ovals or areas with a good line of site and plenty of space, is really helpful.
  16. :laugh: It's a small world, the dog world, isn't it. :)
  17. :laugh: bedazzledx2 - well where else would he be sleeping .. he certainly earned it. piper - the plus 1 is a Shelite, mu inside information tells me :D - a friend's dog, I think.
  18. Try PMing Ptolomy or bedazzledx2. I think they've stayed somewhere nice not too far from KCC Park (now known as the State Dog Centre LOL).
  19. :laugh: Sometimes the Universe really knows what she's doing ! That's very exciting. A 'meant to be'. :)
  20. Go the old ones! Good job Ness - and yes, Kenz, lots of dogs will tell you it's hard to get good help in Rally - but good girl for getting your help through it. And for biker girl too by the sound of it! :D
  21. CC .... That's a great comment about loving the PROCESS of training...that's so true, and I think that's one of the great things about the way we train now.
  22. Lovely to read about great work from wonderful dogs .. and happy working dogs who enjoy the team work with their handlers.! LOL about the use of the heel command in agility....hey whatever works I say :-). I've used Kirra's emergency threadle/wrap cue to help get us through the off set figure 8 in Rally ;-) 1 to go for the lovely Roxy .. Won't be long now.
  23. Adding big congratulations to Linda and her super girls ..especially , but lovely to see Roxy did week to. What a great team!
  24. Lovely! Mine do the same - such a pain when you actually want them to be exercising, and all they'll do is stand and stare aat each other. Rory is a real stalker - watched him near a hedg where there was a young rabbit one day - better than a cat at silently and ever so slowly lifting a paw and placing it down. When she was working sheep, Kirra was only sticky on a single - and that was actually helpful in the paddock. :D
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