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  1. I've looked at diet too. I deliberately vary it so they don't get bored ) but also to avoid the issue with too much or not enough of whatever. The other thing is, I have 5 dogs and only this one gets the sores. I am hoping as she is only a bit over 12mnths that she may yet grow out of it. Anyway, my info might of use to someone else. Cheers, M
  2. For anyone looking for options to treat the recurrent sores known as hot spots, this is working for me: Firstly, stating the obvious, do your own research and reach your own conclusion about using 'human' medication for animals. Vet presribed medications and cremes, including 2wks courses of 2 different anitbiotics, didn't work. I have applied Clindamycin creme (topical antibacterial) in the mornings, followed by Tazarotene creme (topical Vit A) at night. Improvement by next day, followed by rapid healing. I sit with the dog for about half hr tomake sure she doesn't lick it all off, then I give her a biscuit or something to distract her. I keep applying for about a week. I am also trying Euclalyptus spray (from supermarket - spray tin) as a preventative, once a day on her paws which is where she gets them. Although you may not have acess to these same cremes, they might point you in the right direction for other options if what you have from your vet isn't working.
  3. Thanks for the responses everyone. I'll see if they have a local stockist as I'd like to actually handle it before I buy but it's not likely here. Thanks for telling me about the service from Innotek Cosmolo, good service is a big part of the decision. I will have a look at one other, a dogtra, but I really want to try the streamlined type. Hopefully the dogs won't catch on so quick! Cheers, Michelle
  4. Hi All, I have an Innotek ADV-300, the blue block type with a blue block shaped transmitter. I am looking to buy another, either the same again or an IUT-300 which seems to be more streamlined and may be an improvement on the ADV-300. Wondering if anyone has the IUT-300 and if they have any comments about it? The ADV-300 has been good. Positives: Still working after 2yrs Does the job Water resistant Different levels of stim Negatives: Can't get battery out of transmitter to replace Block shape is cumbersome on dog's collar Dogs easily learn when they are wearing it by it's shape and weight Tone is either not working or has no effect - no way to test Transmitter and Reciever have to be held together and button pushed after charging to re-set Terminals on collar will dig in to dog's neck if it is left on them Rubber insulators on terminals fall off in short time
  5. Does anyone know what the problem is with Petco's Enduro dog biscuits, specifically Enduro Plus? I am in Townsville, Nth Qld and none of us can get hold of it. We get different excuses/explanation every time we ring them and it's always 'it'll be there next week' but never arrives. Shame, because it's a good Aust product.
  6. We were told about 2 weeks for it to start to heal up. It has been very hot and humid up here, but no rain for a few days, he had only just been washed like normal. The ground has been hot though, maybe it was a combination of wet paws and very hot ground...although only the dirt driveway is hot because we had rain and the grass has greened up everywhere. There were bits of skin still attached by a flap, we cut it off (and he didn't even notice we were doing it) so it wouldn't hold dirt and catch on things. Thanks for replys so far...I am relieved to know that it does heal up OK. ATM he is laying on the bed outside with the fan on him. He is so sore, I take him his water to have a drink, can't watch him limping over the water bowl Last night he had his dinner in the air con bedroom, hubby took it in for him. Our poor boy.
  7. Hopefully the pics are attached and you can see what our Greyhound, Snoop did to his paws yesterday. We have had cut paws before, but never sloughed off like this. It didn't bleed at all. He had just had a bath and went for a run round the yard, came back limping. The vet has said to just keep him quiet and bath paws twice a day with iodine solution. He is very sore, and with 3 paws affected he can't win no matter which paw he leans on really. Hubby is carrying him from bed to bed during the day and we have made him as comfy as we can. Has anyone ever had this happen to their dog? Does anyone know if there is a particular cause? We have made no changes to the ground in the yard, no harsh chemicals, no rough cement. Same yard he has been running around in for 2yrs.
  8. OK, I'll give the malaseb a try this week. He's got an appointment with the vet on Sat for a general check so I'll get him to look at the sores then too. I've only just used the scissors on the matts as low down as I could go without hurting him. thank you.
  9. hi puggy_puggy, I have cut out the worst of the matts myself as you say, but I didn't want to get too close to the skin in case i hurt him, he has sores where the matts were/are. I am bathing him and using betadine on the sores but I was thinking a clip all over just once would get rid of all the yuck and also let me get at the sores, it's hard to get the betadine onto the actual skin. Even letting the sunshine in would be a help I think.
  10. He has badly matted fur all around his back legs and rump.
  11. Can anyone recommend a good groomer in Townsville? The only one I've seen is in Pet HQ, but don't know if they are any good. I need to get Jack the border collie (was a stray a few wks ago, no-one come forward for him so now he's mine) clipped and as he is pretty timid I need to find someone with experience and patience. Cheers, Michelle
  12. Just an update for anyoen interested... Billie was just fine when I got home yesterday, jumping around as usual and back to her normal self Took her to vet anyway. Vet had been doing some research for me, she rang a specialist in Brisbane to find out about the whole injestion vs injection of venom and possible damage to organs. The specialist said that even if the venom had been in contact with a cut in her mouth, it still wouldn't be actually injected into the bloodsteam as the snake was already dead. Her being off colour was just the natural reaction to having an upset stomach. The main thing that was addressed is that there will be no long term damage to any of her organs. She gave Billie a check over and said she saw no need to do a blood test now. Am still giving her Vit C, the stomach medication and a bland diet for the rest of the week just to be sure. Thanks everyone for your input, hopefully this may be of some use if anyone else finds themselves with a dog eating a snake's head!
  13. Right then. Will do. Will also get some Vit C, worth a try too.
  14. Happened on Sat arv. That was first trip to vet, then again on Mon after she started vomiting early hours that morning. Blood will also tell me if she has damage to kidney etc I guess?
  15. OK. I've just rung another vet about the venom detection kit. They send the samples off to the local hospital who will run the tests for them but apparently it's not much use this long after the event (happened on Sat arv before 4pm sometime). Anyways, I said I will get a sample and bring her in this evening to get blood tests as well just in case.
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