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Everything posted by kyliegirl

  1. I don't think its fair to force your choices on others who cant even speak their opinion.. In reality if you gave a dog a choice between a cabbage and a raw steak cut it would be obvious that the dog would choose the steak as its more desirable and nutritional. I recall someone on here saying some tenants that lived on their property owned a wolfhound and their wolfhound resorted to killing the sheep on the property because the owners were feeding it a vegetarian diet. and as for cats surviving on a vego diet, Cats are obligate carnivores they NEED meat as that is their only source of obtaining taurine. If a cat gains a taurine deficiency it will cause severe problems like blindness and even death.
  2. congratulations on the wins, looks like he is becoming a real stunner
  3. thats what I have read about the growth plates, I dont plan to desex until 12 or so mths for this reason
  4. both of those dobes are not in australia rhap and yes the red dobe is cropped
  5. it seems its very noticeable in dobes, male dobes desexed before 6 mths are alot more leggy and lanky compared to being desexed at 18 months. heres an example using some forum members dogs from another forum. This is Quentin, he was desexed before 6 months and this is Red, he was desexed at 17 months there is a noticeable difference in the builds of both dogs, even Peaches running with Quentin in the first photo shows a difference in build.
  6. I love these photos of Barkly, hes such a gorgeous dog I was never much a fan of cockers, but barkly is an exception
  7. Not all breeders listed on the dol ads are reliable, I am aware of one breeder who has a very interesting background story. So please do not assume this website is any safer from any other, your always going to find some bad apples in a bunch of good ones no matter how much you try to fish them out. I think you made the right choice also on withdrawing, that puppy looked nothing like a sbt and did look sickly. I also cannot believe the breeder risked taking the pups to a public park area, too risky at that age, what about the fear stage? And not even considering taking the parents makes it even more questionable, I would've wanted to have met the parents at the same time..
  8. I didn't realise Susan Garrett was on TV? I class her training dvd's close enough to tv
  9. i chose ceaser, but now when i think of it, if any tv trainer I would choose it would be susan garrett http://www.youtube.com/user/ClickerDogs
  10. maybe their collie was type of carboard
  11. border collies are different in temperament and personality to a staffordshire terrier. Collies were typically bred to work outside on farms and be an outside dog...staffords were not..
  12. enough to know that you should not get a staffy.. Off topic: please do NOT use the term "we" and speak on behalf of the whole forum. Please speak for yourself only :shakehead: is that better mr sensistive?
  13. enough to know that you should not get a staffy..
  14. I agree a staffy isnt suited to your lifestyle.. dont get a staffy because it looks like a tough looking dog.. (not assuming you will but just incase your thinking a staffy makes a great family/guard dog you should really reconsider) I have seen what staffy's can do when left outside without attention for long hours. Children also get bored quickly and walking a dog wont be fun, staffy's can pull like there is no tomorrow if not properly trained, and leaving children to walk a staffy unsupervised can lead to all kinds of trouble.. Staffys require alot of attention and will do anything for it, even if it means getting attention from a stranger who enters your yard.. They can be VERY destructive, its quite surprising how much a bored staffy can do.. I have seen my uncles staffy rip an esky to shreds, pull the palings off the fence and dig holes deep enough you could fall over if you stepped in one.. I would suggest you choose a breed that doesnt require too much excersise, with your children going to school, yourself and possibly your wife working, i wouldnt expect a staffy getting much excersise (they would need a daily walk). I am well aware you want to do the best you can for an outside dog, but I think you should really choose a breed that can handle being an outside dog.. A staffy isnt one of them..a staffy NEEDS lots of attention, and it NEEDS to be with its people.. Its a very demanding breed for attention.. and being outside, it wont get that much attention.. Especially during the next winter..
  15. Unfortunately, I don't think this is true. Puppies can be badly injured if they are allowed to indulge in too much rough play, especially with adults larger than they are. Staffies are notoriously hard players. I would limit play and separate them initially while you are away until you can guage what sort of play they are getting up to. If the older dog isn't enjoying the attention from the pup, then separation will be even more important. I agree with this, puppies are like kids, they often get very carried away and then one of them gets hurt because they got too carried away and no one interfered when it started getting very rough.
  16. this may help with basic doggy first aid for you they are video tutorials on what to do.. I would not advise using these methods as an alternative to taking your dog to the vet. All health issues should be treated seriously and basic first aid is only applied to ensure the victim is stabilized to be taken safely to get professional medical help.
  17. thanks charleswentworth and thanks for the warning huski, thankfully i would never be anywhere near those areas
  18. I have read the stickied threads and while suggestions about socialising on them are helpful there is no clear answer on what you can and cant do when the puppy is between 8-12 weeks in regards to socialising. I know some will suggest to wrap the puppy in cotton wool until its fully vaccinated, but I believe socialisation is much more important. I would love to know what methods people took to socialise their pups in their time, any tips they could give on what you can and cant do in this period.. a few particular questions I wouldn't mind answered myself is - what is the parvo status like in Brisbane? - is it safe to carry a pup around parks frequented by onlead dogs (for example the newfarm park ((not the dog park there but the giant park where all the bbq's are)) in brisbane)? - is it safe to walk the puppy on footpaths/sidewalks ? - where would you suggest taking the puppy to socialise it better? - does a puppy need much contact with dogs in the 8-12 week period, or can they just observe the dogs around them without sniffing/touching them? - would it be too dangerous to let a puppy toilet on the grass in public? - is it safer to carry a puppy in your arms around during socialising, does it make a difference, reduce the chances of contracting a virus? Anyone else who has questions about socialising their puppies are also welcome to use this thread to get their questions answered Everyone's opinion is welcome
  19. I spoke with my breeder about it and we are coming up with some good things that will help the puppy to adapt, I am glad I have such a wonderful and helpful breeder to assist me
  20. that is a good way to look at it Thanks! its written in the new contract I have postponed a puppy for 3 years I dont think I could wait another 6 months I might explode.
  21. now is possibly the best time to ever get a puppy, with the limited work hours i have, i have alot more time to train the puppy and dedicated to giving him all the attention he needs at that age. I will still put as much love and devotion into him as I would if he was indoors!
  22. unfortunately i suggested everything, boots, claw coats, socks, rugs, mats, puppy pens and only allowed on rugs, constant supervision, paying for damage, rebuffing the boards when we leave.. They wouldnt have any of it I tried to change their mind twice now, but they just will not change their mind. Its a no win, the neighbours said the landlords had a dog but it was outside all the time and when the lady got pregnant the dog went away So I do not think these people are going to change their minds or consider anything I said about the raising of the puppy..
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